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Chapter 317 Brewery

What happened last night frightened the old lady.

I never expected that my son could give birth to such a terrifying monster.

Thinking of the meaningful explanation that Master Caolu gave before leaving, the old lady felt a fever in her ears.

Although the other party didn't point it out clearly, the meaning was already very clear.

The reason your son is in trouble today is all because of greed.

Being rich and being unkind will lead to this calamity.

The old lady was greatly shocked. Don't worry that night. My mother-in-law is the housekeeper, my daughter-in-law is in the backyard, and the shopkeeper is in charge of the business outside.

Regarding the time when the ghost crying sound appeared, we slowly investigated and eliminated them one by one, and finally determined that the root cause came from a newly acquired brewery.

Knowing the source of the trouble, the old lady wanted to burn down the brewery that night.

Fortunately, she has lived long enough and experienced enough things to know that these weird things are not something ordinary people can solve.

If you act rashly, not only will you not be able to solve your own problems, you will most likely be self-defeating and cause disaster.

So the genius came to light, and the old lady couldn't wait to send out the second housekeeper Fang Yuanbao, asking him to accompany Cao Lu and his party to completely solve the hidden dangers in her house.

The brewery is also in Shijia Town, but it is in Quelongpo, thirty miles outside the town.

This place was originally a market, and there were several villages around it. They would gather here every ten days to exchange what they had, and over the years, businesses started to settle down.

Because the name of this place is really unlucky, over the past few decades, there have only been more than 20 families gathered there, most of them engaged in business and from all walks of life.

The brewery is located on the outermost side of Quelongpo, covering the largest area and is also quite famous.

Many years ago, the sorghum wine brewed by the winery was of high quality and low price, and it really became famous. Not only people from several surrounding villages came to buy it, but also restaurants in Shijia Town and several large towns in the distance.

Some business dealings.

It's a pity that the flowers did not last a hundred days. With the death of the older generation of winemakers, the winery's business plummeted.

Qiu Yuanwai didn't know where he got the news. After a personal investigation, he felt it was profitable, so he asked a guarantor to come to the door. The two parties discussed it several times and made a decisive move.

If Qiu Yuanwai has money and connections, he will buy the winery, the workers and equipment are ready, and there is no shortage of grain and distiller's grains, so he will naturally brew new wine.

It was also from this time that ghost cries could be heard faintly in the house. As the cries grew louder and louder, the house became more and more unsettled, until it reached the point where it is today.

Butler Yuanbao personally drove the carriage and led Gao Ning and his party to the brewery.

On the way, I told him the whole story in detail.

The old lady's appeal was very simple. She asked Master Caolu to go to the brewery and check it out. If there was really something fishy, ​​please take action to solve it. If not, she could continue to investigate and find the real cause as soon as possible.

Master Caolu still admires the old lady's decisiveness.

Even Gao Ning couldn't help but nod his head.

In his inherent impression, in ancient feudal society, women existed as accessories.

Gao Ning only has the impression that there are two people like the old lady who can support a large family at critical moments and do a good job of setting the sea.

One is Taijun She from the Yang family, and the other is the old lady inside. These two old ladies are both shrewd masters.

By analogy with characters, Gao Ning felt that the enemy's old lady was probably not a simple character when she was young.

Thirty miles is not far at all. Although the dirt road is a little bumpy, fortunately, Yuan Bao is a waiter and is experienced in driving a carriage. It didn't take half an hour for the group to reach the place.

Although Quelongpo has the word "po", it is actually a depression surrounded by a clear stream. The water comes from the nearby mountains and is crystal clear, sweet and delicious.

It's perfect for making wine.

It was still early at this time, and it was not a market today, so Quelongpo seemed very deserted. There was no one on the street, except for a few idle men breathing in the air, sitting in front of various stores, and lazily basking in the sun.

It seemed that he had seen too many carriages coming and going and didn't care about the appearance of Gao Ning and others.

The carriage went all the way to the end of the road, and after turning a corner, the brewery appeared in front of us.

At this time, two people were squatting at the door smoking. Seeing Yuan Bao driving the carriage in person, they couldn't help but were slightly startled, and quickly got up and stepped forward.

Seeing these two people, Yuan Bao also breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly pulled the reins, slowed down, and slowly stopped the carriage at the door of the brewery.

"Master Fang, why are you here in person today?"

These two people are both middle-aged. One is obviously older and is holding a tobacco pipe rod in his hand. The other is at most in his early 30s, with darker skin and a larger body. He has some muscles on his body and can still stand up.

It's a bit meaningless.

Both of them were wearing coarse cloth jackets. Although there were many patches and the fabric had been washed away, it was still very clean.

The speaker was a middle-aged man holding a tobacco pipe, with a slight smile on his face. Although he was enthusiastic but not ambiguous, he also had a vague sense of reserve and pride of a craftsman.

The other man got much worse. Although he didn't say anything, he couldn't help but bend down when facing Yuan Bao. With his size, he most likely worked as a coolie.

Yuan Bao was able to become the second housekeeper because, among other things, he was obviously experienced in human relations and sophistication. Although the situation was urgent, he still did not show any impatience on his face.

"Something happened! It just so happens that you are all here, which saves me the trouble of looking for someone else!"

Yuan Bao nodded and did not answer directly.

When the two of them were confused, he jumped off the carriage, opened the curtain himself, and said with a smile: "Sir, layman, the brewery is here!"


The layman Cao Lu replied with a nice word, and then jumped down first, followed closely by Gao Ning and Xiao Hui.

"This is the layman Caolu, a real Taoist master! This is Mr. Gao, and this is the layman's disciple. Brother Qing, is there any work in the factory today?" Yuanbao gave a brief introduction, and then


"Yes, but not much!"

The man said hurriedly: "The pot of wine that was opened earlier has been put into jars and is being stored in the cellar. The brothers are cleaning the boiler and washing the factory building in preparation for brewing the next pot of wine."

Yuan Bao nodded: "Okay, just turn off the stove. Go and call everyone out. I have orders."


The man agreed repeatedly, threw away the cigarette butts, turned around and ran into the factory.

The man holding the pipe was puzzled: "Master Fang, what are you..."

"Don't ask!" Yuan Bao waved his hand: "Boss Liu, you have a lot of experience and are well-informed. You should know what happened to the master and the house during this period, right? These experts were invited by the old lady to solve this matter."

As soon as these words came out, Liu's head and eyes changed.

Obviously, he knew the inside story.


Yuan Bao shook his head, and Liu looked at Gao Ning and the others, cupped their hands, and said nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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