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Chapter 735 The plan is moving forward

It was raining heavily outside, and the house was silent.

Gao Ning and Zeng Jing looked at each other calmly. One was smiling and seemed confident. The other was expressionless, like a volcano that might erupt at any time.

Shunzi and Pang Xiaodong were a little nervous. They didn't dare to speak since when.

Pang Xiaodong is a little better. He is now the incarnation of a lotus, his physical fitness is extraordinary, and he is somewhat immune to things on the spiritual level.

The reason why he didn't speak was not only because he didn't know what to say, but also because he wanted to wait and see how the Dream Master worked.

As for Shunzi, she was simply frightened.

The memory of going back in time still remained in his mind. Like Zeng Jing, he had no idea what was going on, but this did not prevent him from being in awe.

If the experience last night had made them surrender by force and be controlled by intimidation and poisoning, then the experience now had completely crushed the little resistance spirit in his heart.

Gao Ning can be sure that even if he is detoxified now, he will not leave!

"I'm really surprised. You are now pretending to be dead and living an ordinary life. You obviously want to completely cut off from the past. The troubles caused by your past identity should be resolved as soon as possible. Why did you hesitate for so long?"

Gao Ning tilted his head, a little curious: "Do you think we have bad intentions and will bring trouble to your ghost hands? Or, after you stopped being a killer, you have already fasted and chanted Buddha's name, and switched to cutting meat to feed eagles?"

Zeng Jing's hand holding Yinchai tightened slightly, but relaxed again in an instant.

She turned her head slightly, glanced at her husband who was lying on the bed and fell into a coma, and sighed softly in her heart.

"It's easy to find Li Guishou. There is a Nong Yuxuan in the north of the city. The house is very hidden. There is no signboard or cover. There is only a palm-sized bamboo sign hung in front of the courtyard. It's not someone who knows the inside story and takes the initiative to find it.

It's almost impossible to find here.

This place is a private residence on the surface, but it is actually a fake house. You can go in directly and someone like a housekeeper will stop you. You don’t have to reveal your identity, you just need to pay, and the other party will understand!"

After finishing speaking, Zeng Jing closed her eyes.

Gao Ning raised his eyebrows: "Is this the end?"

"Isn't that enough?" Zeng Jing said calmly: "You only need fifty taels of silver at most, and the other party will provide you with Li Guishou's address within three days. As long as no one deliberately sets a trap, the address is absolutely true.


This is quite interesting, there is a special intelligence organization!

Gao Ning suddenly became interested.

"Is Nong Yuxuan related to Heishi?"

"Yes! All the Jianghu organizations that can survive in the capital are inextricably linked to Blackstone. Some of them occupy key positions, and even Blackstone is behind the scenes, but this does not affect you!"

Zeng Jing said calmly: "For Blackstone, the media is just an organization that collects information and makes money, and is not even the core. And although Li Guishou is famous for his medical skills, to Blackstone, it is not


In addition, his whereabouts are erratic, and there are many people helping him overtly and covertly, so even Black Stone does not want to be hostile to Li Guishou, because it will be really troublesome, very troublesome!"

She used two "troublesome" words to describe Li Guishou in succession. Gao Ning didn't know that she was actually just describing it to herself.

But judging from her expression, it might be both.

Gao Ning smiled.

"Then I will tentatively believe that this information is true. Then, I will also give you a piece of news. Soon, the upper body of Moro's body will be sent to the capital. The Black Stone Wheel King seems to have great power over this mummy.

In Bide, there are many people in the world who are interested in this treasure. When the time comes, this place will become the eye of the storm. If you still want to live a peaceful life, you'd better take your honest husband and leave here in advance!


Zeng Jing's eyes flashed slightly but she said nothing.

Gao Ning stood up, and Pang Xiaodong also stood up, but he soon discovered that Shunzi was actually affected and was still sitting there in a daze.

So he stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

As soon as his body moved, Shunzi came back to his senses. He looked around blankly, then suddenly had a sudden idea and quickly stood behind Gao Ning.

Gao Ning ignored him, and the two of them strode out of the room, walked through the small courtyard, and soon disappeared into the rain.

Zeng Jing stood at the door of the room, still holding the silver hairpin in her hand. She glanced under the eaves and then at the opened courtyard door.

Suddenly he sighed softly and raised his hand to point out.

Invisible air waves carrying a few drops of rain penetrated the small courtyard and hit the door panel.

The wooden door of the small courtyard squeaked and closed automatically.

Zeng Jing turned around and walked back to the bed, looking at her husband who was still in a coma with a calm face, reached out and stroked his hair, and whispered softly: "Mr., what should I do?"

The rain did not last long. After about two hours, the rain gradually stopped.

But at this time, the sky was completely dark, and the air had been washed by the rain, making it seem unusually clear.

Jiang Asheng's eyelids trembled slightly, he stretched out as if he had just woken up, and slowly sat up.

