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Chapter 185 McDonalds

At the international terminal, a pure white luxury cruise ship docked at the shore, with colorful flags fluttering around it. Two rows of uniformed security personnel lined up in two rows, taking the boarding port as a path and extending tens of meters away.

This kind of arrangement, which is like a guard of honor, instantly raises the value of those who board the ship to a higher level.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, the news that Fugu Maru was going to pass through Hong Kong Island was stirred up by the media.

The hot spot is not only the four words "luxury cruise ship", but also the daunting ticket price.

It's the late 1980s now, not the 1990s yet.

Ordinary working-class people can get up to 2,000 yuan a month, but the average tourist ticket for wealthy tourists only needs 20,000 yuan!

As the cabin level increases, the tickets also roll upward.

Second-class cabin costs 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, and first-class cabin costs even 500,000 Hong Kong dollars.

There is also a VIP cabin that costs five million. It is said that the VIP experience will be unforgettable.

Just because of these few words, many gossip tabloids made associations with this. As soon as such embarrassing articles came out, many men felt even more itchy and intolerable.

Therefore, there were so many people watching.

Yaozi and her best friend Wenmei wore dresses and each pulled a tow trolley suitcase. They boarded the ship beautifully and gracefully, attracting a lot of attention.

"Yazi, look, those men are looking at me!" Wen Mei pretended to pull up her sun hat, covering her excited little face, and poked Yazi next to her with her elbow, vaguely

points downward.

Over there were the onlookers who were blocked by the security guards. Most of them were unemployed vagrants. There were also a small number of people who came just out of curiosity to take a look at the excitement, but obviously the majority were men.

It is said that there were not many people boarding the ship at this time. Even if there were, most of them were one man and one woman, or there were many people together. It was almost rare that there were only two women traveling together like Yaozi. A little red among the green bushes, naturally.

Attract attention.

Yaozi didn't even glance out of the corner of his eyes, and said calmly: "What's there to care about? When does a man stop looking at you?"

Sister Wen was stunned for a moment and nodded: "That's right! But this is obviously my advantage. I'm not afraid to tell you that I came here just to catch a rich husband. You can't compete with me!"

"You! What are you thinking about in your head every day? We are here to perform a mission this time! Please clarify it for me!"

Yaozi gritted her little white teeth, wishing she could hit her best friend with a dragon claw on the chest.

Wen Mei knew nothing about this, her eyes were still like scanners, constantly observing the men on the boat.

As long as he meets someone with a decent figure and appearance, and whose age and size are within his own limits, he will stay for a few seconds and simply judge the value of this person.

She didn't pay any attention to her companions' complaints.

The two quickly found their cabin, put down their suitcases, hurriedly changed into their swimsuits, and went directly to the swimming pool on the ship.

Although the ship has not officially set sail yet, with the increase in guests, various facilities have gradually been opened.

Gao Ning and A Hong arrived early.

A Hong seemed a little novel about such a place. She was lying next to the children's swimming pool, grabbing a fishing rod and fishing for toys in the pool.

This place, which was supposed to be reserved for children, was now occupied by beauties in swimsuits of all colors, and men formed a circle, admiring the beautiful scenery intentionally or unintentionally.

Gao Ning was lying on the beach not far away, wearing beach shorts and his upper body naked, looking at the book in his hand with some boredom.

But from the way he glanced to the side from time to time, it could be seen that he didn't put much thought into the book.

Many girls in swimsuits passing by were very interested in Gao Ning and looked at him frequently.

Most of the girls who are able to take Fugui Pill have the same idea as Sister Wen.

They all know that the guests here are either rich or expensive, and it is definitely a good place to catch a wealthy husband.

Unfortunately, although the idea is good, the reality is cruel.

Even in Hong Kong in this era, the rich people who can casually spend tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars to buy a ferry ticket are mostly middle-aged people with big bellies, and even old people who walk tremblingly.

Even if I occasionally meet young people, they are either too thin or too fat. It is really rare to see someone with a standard figure like Gao Ning, whose muscles are clearly defined but not too prominent.

He is like a gem in the sand, he is simply conspicuous but could not be more conspicuous.

Because of this, many strong ghost guys also noticed him.

Coincidentally, Gao Ning also noticed them.


A person suddenly jumped into the swimming pool, deliberately falling sideways into the water and splashing a large amount of water, which immediately triggered a scream.

The man suddenly emerged from the water, looked at the girls running away around him, and laughed happily.

Some bold girls got angry and fought back by splashing water. The men laughed even more happily and started a water fight with them.

Gao Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

I thought I would have to waste some time, but I didn't expect to find it so easily.

Colonel McDonald.

In the City Hunter storyline, he is the leader of the villains who hijacked the cruise ship.

Gao Ning suddenly flicked his finger, and an object the size of a grain of rice was flicked directly into the pool.

Taking advantage of the hiding effect of the pool, the millet grains suddenly swelled into a palm-sized small whitebait. Taking advantage of the hiding effect of the pool, it quickly rushed to McDonald's side.

As he paddled close to his body, the dorsal fin opened suddenly, and the edges turned into sharp blades, grazing his legs and sliding past.

McDonald was laughing happily, but suddenly he felt a pain in his calf, and subconsciously took a few steps back. When he lowered his head, he saw traces of blood surging in the water.

He was slightly startled, and without bothering to mess around with the girls anymore, he hurriedly ran to the swimming pool and turned ashore.

Only then did he see that for some reason, an inch-long wound had been cut on his calf. Although it was not deep, blood was pouring out.

A bystander accidentally saw it and exclaimed: "Injured! Someone is injured!"

Several of the men among the crowd heard the sound and rushed over, but were stopped by McDonald's eyes.

At this time, the safety officer who had been sitting high up had already run over with a medicine box. He briefly looked at the wound and said with some surprise: "Sir, I'm afraid you'll have to go to the infirmary for a scratch like this! Do you know me in the hospital?"

Were you injured in the pool?”

McDonald's eyes flashed, and he waved his hands with a smile: "No, no, I accidentally injured this yesterday. The wound was already healed, but maybe I moved a little too hard just now, and the wound burst and started bleeding again!"

Hearing this, the security officer breathed a sigh of relief.

If something really happened in the swimming pool, I'm afraid we would have to disperse all the guests immediately and search for possible dangerous objects. No one wants to do this kind of extra work.

This chapter has been completed!
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