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Chapter 321 Solution

"Pah! Pah!"

Two crisp sounds rang out in no particular order. Xiaohui and Yuanbao reflexively pulled their hands back and rubbed them repeatedly with painful expressions on their faces.

Master Caolu calmly retracted his palm, glared at the two of them fiercely, and scolded: "What are you trying to rob? You don't even know what it is, so you dare to reach out and rob it. Are you two going to die?"

Xiaohui and Yuanbao looked at each other and realized that something was not right with them just now.

Cao Lu raised his nose and felt that his wine bug was about to be hooked out. He quickly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took out two ordinary beetles from his sleeves.

He carefully held the front end with his fingers, and gently dipped it in it like eating soy sauce. When he picked it up, half of the beetle's body was gone, and the incision was charred, as if it had been burned by a flame.


Several people were startled at the same time. When they looked at the wine again, their eyes were a little more wary.

The Caolu layman looked solemn. He looked at the cross section of the insect carefully, hesitated for a moment, and then gently rubbed it with his thumb. He pondered for a moment, as if he had thought of something.

Gao Ning had a look of disbelief on his face. The entire movement of Master Caolu just now was shrouded in spiritual awareness.

According to normal theory, no matter how fast, complex, or deceptive Caolu's movements are, he cannot escape the detection of his spiritual sense.

But this happened.

Gao Ning scanned the wine in the bowl repeatedly, and he knew everything about the Yin Qi hidden in the wine, as well as the ingredients and ratio of the wine.

But I still couldn't see how the half of the beetle melted.

Moreover, the wine in the bowl did not contain any trace substances.

After a while, Master Caolu seemed to have found a way.

He took out a yellow talisman from his arms, folded it briefly in his hand a few times, and wrapped another beetle in it.

Then, as before, he dipped it in the wine.

When the yellow talisman touched the wine, the cinnabar on it seemed to sparkle, but it was not very obvious.

Did Gao Ning notice any abnormal energy fluctuations?

But such a simple method has very good results.

The yellow talisman has not been corroded, and the beetles inside are also safe and sound.

Master Caolu breathed a sigh of relief, then reached out and picked up the small iron bowl.

Xiaohui's eyes suddenly widened: "Master, what do you want to do?"

Yuan Bao also had the same expression, but he didn't speak.

After the series of actions just now, as a clever butler of his enemy, he has more or less figured out that the source of everything lies in this wine.

Could it be that Master Caolu wants to drink wine...

Before he could finish his thoughts, Caolu layman had already finished the drink in one gulp.

This crisp action made Gao Ning couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"I said, are you too reckless? You don't know anything and you dare to pour it into your stomach?"

Putting down the wine bowl, Caolu layman licked his lips and said, "Don't worry, I already know what this thing is!"

"What is it?" Xiaohui and Yuanbao asked in unison.

"This is the legendary nectar!"

"What?" Gao Ning's hanging door rose an octave higher and he almost jumped up.

The nectar brewed from corpses? Can you follow some logic?

Master Caolu shook his head: "The name may be different, but the wine is indeed extraordinary. My previous guess was wrong!

Although Qiu Yuanwai's illness may have symptoms of coffin bacteria, it is not actually the case.

The wine in this vat should be what triggered the evil demon!"

Gao Ning couldn't help but ask: "You mean, this big vat of wine is a place of genius?"

"Yes, that's why I said it's fine wine!"

Master Caolu had a complicated look on his face. He looked up at the big iron bucket and sighed: "This senior brother is a genius. He actually brewed this jar of wine by refining corpses.

The bones in the wine jar and the woman who had been hollowed out, leaving only a shell, are nutrients for making wine.

There is nothing unusual about this drink, every sip is a great tonic!"

Gao Ning doubtfully got himself a bowl, took a tentative sip, and his eyes lit up.

It can actually replenish vitality. Although there are a lot of impurities and the degree of deviation is a bit high, it is undeniable that it is indeed a great supplement!"

Seeing Gao Ning also take a sip, Xiao Hui couldn't help but said: "Uncle, give me a sip, give me a sip too!"

Master uncle?

Gao Ning glanced at Cao Lu with a hint of disgust. This guy was closing his eyes and reminiscing, as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

Gao Ning shook his head.

Yuan Bao swallowed a sip of saliva, and the terrible aroma of wine kept entering his nostrils, making him a little unbearable: "That...I..."

