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Chapter 326: Caught the oil-extracting water

The bearded man frowned: "What do you want?"

"Give me your sword-fighting skills!"

Gao Ning said unceremoniously that now only sword control can soothe my wounded heart.

"Ridiculous! I won't accompany you!"

The bearded man snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and robe, and his whole body rose into the sky.

He didn't know what he did, but the flying swords that had been scattered on the ground suddenly gathered together and formed a path in front of him.

This guy is protected by magic armor, and his speed is already astonishing. Now he has flying swords to help him.

It instantly turned into a small steel ball on the electromagnetic gun and shot into the sky instantly.

Seeing that this guy wanted to run away, Gao Ning sneered: "You have offended the abbot and you still want to leave? I just played with you, do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

He waved his hand, and the bearded man suddenly appeared in front of him, face down, and stepped forward, showing a running motion.

One second he was escaping at a calm speed, and the next second the air in front of him turned into the earth. At his current speed, it was too late to turn, and he could only hit the ground straight.

Then there was a bang as Big Beard's weight of more than 100 kilograms was knocked off the ground, creating a large pit more than one meter deep.

This time, the bearded man was stunned. Even though he had already cultivated a Taoist golden body, his whole body was integrated into one body and was indestructible.

But such a violent collision still made him a little dizzy, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Gao Ning was always an unyielding master, but when he saw that he had briefly lost his ability to resist, a playful expression appeared on his face.

He moved his fingers lightly, and the soil around the bearded man was quickly refined into chains one after another.

These chains are like self-aware snakes, tying the bearded man into a rice dumpling in circles.

Then they pulled the bearded man out of the hole, slowly climbed to two nearby big trees, and hung the rice dumplings up.

Gao Ning took a brief look at him and saw that although he was fine, he was still shaking his head, obviously trying to regain his clarity.

Gao Ning didn't bother to say anything to him, he just raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the magic armor on the bearded man instantly appeared on his body.

At this moment, in the darkness, Gao Ning felt an extremely unique power within the armor. As long as he used this power to wrap around his body, he could slow down the time around him.

Gao Ning's eyes lit up and he took a step almost uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, he turned into an afterimage, ran around in a circle, and was back to where he was in the blink of an eye.

"Since it can modify the surrounding time, it can also provide the user with a certain amount of physical recovery...a good thing, a really good thing!"

Gao Ning was a little greedy, and then he couldn't help but start scanning layer by layer with his spiritual sense.

Only after looking at it did I realize, what kind of scabbard was this made of?

It’s completely made from individual talismans, large and small!

It turns out to be a Taoist weapon refining method!

Gao Ning was a little surprised.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his right hand, trying to copy a character.

But after holding it in for a long time, all that came out were superficial, and no matter how he tried it, it had no effect. Finally, Gao Ning converted his life force, refined a trace of mana and focused on it, and then he had some reaction.

But the difference is between numbers and computers, which are not on the same level at all.

Without the guidance of books and complete inheritance, trying to figure out the Taoist weapon refining method by relying solely on gold refining techniques is nothing more than wishful thinking.

After seeing through this, Gao Ning had no interest in this magic weapon.

He glanced at his mouth and threw the Shenxing Baojia on the ground.

Then a flying sword was moved over again.

He flicked it with his fingers and looked at the material of the flying sword with his spiritual sense. To Gao Ning's surprise, he found that this thing was actually made of brass and contained some iron-nickel alloy components.

This made Gao Ning a little disappointed.

He thought these flying swords were made of gold.

Looking forward to this one in vain!

Then he threw aside the flying sword in his hand.

This process sounds long, but in fact it takes less than ten seconds.

It seemed to Big Beard that he had been knocked unconscious for no reason. When he came back to his senses, he found that he was tied to a tree inexplicably.

The guy opposite who was holding his own flying sword and looking disgusted was the person he had just fought with.

The bearded man was shocked when he saw the Shenxing Baojia at his feet, and even said something.

The chain around his neck suddenly moved up a little, making his whole mouth so tired that he couldn't say a word.

The bearded man stared at Gao Ning fiercely, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

Gao Ning felt the burning gaze, looked up and found that the bearded man had woken up.

