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Chapter 345 Banknote

Miss Huang glanced at the abacus and her face suddenly dropped.

"Shopkeeper Yu, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other. No one knows better than you how much property our Huang family has and how valuable it is.

I have already talked about this, and you still use this number to fool me. Are you bullying me that I am just a weak woman?"

Shopkeeper Yu smiled bitterly when he heard this: "Oh, my eldest lady, what are you talking about? Others don't know what I do, don't you know? I am just a shopkeeper who is in charge of the business for the boss. I am only responsible.

Let me create an account. I can't control the winnings in and out. What's the purpose of lowering your price?

After all, ours is a mortgage. If we leave it outside and give you one-third, it would be too much. But here we are different. If we give you half, isn't it enough?"

"not enough!"

Miss Huang shook her head firmly.

Shopkeeper Yu looked at her, smiled bitterly, and reached out to fiddle with a bead: "Then for the sake of regular customers, I'll add a little more to you! Don't say anything, you can't add more, this number is enough.

, If it doesn’t work, I can’t do anything!”

Halfway through the conversation, shopkeeper Yu suddenly saw that Miss Huang was about to interrupt and quickly interrupted her with a firm attitude.

Miss Huang was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, but I don't want to mortgage it, I want to sell it all!"

"Huh?" Shopkeeper Yu was stunned for a moment and confirmed with his eyes.

Miss Huang nodded.

"What are you..."

Miss Huang raised her hand, stopped what he was about to say, and said calmly: "Shopkeeper Yu, we plain people don't talk secretly, and I won't go around in circles with you. Don't pretend to be confused because you understand.

The way Sister Fei looked at me just now has exposed you!

So we don’t have to be secretive anymore, open the skylight and speak frankly, this amount will be doubled, all the assets will be handed over to you, and after getting the banknote, they will disappear directly!"

Shopkeeper Yu blinked: "How do you say this?"

"Just tell me if it's okay! Of course, if shopkeeper Yu is just trying to get away with nothing, there's no need to talk to me..."

"Don't dare!"

Shopkeeper Yu seemed to be startled, even his expression changed a bit, and he quickly interrupted Miss Huang with a smile.

Miss Huang stopped talking and sat there as quietly as orchids, her eyes as calm as water, just watching him quietly.

Shopkeeper Yu glanced at the young woman next to him. The two communicated several times with their eyes, and seemed to have reached an agreement.

The young woman glanced at Miss Huang, nodded with a smile, turned around and left.

Shopkeeper Yu sighed and stopped pretending, with a bit of emotion on his face: "It is said that the Huang family has three tigers, but they don't expect to have a phoenix.

You've got me so screwed that you don't even have any room for movement. Well, we are old acquaintances, so let's do as you say!"

Miss Huang stood up with a loud noise, picked up the tea and drank it all in one gulp. Although she tried her best to suppress the emotions in her heart and showed no unnecessary expression on her face, looking at the protruding veins on her neck, it was clear that she was not at peace inside now.

"Then I would like to express my gratitude to the shopkeeper, Yu Chengcheng. I will offer you tea instead of wine!"

Shopkeeper Yu waved his hands with a smile and said nothing.

Gao Ning and Dr. Huang looked at each other, a little confused.

Although the entire conversation took place right under the noses of the two of them, laymen only watched the excitement, while experts watched the door.

The two of them were amateurs and could only watch a lively scene. The real meaning and confrontation contained in the conversation between the two, but Monk Zhanger could not figure out.

Xiaohui didn't understand or care about this. When the two of them were talking just now, he was already wandering around and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the young woman came in from outside with a box and placed it in front of Miss Huang with a smile.

Miss Huang nodded her thanks, and under the gaze of the two people, she opened the lid of the box, took out the thick pile of banknotes inside, fiddled with it lightly, and then put it back again.

Shopkeeper Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Don't you want to take a closer look?"

"No need! As the shopkeeper, I won't give up for a mere three hundred thousand taels of silver."

"Haha, you doll, you can talk! Why didn't I find you so interesting before?"

"It's not too late to find out now!"

After Miss Huang replied, she put away the banknote, took out a piece of cloth from her arms, carefully wrapped the small box, and held it in her arms.

