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Chapter 312 Opening the Forum


"The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful about the fire!"

Outside the courtyard, the sound of banging could be heard in the distance. Master Cao Lu suddenly opened his eyes, raised his mahogany sword, and the blade cut through the air, making a soft swishing sound.

Three thumb-thick incense sticks in the incense burner were instantly ignited, and a wisp of green smoke followed upwards.

In the brazier on the right, yellow paper scattered in the shape of a lotus was suddenly ignited. The flames turned from yellow to white, and finally there was a hint of coldness.

The Caolu layman pointed his mahogany sword downwards and stuck a soul-calming talisman on it. He softly recited the mantra in his mouth, paused lightly with his right foot, and with a flash of his eyes, the yellow talisman ignited without fire.

He grabbed a handful of rice and threw it at Huang Fu. The flames instantly swelled and turned into a wisp of green smoke. Caolu layman pointed down and swallowed the female ghost's head condescendingly.

The next moment, the ghost's head shook violently, and only a needle-sized blood stain remained above the eyebrows, which suddenly turned into fly ash. As soon as a tragic ghost howl came out, it was guided underground by an invisible force.

Everyone around them just heard a scream. Although it was scary, it was not as harsh as the ghost cry before.

This time it no longer seemed to appear from behind, but far away in the horizon.

Just this change made everyone have a little more confidence in Cao Lu.

Although it may seem trivial, there are so many masters before and after, jumping up and down almost like a monkey, and it has no effect.

Cao Lu layman burned a yellow talisman, and it had an effect.

He is indeed a wise man!

Gao Ning's eyes also lit up slightly.

You must know that a radius of 1 kilometer is the sensing range of the gold refining array.

It can be said that every move of the layman Caolu is carried out under his own nose.

Not to mention the vague spells he was chanting in his mouth, even if a hair fell out, he would still be able to clearly notice it.

"The Divine Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth?"

Gao Ning is not proficient in various Taoist spells, but he still knows a little bit about the famous exorcism spells such as the Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Spell and the Golden Light Spell.

After all, they will be used as materials for various works of later generations, and they will eventually leave new impressions under their influence.

Gao Ning had not considered this aspect before.

But now, it seems that this world has a certain response to the Taoist mantra!

Gao Ning thought so!

Just now, under the scanning of his spiritual sense, he could clearly see the trajectory of the mana.

There is indeed a strange energy in Cao Luji's body.

This energy is very peaceful, almost like life force, so it is hidden within the body and difficult to detect.

But after this power is activated, it will become extremely conspicuous.

From Gao Ning's perspective, Master Caolu had just performed a series of actions, whether reciting mantras, performing hand gestures, burning incense and saluting, but the result was that the power in his body changed a certain shape and was sent into the sky.

The next moment, there was a dazzling light in the sky, which penetrated into the female ghost's head like a meteor.

Because the speed was so fast, the meteor had already disappeared before Gao Ning could start interception analysis.

And the next moment, the female ghost's previously clean head suddenly exploded with a large amount of black mist.

It was as if he had patted the flour bag, and his vision was somewhat obscured.

That pure white energy wreaked havoc in the opponent's body, and every time it was stirred, part of the mist was destroyed.

The level of this force is very high, and its lethality is also very strong. However, the quantity is small, and it penetrated into the opponent's lair. In less than three seconds, it was completely consumed.

Although the female ghost's head suffered some trauma, it was essentially nothing serious. As the attack ended, the black mist slowly absorbed it as if it were alive.

And during this process, something seemed to be gradually taking shape in the female ghost's mouth.

Master Caolu was experienced, and when he saw that the female ghost just screamed and had no further follow-up, his heart skipped a beat.

I know the situation may be a little worse than I thought.

Fortunately, he had already expected it, so he reached out and took out two grapefruit leaves, stood gently in the water, and dabbed it on his eyelids.

He slapped the table, causing a fine cinnabar pen to jump up.

He grabbed it and wrote down a birthday number on the yellow paper.

Then it was folded twice and attached to a palm-sized scarecrow.

The next moment, he took out a silver needle from the porcelain vase, the tip of the needle gently picked up the cinnabar, murmured something in his mouth, and stared at Qiu Yuwai.

Seeing that the ghost head gradually revived, the ghost's cry changed from weak to strong, and when he saw that a louder cry was about to come out, Master Caolu exerted force on his hand, and the silver needle suddenly fell off the scarecrow's head.

At the same time, the body of member Qiu, who was tied to the tree, instantly stiffened, and his whole body trembled as if he had been electrocuted. Within a moment, he was frothing at the mouth.

This frightened the old woman so much that she subconsciously stood up and held the faucet staff tightly with both hands.

But before taking a step, he regained his senses and knew that the other party was saving his son, so he endured it again.

The surrounding servants and housekeepers were all stunned, watching the young master go from foaming at the mouth to foaming at the mouth without blinking.

At this time, Caolu layman's eyes flashed, and he did a somersault on the spot with the wooden sword in his hand. After landing, he stepped on the seven stars and slashed down with the wooden sword.

"Hey! You're a hidden person, if you don't show up now, then when will you wait!"

A beam of light shot out of the wooden sword and hit the scarecrow squarely.

Below, the ghost head suddenly exploded, and a thick black smoke spread out, as if it instinctively wanted to devour Qiu Yuwai behind him.

However, Master Caolu had already prepared, and Qiu Yuanwai had an invisible protective film on his body.

The black smoke could not enter Qiu Yuwai's body at all.

At this time, Cao Lu put down his wooden sword, took out two silver needles from his left and right hands, and stabbed them along the left and right ribs and the left and right waists.

Then everyone heard a scream, and the black smoke fled outwards in a hurry, as if it had been greatly hurt.

Gao Ning only saw streams of thick smoke spurting out from Qiu Yuanwai's body, and a black cloud the size of an acre gathered in the sky, and that was the end.

Gao Ning's mouth was wide open.

"My dear, this world is really weird!"

Now, Gao Ning understood clearly that it was this black smoke that caused the trouble!

The black smoke seems scattered, but it contains huge negative energy.

Gao Ning could only see part of the yin energy. Although other energy attributes were negative, they gave people a completely different feeling.

When he saw this thing, Master Caolu's face turned dark.

He threw down the scarecrow in his hand, took out a blanket from under the altar, and poured out the rootless water inside.

He bit his finger and quickly drew a Bagua formation on the bottom of the altar. He took off the Bagua from his waist, straightened it and poked the hole, pointed the mouth of the jar towards the sky, and stuck the Bagua talisman inside the hole. He circulated the mana in his body and poured it into the Bagua talisman.

, chanting loudly in his mouth: "The heaven and earth are natural, the odor is dispersed, the cave is mysterious, and the Taiyuan is shining brightly. Take it away!"

A stream of golden light spread out from the mouth of the plate, covering the sky with black clouds, and then poured the black clouds into the pool like a water pump.

As the last puff of black smoke dissipated, Master Caolu quickly sealed the bottom of the altar with helpers and placed it flatly on the altar.

Take out three incense sticks, light them with your backhand, place them between your eyebrows, and chant the Calming Mantra.

Seeing this scene, everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the solution has been solved! He is indeed a man of enlightenment, he is very powerful!

Gao Ning blinked. Is this solved? Is it so powerful?

This chapter has been completed!
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