"You two can't drink!"

Master Caolu suddenly interjected: "These drinks are, after all, the product of corpse refining. Even though they are intangible and qualityless, they already contain a very strong evil spirit.

This evil spirit has no hindrance to me and Lao Gao, but to you, it is a fatal killer.

It only takes a small sip, and within an hour or three, you will die of intestinal rupture!"

Xiaohui was so frightened that he shrank his hands.

Is it so scary?

Cao Lu looked down at the Bagua compass, walked around the big iron barrel, and then ran to the big jar with the moon door open to check it carefully. When he saw that his compass still didn't respond, he could only sigh helplessly.

He took a breath, shook his head, and put the compass up again.

He turned to look at Yuan Bao and said: "I have already checked on the third place, and the black heart ink in Qiu Yuanwai's body should have been brought out by this sip of wine.

I will take this barrel of wine away in a while and perform a ritual ceremony to resolve the grievances in the brewery and help you clean up these bones.

Then you burn incense outside for three days and don't let those workers get close.

After three days, the winery can resume normal work!"

Yuan Bao was overjoyed. At this time, he didn't even bother to take a sip of wine. He quickly handed over his hand and apologized: "Thank you, Master Caolu, for your help!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Master Caolu waved his hand: "Just go back and report it to the old lady, don't make him worry too much!"

"Yes! Yes!" Yuan Bao agreed repeatedly.

Layman Caolu nodded and said to Xiaohui: "Bring me my treasure bag and arrange the altar as soon as possible!"


Finally no longer standing there in a daze, Xiaohui's eyes lit up and he quickly took out a flat bag the size of a palm from his jacket pocket.

From the outside, the bag was empty, limp and without anything in it.

But after it was delivered to Master Caolu, he pulled it up and down and left and right at will, and the palm-sized bag was stretched to more than one meter long, as big as a sack.

Cao Lu opened the door and dug inside, taking out a series of writing materials such as pen, ink, paper and inkstone, yellow paper, cinnabar, rice, etc.

While Yuan Bao was stunned, Cao Lu even conjured up a table and a big yellow Tai Chi talisman.

He and his apprentice Xiaohui cooperated tacitly and set up an altar in a few moments.

"Lao Gao, can you help us deal with these drinks and accidents?"

Caolu layman looked like Gao Ning, with a hint of questioning in his expression.

Gao Ning was speechless.

We've only known each other for a few days and you already trust me so much?

But he also knew that nothing was appropriate at this time.

After thinking about it, although the Golden Love City Formation can also transfer things, it has obvious distance limitations.

Judging from Master Caolu's intention, it is obvious that he wants to keep these drinks.


Gao Ning raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the huge wine jar floated out of thin air, and then was thrown into a space crack at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye.

Wine barrels were also made in the same way.

The whole process took less than a second, and Yuan Bao felt that in the blink of an eye, the two behemoths occupying the city and county disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Master Caolu also frowned, but a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Although I don’t know what method Gao Ning used, he finally got this jar of wine.

For Caolu layman, this jar of wine not only represents a tonic, but also the best bait for wine drinkers to take the bait.

The other party has worked hard for decades, and sacrificed countless lives for this jar of wine. Now that the wine is about to be sold, the other party will definitely not let it go.

On the eve of victory, if someone steals the fruits of victory, no one will let them go.

And this is what Caolu layman wants.

He wants to clear the door!

The Master did it very smoothly. Master Cao Lu moved freely and gracefully, and the smoke curled up all over his body, moving according to his thoughts.

On the altar, flames exploded frequently, as if they were dispersing something.

The two masters and apprentices worked together in tacit agreement for a long time. Finally, as a handful of soybeans exploded into powder and invisible air waves swept through the entire brewery, Yuanbao suddenly felt that the air was fresh.

The layman Cao Lu held three sticks of incense, bowed in all directions, and muttered something. After a while, he put the incense in the incense burner, turned around and walked to Yuan Bao.

"The evil spirit has been dissipated. After the incense is burned, the brewery will be fine!"

"Really?" Yuan Bao was overjoyed, thinking this was good news. He was about to speak, but suddenly thought of something, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

Layman Caolu smiled slightly: "You want to ask about those bones, right?"

Yuan Bao nodded: "Bulk, so many people have died, are there any evil spirits?"