The house was empty and tidy as usual, and the sound of cooking could be heard in the kitchen.

Judging from the rhythmic rhythm, it is obviously Zeng Jing.

He sat quietly for a while and did not choose to get up immediately.

On the surface, he seemed to be in a daze, but in fact, he was silently thinking about the three people who suddenly came to the door.

When Gao Ning and the others first appeared, he had the same idea as Zeng Jing, thinking that Hei Shi had discovered the identity of one of the two, so he came to kill them all.

But after Gao Ning stated his purpose, Jiang Asheng was really surprised.

Are you actually looking for Li Guishou?

For Zeng Jing, this may just be a matter of conscience.

After all, she has already been exposed in person, and it shouldn't be long before her identity is fully exposed.

But I am different!

Jiang Asheng's predecessor was Zhang Renfeng. Apart from himself, only Li Guishou knew this secret.

Why are these three strangers looking for Li Guishou? Are they trying to find out about him?

Although this probability is not high.

Because the news of his death has spread throughout the world, and there is even a similar corpse buried in the grave.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

His target is too big and the enemy is too dangerous. Isn't he hiding his identity for so long just to find an opportunity to catch all the Black Stones?

Now the time is almost here, but the crisis of identity exposure seems to be right around the corner.

This risk...he can't gamble!

"Ms. sir, are you awake? If you are, come over and get the bowl. Dinner will be served soon!"

"Oh, here it comes!"

Jiang Asheng responded as usual, quickly put on his shoes and walked to the kitchen.

He didn't show any surprise that his wife could judge his current state without even looking at her.

This is really not surprising. As long as you are a master of the stage, you will be able to keenly sense the changes in everything around you.

Especially the different breathing rates of people.

Jiang Asheng was quick with his hands and feet, and Zeng Jing was neat and tidy. Two minutes later, the two of them sat face to face at the Eight Immortals table. There were four dishes, a soup, and a pot of wine on the table.

Jiang Asheng looked at the dishes on the table. There were all kinds of chicken, duck and fish.

He raised his head and said, "Madam, what day is it today? Why is it so rich? And there is wine?"

Zeng Jing didn't say anything. She picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of wine for each of them.

"It's not an important day, but something important does happen in our family!"

"Oh?" Jiang Asheng expressed doubts.

Zeng Jing showed a hint of distress: "It wasn't the heavy rain. I didn't notice it before. Several tiles on the roof were blown away by the wind. After this heavy rain, the water seeped into the thatch and entered the house. I was blown away.

The cloths are all soaked!"

"Ah? Is it so serious? What should I do?"

He acted like an ordinary civilian man who suddenly lost most of his family's important property. The anxious and nervous look on his face was full of details.

"What else can we do? If the quantity is small, we can choose a sunny day and take them out to dry, but now most of them are soaked, and our yard is not enough."

Zeng Jing suddenly picked up the wine and drank it all in one gulp. The glass hit the table with a loud sound.

"I have decided that tomorrow we will go to some nearby villages to find a suitable place and rent a spacious courtyard. Then we will find someone to transport the cloth there and find opportunities to dry it one after another. After processing it, we will

When considering subsequent sales!”

Having said this, Zeng Jing turned to look at Jiang Asheng: "Do you think this is good?"

Jiang Azhang's eyes widened and he nodded: "That's a solution, but if we don't open a stall for such a long time, what will we eat? How about I stay in the city to make money?"


Before Jiang Asheng could finish speaking, Zeng Jing said no.

What a joke, she is looking for an excuse to stay away from the capital, and of course she cannot let her husband stay here.

"Ms. sir, it's not too much. I can't do it on my own. Moreover, the world is not peaceful now. I'm a weak woman going out to do things. Don't you feel relieved?"

"Uh..." Jiang Asheng was speechless.

He wanted to say don't worry, a Blackstone killer wouldn't go out with a car, let alone a car with gold, and no one would dare to provoke you.

But he obviously couldn't say this.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise! You don't have to worry about food. There is still some surplus food at home. We have also saved some money in the bank. We will withdraw some tomorrow. It will be enough for half a year!"

"Half a year takes so long?"

"It shouldn't be necessary, but it's hard to tell. The cloth in the warehouse seems to have been soaked repeatedly, and mold has grown in some places. It needs a lot of medicine to be treated repeatedly, which may take a long time. In short, we have brought enough money and we will finish it.

Come back!" Zeng Jing had a wise expression on her face that had considered all aspects.

Jiang Asheng opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing, just nodded and said a good word.

Zeng Jing felt a big stone fall in her heart, her appetite was whetted, and she ate significantly faster.

Jiang Asheng's eyes were slightly dull, and he was obviously thinking quickly, trying to find a way to break the situation.

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no way to stop my wife's decision without exposing her identity.

In the end, he could only sigh in his heart. It seemed that the plan was going to be advanced!


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