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Chapter 561 The Power of Firefly

Late at night, William suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

"Damn, what is this place?"

There was darkness in front of me, and I could barely make out that it was a room, but the furnishings and decorations here were extremely unfamiliar.

William was certain that he had never been to this place.

He tried to move, and then his body felt tingling.


He screamed, and when his body tensed up again, he realized that he was tied with thick ropes.

By the way, black vines!

The image flashed back in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the black vines sticking out of the tent.

"Am I kidnapped by a monster?"

He endured the sting and twisted his body, trying to sit up, but the vines on his body showed no signs of loosening. Instead, they tightened inward little by little, as if the reaction mechanism had been triggered.

"Ouch... shit!"

He cursed loudly, and his eyes and nose ran out of pain.

Turning his head inadvertently, he suddenly found Nancy and Ada lying next to them in a miserable state, with black vines on their bodies like snakes, strangling their bodies in sections.

"Ada! Nancy! Hey! Wake up quickly, now is not the time to be in a coma!"

William was overjoyed and called out quickly.

But after shouting three or four times in a row, neither woman responded. William was afraid that louder calls would draw the monster out, so he gasped and tried to breathe calmly.

He didn't know what happened to him, but he just yelled a few times, and his vision went black for a while, and he felt dizzy uncontrollably. He knew that his physical condition was probably not good.

He didn't dare to waste any more energy and looked around, trying to find something to put in his mouth and spray it hard to wake the two of them up.

I accidentally looked up and saw a metal key lying on the carpet not far away.

William's heart moved and he looked at the black vines on Ada's body.

At two o'clock in the morning, Fang Shaobo had already fallen asleep. Running around all day and night had already made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Yinghuo didn't sleep. She wasn't even in the room. Instead, she was sitting on the roof, holding an exaggerated crossbow in her hand and wiping it carelessly.

She had a hunch that Jason would definitely appear again tonight!

There is no reason for this feeling, but it is indeed very strong.

She planned to stay here all night, and if Jason really dared to show up, she would give him a hard beating.

Of course she heard the movement in the room, but she didn't care.

The three of them are just cannon fodder who know nothing and can only run away. They are just bait if they are left alive. Even if they run away, it will not change this fact.

Time passed minute by minute, and I don’t know how long it had passed. In the quiet night, the sound of branches being trampled was suddenly heard.

In the motel, two people opened their eyes at the same time.

The homeless man in the room glanced out the window, then turned over out of boredom and continued to sleep.

The firefly didn't move, and a black vine snaked over, wrapping around in circles like a snake, hiding the firefly.


The sound of steel bars dragging on the ground gradually approached, and a tall figure appeared at the door of the motel.

The motel is open 24 hours a day, and the front desk changes in the morning and evening. At this time, a tall and thick bearded man at the front desk was watching TV with his legs crossed.

Suddenly he saw Jason standing outside the window and said nonchalantly: "Forty yuan in cash and a valid ID! The room fee is 20 yuan and the deposit is 20 yuan."

After the bearded man finished speaking, he waited for a long time and saw no reaction from the figure outside. He couldn't help but frown and repeated himself.

Jason still didn't respond at all, standing there like a wall, waiting for something coldly.

The bearded man became alert and reached for the loaded double-barreled shotgun at his feet.

"Man, if you're looking for trouble, you've come to the wrong place. This is Texas. There's trouble in every house..."

Before he could finish his words, a steel bar more than one meter long flew in from the box-sized cashier opening, accurately penetrated his throat, and pierced the wall behind.

The bearded man covered his throat in fear and wanted to scream, but he could no longer make a sound.

The fat and black body fell heavily to the ground, twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

Jason tilted his head and looked at it for a moment, then walked to the entrance of the front room, kicked it away and walked in. After retracting the steel bars, his eyes stayed on the registration book spread out on the table for a second, then turned and left.


"It's almost successful! It's almost successful! Work harder! Work harder!"