She stood up slowly, nodded solemnly to the shopkeeper, and then said to Gao Ning and the others: "Brother Gao, sister, Xiaohui, half of the matter has been done, we have to finish the other half and leave as soon as possible!"

"oh oh……"

Dr. Huang was a little confused, but he still got up under the pull of Miss Huang, and the two walked out again holding hands just like they had just walked in.

Gao Ning followed behind with a relaxed expression, and Xiao Hui followed suit. He didn't know when there was a piece of yellow paper in his hand. It was constantly folding and changing in his hand, and he couldn't tell what it was for the time being.

Shopkeeper Yu sat there calmly, took out a big cigarette stick from somewhere, and started smoking.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was recalling the conversation between the two of them just now.

The young woman stood up with Gao Ning and the other four, and walked all the way to the door. After saying goodbye with a smile, she closed the courtyard door and returned to the previous tea room.

"Lao Yu, did I really miss it?"

The young woman didn't show it at all before. In fact, after hearing about Miss Huang's painting, she had been very concerned about it.

Shopkeeper Yu didn't even raise his head, he chuckled and waved his hand.

"It's just an excuse, don't take it seriously! However, I do look at you a little bit. Not only is this girl accurate in her vision, she is courageous and courageous, but she also really dares to attack me!"

"It doesn't hurt if you betray me, this is a common practice throughout the ages!" The young woman didn't take it seriously.

Shopkeeper Yu shook his head: "This girl is a little different. Although the Huang family has suffered a disaster, it is still a local household. Except for the main family in Fenglin Town, there are children of the Huang family in almost every village and every period within a hundred miles.


More than seventy miles to the south, there is Huangjiazhuang, with a population of nearly a thousand people, all of whom are inextricably linked to Huang Bancheng.

This girl is in this situation. Everyone in her family is dead, and she is the only one left.

If she comes a step later and the news is known to those in the clan, do you believe that she will not be able to get even a tael of silver, and even herself will be regarded as a commodity that can be lived in the future, and will be drained of its use value? "

The young woman stopped talking.

Do you believe it or not? This is almost a certainty!

There is no man to support the family, there is only one girl left and there is so much wealth. For the tribesmen, it is almost impossible to have the word "big fat" written on their faces.

Those people can eat with complete peace of mind, let alone a little girl like this.

She also saw her own fate, so she decisively took this step, even breaking her family's property and selling it for takeout.

And for her, this is definitely the best way.

After leaving the yard, Miss Huang took a deep breath, touched the box on her chest, and finally had a smile on her face.

"Sister, we are going on a long trip in two days, and we have to prepare all kinds of household things. Don't look at it, it's a bit noisy here, but in fact, everything is the most complete. As long as you want to buy something, as long as you have the money, there is almost nothing to buy here.

Something that can’t be reached.

I’ll take you for a walk in a while, and we’ll buy whatever we see!”

"It's not necessary to buy anything...but I'm still very interested in shopping!"

Dr. Huang instinctively refused, but seeing the increasingly prosperous ancient streets in front of her, she really couldn't harden her heart.

The experience after arriving in the ancient world can be described as twists and turns.

When she was first accidentally involved, she was filled with anger and helplessness. Later, she discovered that there was another soul in her body, and she was just panicked.

Fortunately, there was Gao Ning beside him. Not only did the two of them come from the future, but they also had a small intersection. In this strange and unknown world, the two of them were naturally on the same side.

Moreover, Gao Ning himself has magical abilities, which gives Dr. Huang a great sense of security.

I finally solved my physical problem and found my way home. I didn't expect so many things to happen on the way.

Every time I think about it, Dr. Huang can't help but sigh.

Now that the troublesome matter has finally been solved, and it is rare to encounter a lively ancient market, Dr. Huang naturally cannot suppress his feminine nature.

Gao Ning was noncommittal and followed the two of them step by step. He occasionally looked at what Xiaohui was doing and did not participate in the conversation between the two women.

Perhaps it was this attitude that made Ms. Huang become more and more relaxed.

As a psychiatrist, Dr. Huang is very sensitive to the mental state of the people around him. Seeing that Ms. Huang has gradually become more open-minded after seeing her previous wariness and pain go away, she can't help but feel a little curious.

