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Chapter 207 Read it again


The gunshots without warning made everyone's ears ring.

Mr. Fei flew sideways as if he had been hit by a locomotive, hit the wall with a bang, and lost consciousness on the spot.


Everyone watched helplessly as Mr. Fei fell from the wall like a pile of rotten meat, and an unspeakable fear surged out uncontrollably.

Captain Jack's gun was still smoking, but the smile on his face was already blooming.

He slowly opened the magazine, poured out the eggshells, and inserted new bullets.

"Everyone, I'm sorry! The situation has changed a little. Two million US dollars has become a thing of the past. Now my request is five million US dollars!"

Robert glared angrily: "Are you crazy? He is one of your own!"

"You don't need to worry about this! I have led the team for more than ten years, and I know clearly what it means to be one of your own!" Captain Jack said calmly: "I just suddenly changed my mind. After all, judging from the attitudes of the conversation just now, the two of us

Millions of dollars did not bother this gentleman!

Therefore, in line with the principle of being responsible for my team members and slightly increasing their income, I decided to change the amount this time."

Speaking of this, Captain Jack tilted his head slightly: "Everyone, do you have any objections?"

Several mercenaries looked at each other and showed evil smiles at the same time.

"Look, everyone still supports me!"

Captain Jack chuckled and said: "So, in addition to the two million US dollars for the achievement, the ten of you are asked to come up with three million US dollars. This is not a big number for the distinguished guests who can participate in the Poseidon's maiden voyage ceremony!


ten people?

Susan was keenly aware of this number and raised her head slightly.

Captain Jack looked over with a smile, "You heard me right, miss, no matter what your previous status was, no matter what kind of relationship you had with Mr. Fei, from now on, you can only be an ordinary hostage with opinions.


Susan shook her head calmly.

"Great! I like smart people!"

Captain Jack looked at the others again: "Everyone can enthusiastically report the number you like, but I want to remind you that as a well-educated gentleman, is it right for two young mothers who need to bear double the ransom?

Should you lend a helping hand?

For example, this old gentleman who likes to speak out for justice, with such a strong sense of justice, why don’t you just divide one-third and take out one million?”

Robert stared with anger.

He gritted his teeth, but could not utter a single word.

Dylan had calmed down by now.

Although I never trusted these mercenaries from the beginning, it was inevitable that I would be lucky.

The reason why I happily agreed to the two million US dollars was because I wanted to rescue my own people first.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating. Not only did it fail to get things done, but it also led to a more greedy person.

Facing the powerful Captain Jack, no one spoke.

Obviously, after what happened just now, everyone has concerns about his promise.

For someone who can kill his former employer without blinking an eye, he obviously doesn't have much of a burden after getting the ransom and killing the hostages.

Captain Jack was not in a hurry and kept looking at everyone with a smile.

After being silent for a few minutes, Gao Ning suddenly looked up.

"Three million, right? I paid for this money!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Gao Ning.

Captain Jack's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but clapped softly: "Wow wow wow wow, the superhero finally appears! I knew you could do it, and it really didn't disappoint me..."


He was about to express his excitement, but the strong white man who had been standing behind him on his left pulled the trigger without warning.

However, compared with Mr. Fei, the movements of the strong white man somehow aroused Captain Jack's vigilance. As soon as he raised the muzzle of the gun, Captain Jack's pupils shrank and he rushed forward.

There was a gunshot, and the bullet penetrated the wall and flew towards the sea, leaving a round bullet hole.

However, this is just the beginning.

The strong white man holding the carbine rifle rolled his eyes crazily and held on to the trigger. The muzzle of the gun was pointed around the Czech captain, and the bullets bit his ass all the way, trying to kill him.

Captain Jack relies on his extraordinary skills and agility like a rabbit to use various methods to avoid attacks.

And this sudden civil war had just begun, and it swept everyone.

These mercenaries seemed to be blinded by money. They kept talking about five million and kept shooting at their companions.

In this process, they intentionally or unintentionally let go of the hostages.

At this moment, Susan suddenly jumped forward and rolled forward. In just one second, she rushed out of the cabin and threw herself into the driver's cab. Under the astonished look on the captain's face, the captain in jeans suddenly pulled the controls.


The clipper, which had been speeding forward, suddenly made a sharp turn. The strong concern caused the ship to turn sideways, roll forward 540 degrees, and land face down on the sea.


The water exploded and the speedboat heaved up and down.

Everyone who stayed in the cabin once again experienced fancy tumbling and turning upside down.

Everyone fell to the ceiling in embarrassment, colliding with each other like gourds rolling on the ground.

Gao Ning was well prepared. He held Arun in his arms with his left hand, and grabbed the safety rope tightly with his right hand like an iron hook. The two of them were fixed on the seat with their heads and feet fixed.

Although the other two people suffered some bumps during the tumbling action, they avoided being as embarrassed as the others.

Even though the mercenaries have been trained for a long time and their combat effectiveness is far superior to ordinary people, they are still unable to respond effectively to such a sudden roller coaster disaster.

At the same time, the huge force of the impact caused all the glass on the clipper to instantly shatter, and the sea water rushed into the cabin like a flood. A large amount of air was rushed out, and half of the cabin was flooded in the blink of an eye.

Gao Ning seized the opportunity and jumped forward suddenly, and was rushed out of the hatch directly along with the current.

Others were swept out of the cabin one by one by a strange current in the water.

So, after several minutes of struggling, the hostages and robbers emerged from the sea again.

Miraculously, the bottom of the clipper was like a wall dividing the hostages and robbers into two sides.

The poor captain was floating alone behind the ship and is still in a coma.

Good seawater is denser than people. When in a coma, people will naturally float on the sea, so there is no danger of drowning yet.

In this case, the mercenaries are still the dominant party. After all, they are proficient in combat and can easily deal with civilians even with their bare hands.

But after experiencing the previous chaos, the mercenaries no longer had the same trust as before. They were wary of each other and wary of each other, so much so that a confrontation between the two sides actually occurred.

This chapter has been completed!
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