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Chapter 376 The Dream of the Holy Land on Earth

 Li Xianfeng’s soul power seems to be much stronger than ordinary people.

Otherwise, no matter how excited he is, he should be in a coma...

Zhang Ming could only think that it was the special effect of the [Reincarnation] ability. He had no choice but to do so. This guy was so enthusiastic and kept shouting that he could only carry Li Xianfeng, who had some mental problems, back to the restaurant.

"Great scientist, please take it easy and don't die here. Damn it, you have to wait twenty or thirty years before you die. I can't afford it."

Li Xianfeng lay down on a chair, squinted his eyes, and spoke excitedly: "Then let's have another... great knowledge institute? Your resources are indeed enough to establish two super research institutes."

"It makes sense. Whether it's a school or an army, everything must be competitive!" Wang Fumin glanced at him and shook his head, "If there is only one team, it will soon become lax."

"But there are still not enough manpower. How much can I do by myself? Lao Wang, do you want to join the Academy of Knowledge?"

"I'll forget it. On the one hand, I don't know academic stuff." Lao Wang shook his head, "On the other hand, you know, Liu Ye is a good person. He needs help from some people. Society

There are still many things that need to be resolved."

"This is also true. The original intention of establishing the National Academy of Sciences is ultimately to promote the progress of all mankind. We cannot lose sight of one thing and lose the other."

"Old Zhang, just tell me, you have taken these things to study, do you still have them? In case you want to create some strange objects in the future, you have to keep some for yourself."

"Moreover, if you have been a money-splitting boy for a long time, you will squander all the gold and silver."

Zhang Ming was silent for a moment: "Don't worry, I still have... 10 times the amount in my hand. Don't worry, I still have it in my hand."

In order to prevent Li Xianfeng from being scared to death, he deliberately said two orders of magnitude less.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Li Xianfeng was foaming at the mouth, his eyes were red, he howled "Ah" and fainted on the chair.

Before Zhang Ming ran over to take a look, he struggled to wake up again: "What, you are the living God of Wealth, not a boy who gives away money? Forget it, you can't be greedy, just pretend I didn't hear it."

"Then what are your general ideas? You have to act according to your ideas as the sponsor."

Zhang Ming said: "It is a pure research institution, less about fame and fortune, more about ideals and beliefs. Less about the gravity of reality, more about the spark of dreams."

"I hope to recruit people who are willing to devote their lives to science, so that they can give full play to their strengths and abilities without worrying about practical factors."

"There is no need to engage in interpersonal relationships, and there is no need to toast at the dinner table."

"That's all."

Li Xianfeng glanced at him: "Old Zhang, to be honest, it's a bit utopian. Without the help of some superpowers, it's probably not easy to achieve with human strength alone."

"But if it really comes true, it will not only be a scientific research place, but... a holy place!"

Holy place on earth!

Wang Fumin and Li Xianfeng are still obsessed with unparalleled wealth and unparalleled topics.

Although they are old monsters whose mental age is close to 200 years old and have experienced all kinds of life, when faced with a dragon-level treasure, they really can’t even get addicted to it, and they can’t stop discussing it!

Although their attitudes towards wealth are all dispensable, after all, once their ability reaches a certain level, wealth can only be said to be a little extra.

But when wealth reaches a certain level, some kind of qualitative change really occurs.

Listening to their discussion, Zhang Ming began to talk to himself and whispered: "Then there is a big rice bucket restaurant in the two colleges. I really don't forget my original intention."

"Aircraft Carrier" Miss Calabash spun around in the air, and couldn't help but mutter the same: [There is still a big rice bucket restaurant, you are really funny! People are struggling, and you are a chef.]

"What should I do? I can't have some personal hobbies, right?"

[Well, you can have personal hobbies... I calculated the results. Your good friend, Li Xianfeng, does have some abnormalities in his soul.]

[According to the data you gave, I found traces of a trace amount of space-time tidal energy. This means that his innate ability can naturally utilize a very small amount of space-time tidal energy.]

[This situation is not uncommon if you look at the scale of the Sea of ​​Demon Gods. In many civilizations, there are legendary records of "karma", "retribution", and "fate". In essence, the so-called "karma" is the tidal energy of space and time.

Disturbance, brought about by innate abilities.】

[If my guess is correct, his achievements in this life and his comprehensive influence on mankind will give him some subtle help in his next life.]

[Of course, his utilization rate of space-time tidal energy is natural. He cannot be as high as the devil, nor can he directly convert it into a "source" like you.]

Zhang Ming swallowed and felt a sudden realization.