"You've just……"

"Sister! Let's not talk about this!" Miss Huang interrupted and turned to look at Dr. Huang.

Dr. Huang nodded slightly awkwardly and said nothing more.

I know that the privacy of the other party may be touched upon.

Although I feel a little regretful, I can only hide my doubts in my stomach.

She is a psychiatrist with professional ethics. No matter how curious she is, she will not ask questions!

Miss Huang kept her promise, and the next two hours were indeed a shopping spree.

She had the momentum to spend all her money at once, so she went to the most expensive clothing store and changed herself and Dr. Huang from top to bottom, inside and out.

Gao Ning and Xiao Hui also changed their outfits.

These two were originally wearing light yellow and moon-white long skirts. After changing, they turned into light green and light pink. The styles became more complicated and softer, and the fabrics were obviously of a higher grade.

Gao Ning and the other two were much simpler. Xiao Hui was still wearing a bunting outfit, while Gao Ning changed into a light blue scholar uniform.

Although her short hair looks a bit eye-catching, when she wears a hat, she looks more and more chic like a scholar.

The two women's clothes totaled three hundred taels, and Gao Ning and Xiao Hui's two cents were given as extras, free of charge.

After changing his outfit, one person went to buy a carriage, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, ingot candles, dry food and dried meat, water and wine bags, and a lot of other messy things that could only be used when traveling far away.

After Lin Zongzong spent more than a thousand taels of silver, the four people, led by the man in black, drove the carriage and slowly drove out from another exit.

There is a forest directly outside this exit. After running out for a few hundred meters, you see a forest path.

Go north along this road and you will reach the mass graves.

Xiao Hui also didn't expect that his paper man and horse would suddenly turn into a real carriage, and he himself would become a real carriage driver.

However, he had no complaints. Instead, he was very interested in driving the carriage.

Gao Ning was sitting in the carriage with the two women, while recalling Miss Huang's behavior and what he had said before to protect her for three days, he always felt that things would not be that simple.

This Miss Huang probably knows something.

The two women kept whispering. Dr. Huang has always been curious about ancient life, and Miss Huang is also very talkative. As long as her privacy is not touched, she can talk non-stop.

The carriage was specially made, with a circle of storage compartments inlaid around it, filled with all kinds of snacks.

Ms. Huang also specially bought a set of teapots and cups specially designed for carriages, and used a palm-sized stove to boil the tea little by little. Dr. Huang and she drank tea and ate snacks at the same time. It felt like they were on an outing.

However, this feeling disappeared when the carriage arrived at the mass grave.

Miss Huang suddenly spoke and stopped the carriage.

Then she took down the large bag of incense paper without saying a word. She looked at the eye-catching and bright red stone, and after a while of silence, she drew a simple circle on the ground with her foot.

She also personally laid out the ingot candles and other items one by one. Then she took out a blank piece of zero space, wrote a few words on it with a pen, and then pasted it on with a yellow talisman.

Then the incense was lit and a simple memorial ceremony began.

During the whole process, Gao Ning and the other two people watched quietly, and no one spoke.

Gao Ning was really not used to this depressing atmosphere, so he deliberately walked aside to smoke.

It was only now that Ms. Huang showed some vulnerability.

She is actually the most innocent one.

Before coma, she was still in the presence of the eldest lady. Although she was not carefree, innocent and romantic, she had her father above her and her brother in front of her, so she basically never had any worries.

Although she was very smart and knew she could do more since she was a child, she had no interest.

When she woke up, her family was ruined, and the pillars collapsed one after another. She was unable to save the family, and there was no time to cry or pay homage. She had to make a choice immediately and try her best to escape.

Fortunately, Gao Ning and the other three were accompanying her, which gave her some confidence. Otherwise, even if she was alone, even if she could get the same amount of money today, it would definitely be at a huge discount.

She was convinced of this.

During the process of burning paper, Ms. Huang was a little too quiet. She just muttered a few words at the beginning and then stopped talking.

She quietly watched the pile of things burn to ashes and then be blown into the sky by the wind. Then she got up and returned to the carriage.

Gao Ning looked at the sky, vaguely feeling that something was about to happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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