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Chapter 378 Lord Shimama has been waiting for a long time

 Except for a few instruments, only the "soul" can see the soul.

Therefore, among all of you here, only Zhong Yunlong saw this little soul clone through a slight out-of-body experience.

But the bit of lightning wrapped around the clone can be seen by everyone.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "You are too polite. The soul that can move under the cabin light is obviously a Yang god. And that purple lightning may be the ultimate of a certain road. If nothing else, it should be burning anger.

The ultimate.”

"Well, if you had come back earlier, I wouldn't have had to rely on the true fire of the sun to endure the pain of lighting a sky lantern... If I had to do it again, I might not be able to succeed."

Zhang Ming actually admires people who can forcibly find a way: "Not necessarily, Mr. Zhong, if you don't try, no one in the world will know that this way exists."

"As for what you said, my lightning represents the ultimate of a certain path, which is also inaccurate. It is just the ultimate of innate talent. There must be abilities in the world that are stronger than innate talent, but we don't know how to tap them."
"Above the Yangshen, is there more to say?"

"Naturally, there are still some." Zhong Yunlong said, "According to Taoist classics: things are divided into five elements, and gods are divided into five kinds. Among them, elixirs are born, including immortals and Buddhas without sects, yin gods, yang gods, Yuanshen, jade gods, and holy gods."<


"But no one really knows how to practice the soul above Yang Shen. I suspect it is just a made-up term. Or it may be the information mapped from another world domain. We can no longer do it here."
Zhang Ming couldn't help but smile and said: "I think these realms exist, because the two partners I brought you to contact are types with extremely powerful soul power. They are at least much stronger than me. No matter what happens, they can still achieve it.

It’s at the level of the soul.”

Shimama and Bai Ze were much stronger than him when they were alive, this is for sure.

"This makes me a little impatient! Having a teacher can save me a lot of twists and turns."

After chatting like this for a while, and taking a nap for a while, with the arrival of dawn, the vast fleet of planes finally arrived at their destination.

The flight altitude of the plane dropped rapidly, and the appearance of the ground was panoramic: from railways, to highways, rivers and lakes, to large tracts of forests. Looking down from the air, your eyes must be full of green. The forest coverage rate here

Reaching more than 90%, there are more than 1,300 species of animals and plants from the Sea of ​​Demon Gods. The scenery is breathtaking. In the future, the number of species will continue to increase.

With the development of the Western Continent, several small and medium-sized port cities have developed, and ships in twos and threes are loading and unloading cargo.

However, regional development has first-mover advantages and the Matthew Effect. The Eastern Continent is booming, with more than 20 cities with a population of 10 million and complete industrial chains.

To the east, there is Yunhai City, where the wealthy spend a fortune overnight.

There are only two or three big cats and kittens in the cities of the Western Continent, and there are not even big cities with a population of tens of millions.

Regardless of the number of strong people, education, politics, or technology, the Eastern Continent is the dominant one.

In this case, the population and capital in the west will naturally flow towards the eastern continent.

What's more, these nearly 10 million square kilometers of land have been slaughtered by the world's hunters. The local people are actually quite superstitious. With a little money in their hands, they naturally find ways to move to the east. It is impossible to move again.


This fact gives the human coalition government a big headache. The Western Continent naturally needs to develop. Even if the development is not good, it cannot be without a few people, right? People need to defend here!

If even the logistical support cannot keep up, and vegetables and grains have to be transported from distant places, the military's operation and maintenance costs will increase significantly, and the coalition government simply cannot afford this long-term tug of war.


"Dear passengers, the plane will arrive at its destination soon. To ensure your safety..."

The plane passed through a lush forest and landed at a military base.

Next door there is a small town with a population of about 100,000, which relies on mountains and water. The local residents basically make a living by cutting down trees and growing fruits. If some trees are cut down in a planned way, it will not be a big problem.

Zhang Ming got off the plane, took a few deep breaths of cool air, and looked at the military base a few times.

The defense line of the western mainland is indeed much weaker than that of the eastern one. Whether it is the overall quality of the soldiers or the thickness of the city wall, it is not as good as the edge towns in the east.

Zhong Yunlong lamented: "The economic laws are obviously not subject to any changes due to the will of the superiors. If there is another world hunter, the probability of crisis in the west will still be far greater than in the east."

"Civilians also know this truth, so they flee one after another. But the more they move to the east, the weaker the west becomes, creating a vicious cycle."