William lay next to Nancy, biting the vines like a mad dog, leaving debris everywhere on the ground.

The corners of his mouth were full of blood, and the gaps between his teeth were filled with sawdust. The indirect pain caused the blood vessels to jump.

But even so, he still tried his best to wake up his girlfriend.

"Nancy! Nancy!"

Nancy frowned and slowly opened her eyes.

"God, William? William, is that you? How did you become like this? Damn it, we were kidnapped? No!"

As her memory gradually recovered, Nancy's expression changed rapidly. She struggled hard, and with a soft sound from Katcha, the black vines on her body were broken, and she was quickly free!

When William saw this, he showed an extremely ferocious smile and fell to the ground helplessly.

"William! Are you okay?"

As soon as Nancy saw her boyfriend's miserable condition, she knew what was going on.

I was really distressed and scared.

She glanced at Ada, who was still unconscious, and without hesitation tore up the vines on William's body.

The vines are a bit like corpses that are still wrapped around a big tree after drying up. Although the binding effect is very good, once a gap is torn, it is easy to pull the whole thing up.

William looked at the black vines as thick as a baby's arms for who knows how long. When they were in Nancy's hands, they broke easily after just a few repeated folds.

The fuss here woke Ada up.

She was also a little panicked, but quickly regained her composure.

The three people were freed one after another and sat on the floor to catch their breath for a long time before they remembered to check their surroundings.

William was attacked from the front, and there was no part of his body that was not in pain, and his mouth was full of wounds. However, the pain was painful, and he could walk without much problem.

Nancy bent over and walked to the window, looking outside through the gap between the curtains.

Make sure it's empty.

Ada first searched around the room and found no surveillance equipment. Then she put her ear to the door and listened quietly for a while.

Finally, he shook his head seriously at the two of them.

The three of them were all overjoyed. They looked at each other and made up their minds.

Ada found a lamp and held it in her hand as a makeshift weapon.

He unscrewed the door directly and leaned sideways against the wall.

The door opened slowly, the moonlight shone on the floor, it was deserted and quiet.

The three people waited for more than a minute. After repeatedly confirming that there was no one outside and there was no movement, they immediately filed out.

Ada took the lead, followed closely by Nancy, who supported William, and quickly walked towards the gate.

At this moment, a scream echoed through the sky.

The three of them shivered at the same time and stood stiffly on the spot.

The surrounding air protection suddenly solidified, and the inexplicable chilling air made the three of them feel terrified.

Ada slowly turned her head and saw a tall man in a hockey mask holding a blood-stained steel bar slowly walking out of a room.

When the two sides exchanged glances, Ada was so frightened that her soul almost jumped out of her skin.

He screamed on the spot, threw away the lamp, turned around and ran away.

Nancy and William slowed down for a moment, and just as they took a step, a sharp steel bar pierced William's body from behind.

William threw himself on the street and pulled Nancy down.

She was so frightened that she couldn't care less about her boyfriend, so she subconsciously wanted to get up and run away.

But then a huge force hit the back of the head.

Nancy's head hit the ground like a hammer, and the sound of broken bones could be heard instantly.

She knelt on the ground and stopped moving!

A pool of blood quickly appeared on the ground.

Jason walked forward unhurriedly, grabbed the steel bar and pulled it out with force, and flicked it gently, and the blood and minced meat stuck to it were thrown in a straight line on the ground.

He glanced in the direction of the door and took big steps to chase after it.

When passing Nancy, he shot her without hesitation.

Don't give her anything but that cool feeling.

On the roof, Yinghuo watched all this calmly.

Although there were some deviations from the plan, there is no doubt that the three protagonists completed their bait mission brilliantly.

After two days of preparation, it’s almost time to try it out!

It's not Yinghuo's character to be passively beaten throughout the whole process.

She stood up silently, and the black vines blocking her vision in front of her gradually receded, entwining and braiding with each other, forming a huge thing behind her that was thirty centimeters in diameter and at least ten meters long.