"In his previous life, Li Xianfeng founded the Yuanguang Group and developed unique technologies. He made a lot of achievements and had a good influence."

"So my qualifications are better in this life, and I have an extra super mind."

He couldn't help but cover his forehead: "But this ability is too late, and it requires too much opportunity, right?"



Li Xianfeng was informed of this fact, but he seemed a little indifferent.

Does the influence of this life on mankind affect the next life?

That's not important!

At least for Li Xianfeng, it is not important at all, because his goal will not change due to this fact!

He is discussing business feverishly, so don’t disturb me.

The Great Academy of Science and the Great Academy of Knowledge!

This is a super event that can change all mankind, shake the distribution of interests in human society, and even change human culture!

It must be planned in detail and carefully designed, it cannot be established simply by tapping on the forehead.

What's more, for such a big matter, there are still not enough trustworthy talents. Even if Zhang Ming's friends are included, it is still not enough.

"Actually, Mr. Liu Ye is quite good. He has the ability to monitor the mind and is a very ideal and ambitious person."

"However, as the speaker of the parliament, he is very busy. He may not have time to participate in this activity. But I still know some young people with ideals. Even if it is not good, I can let Liu Ye use his ability to help you pick them out."<


"Go and visit when you have time. Anyway, we have to discuss with him when setting up these two organizations." Zhang Ming said, "But when looking at a person, you can't just rely on ability, otherwise there will be no good people in the world."

"Oh, that's indeed the case." Lao Wang nodded in agreement.

"I would also recommend a few professors, including Simonson, Li Cha, Jinxiao Jian, Jin Quanhuan, etc." Li Xianfeng reported a series of names, "former old employees, my capable generals, are all obsessed with scientific research, and are currently working at

Sixty to eighty years old is not considered old in this era, and you can still use your remaining energy."

"Hey, I don't know how they are doing after the collapse of Yuanguang Group."

"I heard about Professor Simonson. He pointed out that a certain important paper was academic fraud and could not be reproduced. As a result, he was ostracized by the academic community." Lao Wang said.

"Capable people always have bad tempers, or they are too lazy to care about interpersonal relationships. As for the problem of academic circles, it exists in every era." Li Xianfeng shook his head, "But it doesn't matter, Lao Zhang is the financial backer.

, you can exclude the academic elites with just one sentence, and see if they will be so anxious that their heads will smoke."

Everyone laughed.

At this moment, Zhang Ming's phone rang. It was his "great-nephew's granddaughter" Zhang Yueyue.

After the connection was connected, a nice female voice came: "My great-great-grandfather's uncle, the Polaris team has arrived and is staying at the stadium. Mr. Zhong Yunlong and the others are also here. When can you meet me?"

When Zhang Ming heard the title "great-grandfather's uncle", he felt dumbfounded.

But this is the fact, and he has to accept it.

"In addition, there are more than two thousand people, a large group of people are in the stadium. What are you going to do? I just want to send a message, don't be harsh on me."

He muttered in his heart: The government's recruitment speed is really fast, and all the juniors he likes were recruited so quickly.

"Okay, I'll go take a look now."

"Then...I'll wait for you at the gate of the community."

Zhang Ming waved his hand: "You two chat slowly, I have something to do and I have to leave. Why don't you just stay here and entertain yourself. You're welcome."

Watching Zhang Ming leave the yard in a hurry, Li Xianfeng couldn't help but joke: "This guy just ran away like this, and he wasn't afraid of us absconding with the money? This money is many times more than what I struggled for in my previous life."

It’s really as rich as a country.”

"Bring the Pandora crystal, I will steal this stone and treasure it!"

His body couldn't move, and he was still thinking about some bullshit crystal.

Lao Wang couldn't help but feel happy, and he ate a piece of meat by himself: "It shows that he really doesn't care, it's just external things, maybe they are just three melons and two dates to him."

"Oh, you don't care, I don't care, but some people do."

Li Xianfeng lay on the chair, holding back his sleepiness, and said with a rosy face: "This is how the world works. Most people just seek life, dreams, and ideals, which are just far away. Under the gravity of reality, no

They can't live without caring about three melons and two dates."

"But there are always people who want to set sail. It would be great if we could provide this condition."

"Let's move the things back to his house first, and then we'll discuss it slowly... We need to find that road... We need to find a wider road..."

Lao Wang started to move the rocks: "I'll move it, you go to bed quickly and stop talking nonsense."

"Okay, you move...Zz...Zz..."

Li Xianfeng fell asleep, and his dreams were full of messy crystals and dreams of holy places on earth.

This dream is bigger than what he thought in the past!


This chapter has been completed!
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