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Chapter 324: Lord Shimama answered the phone

 Not long after, Zhang Ming found some interesting memories about fish in the memory library.

The red light flashed in the eyes, and the "eyes of time and space" were activated for another second, and the traces of the flow of these people's "spirits" were recorded through the memory library.

In addition to human breathing skills, the main abilities that most people practice include "blood coagulation and regenerative physique", "dynamic vision", "eagle eye", etc.

They are all public abilities. After all, these abilities are simple and quick to achieve, and even those with lower qualifications can practice them. If another human foundation "Vajra" is implemented, there will really be only one person in a million who can practice it.

"After all, this group of people is the rescue team that saved me. I should also send a small gift to express my gratitude... There are some who are only one step away from breaking through the physical barrier, or a little push."

But as a man who was determined to lie down, Zhang Ming was too lazy to work personally.

I happen to have a migrant worker nearby who I can control for free.

So, he made this memory into a "spiritual seed" and threw it directly to Miss Calabash.

"What are you doing? Being so silent and not saying a word?"

[I was eavesdropping on their conversation. I think human beings are very interesting and dreamy, and I like to listen to their gossip stories.] Hulu classmate is very happy. [Are you trying to help them by passing on this memory?

"There are always a few people who have dreams. We only encounter one or two occasionally. It cannot be regarded as the normal state of human beings."

Zhang Ming said in a vicissitudes of tone: "I pass on the memory because I want to exploit you. Help me write a paper about fish... No need for a paper, just a travel note or diary, tens of thousands of words will suffice.


"Then help me fabricate a simple dream that uses blood coagulation to regenerate the body and break through the limits of human beings."

Ms. Calabash teased: [Okay, since you don’t want to take the initiative to help them, I’m going to write slowly for ten years, 10 words a day, so there’s no need to hurry up like this, right?]

Zhang Ming said heartlessly: "I have already asked the Demon God of Wishes to help. If the Demon God of Wishes does not help, it is not my fault. I can only say that humans are not so lucky..."

"It can only be said that the human race is so shitty that even the Demon God of Wishes is too lazy to help." Zhang Ming lay down again.

[Let me first say that my abilities are limited, and the dreams I concoct can only simulate about 50% of the real situation.]

"It's almost done, don't worry too much."

Student Hulu remained speechless and could only be exploited.

But after all, her thinking is different from that of humans. She can do a variety of things at once. As long as one of her personalities is there to eavesdrop on the gossip, she will be happy.

As for the other 99 personalities, they are just tool personalities who work for free.


The engine of the coast guard ship slowed down. The beautiful seaside town, golden sandy beach, green tamarisk and yew trees can almost satisfy all the beautiful fantasies about leisurely life.

To the east, there is a towering city wall like a dam with a height of 0 meters - the New Century Defense Line, on which a small number of soldiers led by the coalition government are deployed.

These soldiers have the authority to operate heavy weapons and face cruel foreign enemies.

The tall white lighthouse and the pier surrounded by seagulls evoke ancient memories, welcoming the dusk. The beach is covered with pebbles, and there are always children picking up shells and tourists taking pictures here. There are also many older children.

Playing with sand and building rocks on the edge of the defense line.

"Your defense line is about to collapse, and the monsters are attacking!"

"Your defense line has also collapsed, da da da da da! Call the air force!"

The children spoke a language Zhang Ming could understand, Chinese, and simulated the horrific wars decades ago.

Seriousness and innocence,

Soldiers and children,

At this moment, it seems that the two merged into one, forming an organic whole.

This is the earth,


The hometown that he always dreamed of...

Zhang Ming took a deep breath, and the red light in his eyes flashed, activating the magical "Eye of Time and Space". At this moment, he saw more things within a radius of 10 kilometers and knew more.


Southeast Country is an unremarkable, not developed, medium-sized country with a population of 300 million.

Driven by the entire Human Alliance, the economy has developed well in recent years.

These decades of calm have been the period of fastest progress in human history.

The current Chairman of the Supreme Council is a middle-aged man named "Liu Ye".

Zhang Ming once heard this name from Wang Fumin, and he has the ability of "mind monitoring".

Unexpectedly, eight years later, Liu Ye was already the president of the Supreme Council.

Sometimes, fate can be said to be inevitable.

As for what Lao Wang is doing now, whether Li Xianfeng's third life has been activated, and what happened to his sister's descendants, Zhang Ming also doesn't know.

He just has a touch of tenderness and a little expectation for this world.

No high expectations, that's all.