She held the crossbow straight, her aim always aimed at Jason's vitals.

Ada regrets it extremely now.

I regret why I agreed to Robert's pursuit. I regret that I managed to get into college and why I didn't study hard. I regret that I followed my boyfriend to adventure in Crystal Lake even though I had no interest in it.

If she is given another chance, she will definitely... choose a more reliable boyfriend!


With a crisp sound, the steel bar penetrated her body like a javelin and plunged into the asphalt road.

She opened her mouth to scream, but the blood rushing out of her throat drowned out her cry for help.

She held the tendons tightly with both hands, but the strength could no longer support the weight of her body. She could only watch as she fell down little by little, and then waited motionless for her final fate.

Jason walked up behind her and turned a blind eye to the blood on the ground. Instead, he tilted his head and looked at the angle at which the steel bars were inserted into the ground, and then kicked her neck hard.

But Jason, an absolutely competent murderer, would never be able to survive mainly for the people he saw.

He raised his hand to pull out the steel bar, turned around slowly, and prepared to return to the motel and continue to kill the remaining guests.

At this moment, an arrow suddenly fell from the sky, grazed his body, and hit the ground.

Jason stopped and slowly lowered his head.

Before he could see clearly, the second arrow had already pierced his chest.

This time he saw it clearly!

The arrow body is dark, exquisite and natural in shape, with wooden textures and some weird hollow designs.

Especially the stable tail is not a feather.

Before Jason could react, a giant python suddenly jumped out of the woods beside the road, aimed at the spot where Jason was hit by the arrow, and hit it with its head.

Jason seemed to have been hit by a locomotive and flew more than ten meters away. When he fell to the ground, a big pit was already dented in his chest.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to survive such an injury.

When Jason was different, he immediately struggled to get up.

But the python's attack has just begun.

It rushed over very quickly, raised its head high, and smashed it down hard again.

Once, twice, three times...

Jason's upper body had turned into a puddle of flesh, and a cobweb hole had been smashed into the asphalt road.

The huge force even caused the ground to tremble, as if there was an earthquake.

I pounded it for a full minute, and it stopped when the meat paste had begun to turn into a slurry.

The giant python was hovering nearby, and the firefly slowly walked out of the nearby forest, slowly rubbing a fireball with both hands.

This fireball looks ordinary, as if there is no heat at all, but the inside is white with extremely high temperature.

She stopped about five meters away from the body, observed it calmly for a while, and shook her head disdainfully.

"Is this the only level it turns out to be? Maybe I'm too cautious!"

She turned around and left, throwing the fireball in her hand, and it fell into the large sunken pit.


Just like an open flame dropped into a gasoline barrel, the pit exploded with a bang. The flames expanded to a height of more than ten meters. The powerful impact instantly cut off a piece of the ground, carrying gravel and melted asphalt blocks, and shot in all directions.


In mid-air, Lan Weiwei's eyes widened in surprise, "Is this... so exaggerated? She has obviously not undergone any strengthening, how can she have such a powerful ability?"

Gao Ning said nothing, but he was vaguely interested in Yinghuo's superpowers.


Or are there other abilities that have not been revealed?

I remember Yinghuo mentioned before that all the efforts she has made since birth are to enter the reincarnation space.

Apparently, she didn't lie.

Gao Ning's eyes flashed. If this is the case, what is the situation in the world where Yinghuo lives?

I’m really curious!

In the room, Bruce, the homeless man, turned over and sat up. He glanced at the direction of the explosion with a slightly weird expression, lowered his head and thought about it, then lay down again.

Fang Shaobo was very dissatisfied with the sudden explosion. He frowned for a few words, turned over, put his head under the pillow, and fell asleep again.

In the motel, the remaining customers were awakened. A group of people opened the door in surprise, and what they saw were two corpses in the center of the yard.

There was a moment of silence in the hotel, and then screams broke through the sky.

Ten minutes later, three police cars, sirens blaring, rushed into the motel one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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