"No! Their souls can't come out of the jar at all!" Caolu layman said a little sadly: "For us, that wine is a great tonic, for you, it is poison, and for ordinary people

For his soul, the wine is the blood of Wangchuan River.

As long as the soul touches it, it will melt quickly, and all the yin energy, spiritual energy, and resentment will be integrated into the wine.

So, although it’s cruel, I can tell you clearly that those people are so scared that they can’t do it even if they want to be ghosts!”

Yuan Bao's expression wasn't very good, his lips moved, but he didn't speak after all.

The incense burnt out quickly, Xiaohui also used the treasure bag to put the altar away again, and the four of them went out together.

Yuan Bao got on the carriage again and warmly invited several people to take a trip to Shijia Town, vowing that the old lady would definitely be rewarded heavily.

But the layman Cao Lu waved his hand and refused.

Yuan Bao tried to persuade him a few more times, but when he saw that Cao Lu was unmoved, knowing that the other party had already made up his mind, he had no choice but to clasp his fists and say goodbye, and drove the carriage to the other side of the trapped dragon.

Although several people paid great attention to it, the brewery lost its largest wine jar for no reason. If no precautions were taken in advance, it would definitely cause a sensation.

So before returning to get married, he had to go to Liu Baotou first to explain the matter briefly to avoid any trouble.

After going out for a whole day and night, the trouble was finally solved.

The three Caolu laymen didn't stay much longer at Kunlongpo. They took a quick look at the direction and then ran towards the thatched cottage.

There are three people, two practicing Taoism and one cheating, and one wearing vests and spells. The distance doesn't matter at all.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three of them returned to the Caolu Cave. As soon as they entered the door, Gao Ning was slightly startled.

In the courtyard, Dr. Huang was sitting across from a man wearing a shroud, chatting quietly.

Hearing something strange at the door, they both turned their heads at the same time. Seeing three people coming in one after another, Dr. Huang suddenly said with joy: "Back! Back! That's Master Caolu!"

Doctor Huang pointed to the man opposite. The man quickly stood up and cupped his hands with some anxiety: "I have seen a layman."

Master Caolu was originally thinking of finding a way to trick the large bucket of wine out of Gao Ning's hands when he came back.

Unexpectedly, something happened again as soon as I entered the door.

Gao Ning looked at it curiously and felt that this guy seemed a little special, so he scanned it with his spiritual sense, and his expression suddenly became strange.

This guy is actually a ghost?

Xiao Hui looked unfazed and turned around and said: "Uncle Master, this guy is most likely here to ask for help. Either he is temporarily resurrected and has something important to say, or he just wants to default on the relationship so that he can have a better time down there.


There’s nothing to see, why don’t we go to the kitchen, I remember there is a leg of beef, I’ll ask the courier to get some dishes, and we can have some drinks?”

Xiaohui raised his chin, as if you understood what I meant.

Gao Ning was a little amused and glanced at him: "Are you still worried about it? Your master won't let you drink it!"

"It's okay! How can a living person choke to death by urinating? Isn't it just a little evil spirit? It's very simple!"

Xiao Hui was somewhat proud and took out a round jade pendant. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a hollow carved Bagua. Gao Ning was surprised when he saw the fluorescent mana fluctuations on it.

"Uncle Master, have you seen this? This is a Yang-returning mantra. Yang Qi is the strongest, and it is best at driving away Yin Qi and evil spirits.

I remember there was a jar of 20-year-old daughter's red wine in the backyard. I threw the jade pendant in and soaked it for half an hour, then mixed half a catty of wine with a penny of jade liquid, absolutely no problem!"

Xiaohui chuckled with a proud look on his face.

Gao Ning was a little surprised. He touched his chin and thought about it carefully. Not to mention, it was really possible!

Wine! Mixing it with water is the normal operation!

There’s nothing wrong with adding some wine!

Gao Ning was just about to agree and go to taste the 20-year-old daughter's red, when the voice of Caolu Jushi came over: "Xiaohui, go pour the tea!"

Xiao Hui's face fell, and he reluctantly agreed, turned around and walked back.

No need to ask, the master disagrees!

Doctor Huang walked up to Gao Ning at some point, poked Gao Ning when he saw this, and asked curiously: "Sir Gao, what's going on?"

"I'm banned from drinking!" Gao Ning replied angrily.

Why did this guy jump out?

This chapter has been completed!
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