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Chapter 303 Purple green and purple clouds?

Miss Huang closed the door and sat in a chair for a long time.

Her memory is incomplete, she only remembers that her home is in Shijia Town, her father's surname is Huang, a scholar, and she is now a virtuous woman who is diligent in running the house.

But where is Shijiazhen? What exactly her father and mother look like, she can't remember at all.

What's more important is that she has no memory of how she ended up like this.

Although this dress is very beautiful, it is too cumbersome, inappropriate and unlucky.


Need to change it as soon as possible!

Miss Huang walked behind the screen with her skirt in hand and found that the bathtub was smooth and clean without any trace of water. There were a few talismans placed on the table next to it.

Miss Huang fiddled with it briefly, and suddenly she felt blessed. She grabbed the talisman and tore it open in the bathtub. The talisman suddenly turned into smoke and fell down, filling the tub in a short time.

Then, after boasting about the sound of water, the smoke turned into hot water and rippled slightly in the bathtub.

A flash of excitement flashed in Miss Huang's eyes, and she hurriedly took off her wedding dress, stepped on the small bench next to her, and carefully sat into the hot water.

The hot air penetrated her body, and the comfortable feeling made her moan involuntarily.

The next moment, she suddenly had a sudden idea and sat up with a splash. She hugged her chest with her hands and looked around cautiously.

Her gentle deer-like eyes disappeared, replaced by a cat-like vigilance and exploration.

She checked her surroundings and saw the wedding dress on the ground. She quickly got up and picked it up, protecting her chest.

"Damn it! Where am I?"

Miss Huang was alert for a long time, and finally found that she was the only one in the room, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

She quickly put on her wedding dress, held up her skirt, opened the door and walked out.

Is this... a Taoist temple?

She immediately saw the portrait of the Patriarch enshrined in the main room. She subconsciously compared it with Cao Lu, and found that the two were 60 or 70% similar in terms of their clothing, body shape and temperament.

This made her even more confused!

Where am I?

The air is very fresh, there are no birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers is in my ears, the sky is foggy, there is no sun, but there is a bit of light, it feels like dawn has just broken.

The courtyard door to the courtyard was ajar, and faint sounds came from the room opposite.

Miss Huang felt nervous, lowered her head and looked for it, but found no bricks or wooden sticks. She felt a little disappointed.

Then her eyes suddenly lit up, and she ran into the room as if remembering something. When she came out again, she already had a round stool in her hand.

She stood on tiptoes, like Tom the cat approaching Jerry the mouse, getting closer little by little without making any sound.

She leaned carefully against the wooden door opposite, listened for a moment, and could vaguely detect the voice of only one man inside.

But through the door, the voice was muffled, as if they were talking inside a box, and I couldn't hear what was being said at all.

Miss Huang pondered for a moment, gritted her teeth, quietly pushed the wooden door open, and sneaked in flexibly.

She was surprised to find that the layout of the room opposite was exactly the same as hers, as if she was looking in a mirror.

The difference is that there is a man living in this room.

He was wearing some familiar casual clothes, and he was sitting on the ground with a lot of debris in front of him.

"Can't automatically recover? Bad review! But this fracture is so real. No matter the texture or touch, it looks like solid wood, but this thing is an illusion.

It’s so amazing, almost comparable to Aizen’s Mirror Flower Suigetsu.”

Gao Ning studied the wood in his hand and marveled. Suddenly he paused and turned around and said, "Why did you come to my room? What? You are lonely and cold and can't sleep?"

Miss Huang was stunned when she saw that familiar face.

She threw away the stool and rushed over excitedly.

"Police Officer Gao! Is it really you? Officer Gao! Am I dreaming? Great! You're here too! Great!"

Miss Huang shook Gao Ning's body vigorously, and even raised her right hand, wanting to slap Gao Ning for confirmation.

Fortunately, Gao Ning lowered his head and hid, quickly grabbed the other person's little hand, looked at the other person with doubtful eyes, and said doubtfully: "Are you Huang Gigi?"

Miss Huang nodded quickly: "Yes, it's me! Didn't we just defeat the Japanese Ghost King? Weren't we in the church? Why did we suddenly come to such a place? Where is this?"

Gao Ning's eyes widened.

What's going on? Two souls in one body?

The main consciousness has recovered? Purple green and purple haze?

"Police officer, why don't you speak?"

"Uh... I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say!"

Gao Ning thought for a while and decided not to waste his time. This guy's situation was obviously a bit complicated, not as simple as the remnant soul of a female ghost.

It’s better to ask an expert to take a look!

Gao Ning can be considered an alchemist at most, but in terms of catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits, he is still not an entry-level preschooler. Let’s leave it to Caolu Layman!

"Don't worry! We should have arrived at the world of Master Caolu, but there is no danger for the time being. This is the Taoist temple of Master Caolu. He and his two disciples have prepared meals and are waiting for us in front. I will take you

If you go over there, if you have any questions, you should just ask him directly!"

"Okay, okay!" Miss Huang nodded repeatedly.

After all, he had personally witnessed the testimony method of Master Caolu, and knew that this Taoist Miitai had some spiritual practices.

However, the idea of ​​traveling across the world still shocked her.

Gao Ning immediately threw away the wood and took Miss Huang out of the courtyard, followed the path through the bamboo forest, walked across the waterside bridge, and finally arrived at the main hall.

Don't tell me, this place is really not small, and there are many side roads.

If it weren't for the spiritual scanning, he could easily see the surrounding map, and Gao Ning probably wouldn't have found a place to eat so quickly.

When the two walked over, there was only one Xiao Hui present.

He had already changed his attire, taking off his silly money armor and putting on a loose yellow Taoist robe. At this time, he was directing the puppets to serve food while insisting on stealing and stealing.


"Xiaohui, where is the layman Caolu? If you have anything to do, come to him!"

From a distance, Gao Ning shouted.

Xiaohui was startled, turned around and saw Gao Ning and the other two, and then felt relieved. He chewed twice quickly, swallowed the meat in his mouth, and then said: "Master is reviving the soul of junior brother.

The two of us are not of high moral character, and our physical bodies are not as good as one-tenth of the master's.

In order to deal with the Ghost King, the two of us were temporarily replaced by the master's secret method with gold and silver guards, which is the state you saw before.

However, although this state is powerful, you cannot stay in it for too long, otherwise your physical body will starve to death!

Don’t worry, it won’t take long, you’ll be here soon!”

"That's it!" Gao Ning nodded and sat at the table. When he saw that the chicken leg on the plate in front of him was missing, he tore off the other one as a matter of course.

In Xiao Hui's cannibalistic eyes, he bit off most of it in one bite and said vaguely: "Okay, let's wait for a while!"

This chapter has been completed!
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