"Hey, that person who lost his memory, come with us! Don't be in a daze, it's you, what are you doing, you look like you can't wake up!" Jin Kaixuan looked at Zhang Ming's lazy look and said hello


"This hunter wants to see if humans can detect my violent malice." Zhang Ming thought in his heart and walked over.

The New Century Defense Line is the largest political project left behind by Chairman Qin Yiwei during the repression era. It is not just a simple line of defense, but also includes various infrastructures such as roads, railways, communications, and electricity.

Perhaps due to unique planning, a large number of low-rent houses have been built near the defense line. The conditions cannot be said to be very good, but at least the lower limit of the people's living standards is guaranteed.

The free living area of ​​a house is directly proportional to the family size. These low-rent houses are like matchboxes. After decades, the walls are a little old, but they are the destination of ordinary people's lives. Most of them are

People spend their life, old age, illness and death here.

Time has stained the "matchbox" with a layer of tea color, and the government of this era no longer builds new "matchboxes".

In a few decades, will they become even more obsolete and turn into a slum?

This is an unsolved mystery.

Looking at those slightly old houses, the vicissitudes of the times came to mind. Although Zhang Ming learned this information from the radio, seeing it with his own eyes now, he still had some different emotions.

To the east, new private residences, commercial districts, and industrial districts have appeared. High-rise buildings have risen from the ground. People with more ability always want to embrace a better living standard.

Everything in the world is dynamic. At this moment, Zhang Ming seemed to see the so-called "dynamic".


"Come over here."

Zhang Ming followed him into a semi-new government building. The door of the inquiry room was open. Soon there were several staff members holding instruments, trying to find the amnesiac through face recognition, fingerprints and iris data.

The identity of the patient.

Then a light test was arranged and it was found that it was indeed a human being and not another living being.

"Captain Jin, there is no such person!"

"However, he should not be an internationally wanted criminal. The data on wanted criminals is globally connected and can be found out at once."

This is natural. Zhang Ming changed his appearance slightly.

In fact, even if it has not changed at all, it is still data that does not exist in human civilization.

Because the data collection work for all mankind was completed during post-disaster reconstruction. Billions of people died during the war, and there were displaced people everywhere. Who cares about the so-called identity of the victims who fled from the west?

That is to say, in recent decades, the economy has developed and the digital management model has been promoted again.

Zhang Ming, a missing person who has not been seen in 19 years, naturally cannot have an identity.

It is impossible to have any genetic data.

"Foreigners... I don't know when nationality data will be exchanged." Jin Kaixuan touched his chin and sighed: "I heard that some small places have not yet completed the collection of all populations. Is this the kind of thing that can change

A gangster with a handsome appearance? He floated over from the Sea of ​​Demon Gods. He is not an ordinary person, right?"

There was a slight silence in the room. Jin Kaixuan rubbed his temples and said with some annoyance: "Xiao Ruan, please invite those officers over, especially the one who can distinguish lies, and let them ask questions in a polite tone.

A little."

"Understood!" The girl in uniform turned and headed to a certain building on the New Century Defense Line.

Jin Kaixuan asked again: "How should the stateless population be dealt with?"

"Stateless populations are protected by our country's laws and are also subject to our country's laws. Under normal circumstances, they can be deported to the country of legal residence. If the country does not accept it, it can be submitted to the International Court of Justice for resolution."

"But he has lost his memory, so how can he have any legal country of residence?"

"So won't you know after a trial? No matter if he is pretending to have amnesia or not, he will find out everything once he asks."


"Human beings at the grassroots level are quite cautious when doing things." Zhang Ming praised everything here. The lights were bright and the LCD screen read "Leniency for confession, severity for resistance" written in red.

But he didn't resist anything. Instead, he felt that these people were quite reliable in doing things. He really didn't have any identification and looked very suspicious!

What if he really hides malicious intent? What if he is really a world hunter?

Humans even have lie detector machines!

This kind of caution, especially the caution at the grassroots level, is really necessary.

You can't ask any small town to be guarded by strong men, but you can ask the grassroots to be cautious.

"What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do?" A middle-aged man with a Chinese character asked in an emotionless tone.

"I only know the surname Zhang, I forgot the rest."

Still the same old reply.

Opposite Zhang Ming, sat several officers from the New Century Defense Line.

They stared at Zhang Ming's demeanor and movements attentively. If any flaws were revealed, these battle-hardened veterans would be able to spot them immediately.

The polygraph instrument did not have any alarms. These people looked at each other with doubts on their faces. Could it be that they really had amnesia? Amnesia is a common symptom of homeless people, and it will appear when the mental stimulation is extremely great, but they put themselves in trouble.

It is really rare to find someone who has been forgotten by everyone.

End of this chapter

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