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Chapter 199 Mercenaries

During the subsequent escape, Gao Ning spent another two and a half million yuan to build two emergency medical rooms.

In the process of escaping, everyone went in and searched around, taking away a bunch of small oxygen tanks.

This kind of oxygen tank is only as thick as an arm and about a foot long. With a special respirator, it can breathe continuously underwater for fifteen to twenty minutes.

However, there is no seal at the interface, and air leakage is easy to occur during use, thus shortening the use time.

But at this time, everyone is running for their lives, so how can they care about so much?

It would be great if it can be used!

In this emergency situation, everyone rushed all the way to the third to last floor.

When everyone walked out of the emergency exit, they were shocked to find that this place was actually connected to a huge kitchen.

You can see the difference between the cooking equipment here and the surrounding decoration. It is obviously a canteen for employees.

There is no comparison with the luxury cruise scene outside.

But at that time, no one cared about this anymore.

A group of people walked across the ceiling, feeling like their breathing was getting heavier with every step they took.

There is nothing you can do about it. As the water pressure becomes stronger and stronger, the air in the cabin will be expelled very quickly.

Although the internal and external pressures can barely remain consistent, there is an essential difference between the air in the cabin and the air outside.

The carbon dioxide concentration obviously exceeds the standard. Now that the pressure is too high, the oxygen supply speed of the normal breathing rate cannot keep up.

Gao Ning was leading the way, and when he passed through a hatch, a large piece of the wall suddenly bulged out.

The wall was deformed due to the huge water pressure, and a machine embedded in it was broken in half, and the cable as thick as an arm was exposed to the air.

A flash of lightning flashed, flames exploded in several places around it, and crackling explosions were heard.

Although the little guy Mike was young, he was very sensible. Although he was scared and followed his mother closely, he did not say a word.

But the sudden explosion really startled him, causing him to scream uncontrollably.

Alice quickly took him in her arms, caressing him and comforting him.

Gao Ning ignored this. He led everyone to turn left and right, and after passing through a large number of hatches, they quickly arrived at an elevator.

"If I guessed correctly, this elevator is exclusively for internal use and can lead directly to the propeller inspection floor.

But looking at the current situation, we may have to choose another path!"

Gao Ning looked at everyone, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

The elevator was originally very small and rough, and now I don't know where the chain reaction was caused, causing a large area of ​​distortion in the elevator door in front of me.

The entire elevator shaft seemed to have been deformed to some extent. Through the gaps in the abstract elevator door, sparks could be clearly seen flashing inside.

Obviously, which circuit or cable is directly exercising is being connected to the power at this time.

Mr. Fei looked bitter.

His legs were about to cramp, but he was still running for life.

At this moment, he really regretted taking this business.

After so many years of hard work, I have obviously accumulated enough capital for retirement, but I always want to make a big fortune in the end.

The generous financial reward made him subconsciously ignore the danger from fate. If he couldn't escape this time, he would suffer a big loss!

Susan still said nothing and continued to watch with cold eyes.

It seems that this desperate journey can only reach the level of excitement for her, but it is far from thrilling.

Alice and Mike were a little nervous. They looked at Gao Ning and wanted to speak, but they were afraid that it would be inappropriate at this time.

Gao Ning had a clear view of everyone's reactions.

He deliberately waited for more than ten seconds before speaking again.

"Since the elevator is out of service, we have to resort to the old method and take the stairs!"

"But can we make it in time?" Mr. Fei was a little worried.

"You have to leave even if you don't have time!"

Gao Ning said a word, turned around and left.

He has now discovered that Mr. Fei is somewhat strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Although his performance was pretty good compared to the vast majority of people who didn't even escape, there was still a gap compared to others.

Especially Susan.

Gao Ning now feels more and more that this woman is hiding something.

At the same time, five or six nautical miles away from the Poseidon, an obviously modified military speedboat was rapidly approaching.

At this time the weather became a little unusual.

The previously calm sea surface suddenly became rough, and a storm began to fall overhead.

The strong wind blew the rain water sideways, like bullets made of water, crackling on the hull of the ship.

It was as if a water pipe was connected to the Clipper's window. No matter how hard the wipers tried, they could not temporarily clear a visible area.

The captain, who was dressed in jeans and had a somewhat careless temperament, could only judge their direction of travel through cross-comparison with radar and other equipment.

Not far behind the captain, in a cabin of only a dozen square meters, eight fully armed mercenaries were sitting across from each other.

They seemed to be accustomed to this situation. No matter it was thundering or raining outside, there was no unnecessary expression on their faces.

In this way, they are either closing their eyes and concentrating, reading magazines, chatting with each other, or checking their own functions. The atmosphere seems very relaxed.

But everyone on board knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Suddenly, a middle-aged mercenary saw a red dot appear on the radar display. His expression moved slightly, he unbuckled his seat belt, spun around while shaking, and walked slowly towards the captain.

"You seem to have seen the target!"

The middle-aged mercenary's voice was very weak. He had gray hair, but he was very burly, with broad shoulders and thick arms. He clenched his fists as big as sandbags, as if he wanted to knock down a cow at any time.

The captain did not raise his head, but just hummed: "It's about four nautical miles."

"How long will it take to compare?"

"It's impossible to judge! The storm near us is constantly changing. If it stays in its current state, it will contact the target ship within twenty minutes. But if there are other changes, it's impossible to tell!"

The middle-aged mercenary frowned: "We have been delayed a lot of time!"

The captain turned the swivel chair over, glanced at the mercenary, and spread his palms innocently: "This is none of my business! I made an agreement with you before coming here. I am only responsible for driving the ship, not controlling the weather!"

These words choked the middle-aged mercenary speechless. He took a deep look at the captain, turned around and walked back.

"Don't forget, you still have a balance of more than five thousand US dollars in my hand. If the timeout is too serious and affects our mission, we will not be the only ones to lose!"

Hearing what he said, the captain curled his lips, turned around, and continued to stare at the equipment next to him.

It's just that the expression that was a little impatient in my laziness changed slightly.

Obviously, the threat of five thousand dollars is still effective!

This chapter has been completed!
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