Zhang Ming frowned and thought about whether it would be good to station the "Great Academy of Science" and "Great Academy of Knowledge" in the west.

A team of more than 2,000 people, after carrying their own luggage, boarded several boats and headed for the "Caspian Sea" along the waterways extending in all directions.

There were no twists and turns in the process. As time went by, and after finding that Zhang Ming was fairly approachable, the others finally became bolder and barely dared to come up and say a few words.

"Mr. Zhang, why did the divination show a female result at the beginning?" The fortune teller Saya asked nervously.

"Because you divined this lady." Zhang Ming pointed to Miss "Aircraft Carrier".

The "space aircraft carrier" is still in a confused state of CPU explosion, just floating without saying a word.

"Then do you think we... still have room for improvement?"

"I will find you a suitable opponent, the pelican named Huahua. Just call him Captain and let the pelican train you. The more you are abused, the more you will improve."

Sister Pelican is still very strong.

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It can fly at high speed, attack with sonic waves, and shoot with feathers from a long distance. Its brute strength has a value of 2000, and it also has multiple abilities such as premonition of crisis and super perception.

Combining these skills, Zhang Ming felt that they would be hung up and beaten.

However, the Polaris team was greatly encouraged and geared up to prove themselves. Little did they know... the most terrifying day of their lives was about to begin!

It wasn't until late at night the next day that everyone finally arrived at their destination.

Near the huge lake, in the quiet mountains, the sounds of birds and animals can occasionally be heard. The trees here have grown for decades, blocking the full moon in the sky.

However, everyone was in a very uplifting mood, and there was no sense of fatigue at all. Those who could participate in this team building, even scientific researchers, were already A-level experts.

There are even some sensitive people who have noticed that this place is different, but they can’t tell what it is...

"Ancient charm... seems to have an ancient charm?" A professor who specializes in plants touched the big tree growing by the lake.

It looks very much like a camphor tree. The tree is tall and tall, with lines like dragons and snakes winding on the trunk. In his impression, only ancient trees in large forests with thousands of years of history can produce such lines.<


But for some reason, something appeared in this young forest.

Zhang Ming naturally guessed that this might be the trick of old man Bai Ze.

Seeing that he had arrived at his destination, he cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, be quiet for a moment. I called you here so that you can meet some of my friends."

"They are not human, but they have profound knowledge and rich experiences."

"If they are willing to help humans, there is no doubt that they will bring huge help to humans. My power alone is limited, and my friends are no worse than me."

"Okay, it turns out that you, Zhang Mama, can also praise. The sun is really coming out from the west. I will praise you a few more times and I will help you." I don't know where the spiritual words of the humble servant came from.

Of course, the sound was so condensed that only he could hear it.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Ming's forehead, and he cursed in his heart: "At this critical moment, give me some face! If you don't give me face, I won't give you face either!"

He made a mouth shape: "The Flaming Horn Clan!"

"Ahem... That's a thing of the past. Don't talk about it, Emperor Zhang!"


Lord Shimama, I have naturally been waiting for you for a long time!

It stayed in this inaccessible ghost place and regretted it the next day!

This day-to-day life is too boring. I spend all my time with turtles. The most important thing is that these turtles are too stupid and time-consuming!

But that guy Zhang Mama whined "rescue team" and floated away with the driftwood. It didn't know where to look, so it had to give up for now.

It wasn't until Zhang Ming called it that the stone was ecstatic, and the lion made a big offer!

After hanging up the phone, the guy started worrying about gains and losses again, nagging all day long, "It's over, my request is too high, what if they don't agree?"

"What if Zhang Ming doesn't let me shine?"

"What if I don't make a perfect debut?"

"How can I appear on stage with the most perfect appearance and shock all mankind!!"

Facing his crazy and trembling ancestors, Xiaobai was so speechless that it was as if humans didn't even know you were a crazy stone.

You’ve already appeared on stage, okay?!

It wasn't until Xiaobai helped it design a debut move that Shitou stopped its crazy movements and practiced it countless times with great joy!


So under the moonlight, on the top of the mountain, on the edge of the cliff, the black stone became the center of the full moon, just like a small black dot in the Tengu eclipse scene.

Immediately afterwards, Shimama made an old and long voice, as if the whole world was resonating with it: "Human beings, why are you here?"

It is extremely satisfied with this line of its own!

This chapter has been completed!
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