"You're in good health, and you're recovering very quickly! Have you figured out what you're going to do with your life?"

Gao Ning controlled the chains and loosened them, gesturing for the other party to speak.

The bearded man snorted and said coldly: "You have given up. Even if I die, I will never..."

"Okay, okay, okay! Don't you think it's funny if you just say harsh words casually without looking at your own condition?

Forget it, you are a poor guy anyway, you only have two magic weapons in your body, and you are not very valuable.

To me, you don't have much value at all, but after all, you are the second practitioner I have seen, and your strength is not too weak.

Maybe the thatched cottage can know your name. It would be a pity to kill you, so take it back and ask the thatched cottage!"

Gao Ning shook his head. He didn't know when the tailor was hiding under the hillside not far away. With a slight movement of his fingers, the substitute suddenly appeared, grabbed the beard tied into a rice dumpling, and floated in the air out of thin air.

Gao Ning looked at it, raised the corners of his mouth, turned around and left.

The double followed behind with a big beard in his arms.

Although the two were not in a hurry, their speed was astonishing and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After two minutes, he accidentally stuck his head out from behind a stone, looked left and right, and listened again to confirm that Gao Ning had left, and then he dared to bend down and walk out.

At a glance, he saw the Shenxing Baojia thrown on the ground and the messy flying swords on the ground. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he almost subconsciously stepped forward to catch them.

But at this moment, the Shenxing Baojia suddenly disintegrated, flew into the air, turned 360 degrees, and turned into a cylindrical sword box again.

As soon as the sword box was opened, the flying swords scattered on the ground automatically flew up, like swallows returning to their nests, and flew into the sword box one after another.


As the last ray of golden light disappeared, the sword box suddenly closed, and then turned into a stream of light, speeding away in the direction Gao Ning left.

As luck would have it, the tailor was right there.

Seeing something flying towards him, he panicked and tried to get out of the way, but he still didn't have time.

The sword case hit the right side of the tailor's body like a cannonball. He flew up on the spot, spun around for two and a half times, and hit the board of his coffin with a snap.

He screamed in grief and passed out.

At this time, his hands and feet were broken, bleeding, and he seemed unable to move.

His chest was heaving and he was lying on the coffin board, as if waiting for death.

When he returned to his thatched cottage, Caolu layman was deserted in the yard.

The second apprentice was sent out to wipe his buttocks, while the eldest apprentice was busy in the yard.

This Ninth Uncle is completely different from other Ninth Uncles.

In addition to his strong ability to make money, he also adheres to another educational method when it comes to treating his apprentices.

Usually, apprentices are more obedient and can be used as assistants.

As for the other Ninth Uncle's apprentices, eleven out of ten were troublemakers who were holding them back.

When Gao Ning walked into the yard with a big beard, Xiao Hui immediately realized that something was wrong. He didn't bother to talk to Gao Ning and ran in with a strange look on his face.

After a while, Layman Caolu also walked out in a panic. When he saw Gao Ning's bearded man who was tied up like a rice dumpling behind him, he froze on the spot with a look of disbelief on his face.

Sure enough, we know each other!

Gao Ning said something in his heart, but his face remained calm. He even glanced at Caolu Curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

"No...he...who is he?"

When saying this, Master Caolu stuttered a little.

Gao Ning shrugged: "He said his name was Yan Chixia. He was an old gangster who ran away from nowhere. When I was working, he ran out for no apparent reason and wanted to do something for heaven. He chopped off his head without saying a word.

, more domineering than Hey society.

I saw that he was a little displeased, so I took action to teach him a lesson and catch him by the way!"

"Caught back for what?" Caolu layman swallowed and glanced at the bearded man again unconsciously.

Gao Ningquan pretended to be invisible, but still said with a smile: "Isn't this considering that you are an expert at extracting oil and water? I think this bearded man is good at extracting oil and water, and there should be a lot of oil and water. Please squeeze it for me, and what can we gain?

How about adding two to one to make five?"

"Two and one add to five?"

Master Caolu's expression was a little dull.

Gao Ning frowned: "What? Are you not satisfied with the division?"

At this time, Xiaohui had already understood what was going on.

Seeing that the master had not found the topic, he couldn't help but sigh and interjected: "Mr. Gao, I think this is a misunderstanding. Yan Chixia is a famous senior expert..."

"So what about the senior master? Is it true that he took action against me? Isn't it because he slapped me with a slap on his face because of his superb martial arts?"

Gao Ning glanced at the bearded man with disdain and spat.

The bearded man pretended not to see with his eyes closed, but the bulging veins on his temples still revealed his true thoughts.

At this time, Master Caolu also reacted and gave a wry smile: "Old Gao... no, I mean brother Gao. This is indeed a senior master. He has defeated countless demons and demons in his life. Maybe he has a bad temper, but really

are good people.

Why don't you put him down and I..."

Gao Ning glared.

Master Caolu suddenly changed the subject: "Let me help you see how much oil and water there is, and add two to one to make five!"

Xiaohui was stunned.

What did you just say? Did I hear it wrong?

Gao Ning nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, give me good news tomorrow!"

Gao Ning smiled and patted Master Caolu on the shoulder, turned around and left. The substitute disappeared directly, and the big beard tied with iron chains hit the ground.

Master Caolu and his disciples looked at each other and looked at the back of Gao Ning leaving gracefully. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

They are all time travellers.

They traveled to the future, suffered so much, and encountered all kinds of obstacles, but they couldn't use any strength at all.

When people travel to the past, they seem to be at home like a fish in water.

We are all human beings, why are there such big differences?

Fortunately, this thought only passed through the minds of the two people.

After confirming that Gao Ming had completely disappeared, the two people quickly walked up and helped Big Beard untie the chain.

Caolu layman cupped his fists and said sternly: "I live in a thatched cottage in Maoshan, and I have met the great hero Yan."

Xiaohui also clasped his fists, with a look of admiration on his face.

Apparently he has also heard of Yan Chixia's name.

The bearded man broke free from the chains with a depressed look on his face, and while rubbing the bruises on his face, he apologized muffledly.

"Master Caolu, thank you very much this time! This guy is weird and weird, and he uses tricks frequently. It's extremely difficult to escape from him and ascend to heaven!"

"Master Yan, you're so polite!" Master Caolu was very polite.

The bearded man didn't argue with him and asked, "Who is that person?"


Master Caolu didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he looked at his disciple.

The bearded man frowned slightly.

Before he saw through the mortal world and became disheartened, he was the chief agent of the Sixty-three Hands in the South, Seven and North, with a dexterous mind, savvy in handling cases, and his ability to observe people's emotions.

As soon as he saw the expressions on the two of them, he knew that Gao Ning's identity was not simple.

He didn't push him, he wanted to see what reason the other party had to stall him.

But what he didn't expect was.

The two of them just exchanged a glance, and Cao Lu revealed everything.

From the birth of the Ghost King of Japan, to the Taoism of Heaven and Earth, and then to Gao Ning and Dr. Huang being involved, they brought the world back to the Mystery of Heaven and Earth.

The whole story lasted only five or six minutes, and it was considered a simple explanation.

The bearded man was a bit unbelievable at first, but the more he listened, the more solemn his expression became.

He had only heard of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, but had never encountered it.

According to ancient records, this is a rare miracle that can reverse time every time it is spoken.

Either the future or the past.

However, he had never heard of someone leaving through the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, but he had never heard of someone coming back, so he found it very strange.

Deep in my heart, I even had an impulse to touch Master Caolu and feel if there were any strange changes in his body.

But after hearing about Gao Ning's special abilities, the fact that he and Dr. Huang have two souls, one person and one ghost for half a day, and other bizarre events, the bearded man opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Finally, Master Caolu said sincerely: "Master Yan, you are a senior master. I wonder if I can ask you to take action to solve Miss Huang's problem! He is also a miserable person. He has been dead for a long time and should go to reincarnation.


The bearded man thought for a moment and nodded: "I'll take a look tomorrow!"

"Thank you!" Master Caolu clasped his fists, and then told Xiaohui to prepare a room for Big Beard to rest, and wait until tomorrow to discuss everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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