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Chapter 85: Tear the Silly Label

"30196! Squat down, I order you to squat down for me!"

The killer roared loudly, and his voice came out through the loudspeaker, making his eardrums buzz.

Even a deaf person can feel his anger.

This is a riot!

Regardless of whether it can be suppressed or not, he has definitely shouldered the responsibility.

Three minutes ago, he was discussing with his female colleague whether he should go to the movies tonight or go home and have sex. His young heart was in turmoil. Three minutes later, a black pot fell from the sky.

This polar reversal of emotions gave him the urge to vomit blood.

The prison guards formed an orderly formation, with black rattan shields lined up in front, constantly compressing the space around Gao Ning.

The prisoners in the outer area were squatting and falling down. The chaos in the outer area had been controlled by the prison guards with thunderbolt means. Even the stubborn Big Sha brother was slapped on the head with a rubber stick by the angry killer Yuichi and stared at him.

He fell down with his eyes closed.

Only Gao Ning was left standing firmly in the entire playground. The huge man exuded a fierce aura, his indifferent expression, and the stern attitude of the prison guards around him, making him look like a wild beast out of the cage.

"Squat down! Squat down!"

"Squat down! Squat down!"

The prison guards shouted angrily in unison, marching forward every time they shouted, like a military formation advancing, with a full sense of oppression.

Gao Ning was unmoved, watching them with indifference as they approached step by step. The space around them shrank little by little. When the distance between the two sides was only five meters, and the prison guards changed from two rows in front to five rows in front and back, Gao Ning

Suddenly it moved.

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the ground shattered. With the force of the counter-shock, he rushed out like a cheetah.

He is huge and has amazing defense. When the huge power is converted into extreme speed, the kinetic energy generated is extremely terrifying.

He turned into a locomotive and crashed into the police formation, knocking seven or eight people away on the spot.

Before they could react, Gao Ning opened his arms, fired his bow left and right, overturned five or six more people, and rushed out of the encirclement.

He ignored the panicked prison guard behind him. He glanced at DaMi and immediately turned into an angry brown bear, striding towards him.

Da Mi is a veteran and has rich experience in fighting. He knows when to take advantage and when to give in decisively.

When the prison guards rushed out, he got up from the ground and squatted on the spot with his head in his hands with an innocent look on his face.

The other big guys followed suit and everyone gathered together to watch the fun.

Such a big scene is rare.

Although they started this fire with their own hands, it still feels like an eye-opener. You have to take a closer look so that you can go back and brag.

In their opinion, no matter how strong Gao Ning is, he is still made of flesh and blood. He can't beat four hands with two fists, and he can't stand up to a group.

The prison guards were serious about it. No matter how angry Gao Ning was, he still had to give in.

But the situation was beyond everyone's expectation. Gao Ning usually seemed silent and sat there like a stone Buddha all day long. Unexpectedly, he had such an explosive temper that he didn't even give face to the prison guards.

When they saw Gao Ning staring coldly at the prison guards as they approached, looking like he wanted to resist, Da Mi and others looked like they were watching the show.

But when he broke out, broke out of the encirclement in an instant, and rushed towards this side, everyone's expressions changed.

DaMi's face turned white after just a swipe. How can he care about the rules at this time? Saving his life is the most important thing!

He turned around and ran away like a conditioned reflex. He moved so fast that even the prison guard next to him didn't react.

The other big guys followed closely, but in the end they were a step too late and it was already too late.

Shabiao's reaction was half a beat too slow. Just when he was about to run, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder. Then there was a sharp pain, blood spattered, and his right arm and half of it were torn off forcefully.


He screamed loudly, but Gao Ning turned a deaf ear and turned him over. He grabbed an ankle with one hand and shook it gently, and then his whole thigh was torn off.

Gao Ning let go, and Shabiao's broken body languished on the ground. Blood spurted out, instantly staining the ground red.

He glanced at the large group of dead souls who were eager to escape on two legs. He held up his thighs with an expressionless face and rushed out like a cheetah.

Blind Snake's heart was beating fast. He heard the screams, but he didn't dare to look back. All he could think about now was to escape quickly. Even if he was imprisoned, even if he was imprisoned until death, it would be better than facing that monster.

He kept praying in his heart, never chase himself, never chase himself.

But obviously God was not at home today and his prayers had no effect.

A sound of wind sounded behind him, and the blind snake had no time to react, but his heart felt like it was falling into an ice cave, and a flash of despair flashed through his mind for no reason.

It’s over!

Before he could finish his thoughts, he heard a muffled sound, a flash of blood, and the blind snake's head exploded into pieces like a rotten watermelon. The mixture of blood, flesh, and brain was thrown to the ground, and blood rose from the sky.

The body had no head, but it still ran forward two steps under the influence of inertia, and then fell to the ground, and was pulled out of the well without any movement.

Gao Ning's attack was effective and he continued to chase the other bosses without stopping.

At this moment, he was like playing a game of whack-a-mole, hitting the head of each one he caught up with. The sound of popping was endless, and headless corpses appeared one after another.

The sound of breaking wind caused by the hot blood flowing through the cavity appeared one after another, and the ground became a quagmire of flesh and blood.

The prisoners next to him were almost frightened to death. They were trembling all over and huddled up with their heads in their hands, fearing that they would accidentally attract the attention of this murderous god and kill him as well.

The prisoners, who were usually arrogant and domineering, now looked paler and their calves were shaking more and more. If they could bear not to vomit on the spot, they were considered mentally strong.

And how have the prison guards ever seen such a scene?

Many people vomited on the spot, and the severe physical discomfort directly destroyed their combat effectiveness.

But at this time, no prisoner dared to take the opportunity to cause trouble. They all squatted there obediently, curled up as much as possible, holding their heads tightly with their hands, for fear that if they were not careful, they would also follow in their footsteps.

The killer was dumbfounded and his mind went blank.

All I could do was stare blankly at Gao Ning, who was like a fierce tiger, chasing his target easily and smashing his skulls one by one with every move he made.

When he suddenly came to his senses, more than a dozen big guys had turned into corpses, and only Da Mi was left running wildly like his butt was on fire, rushing towards the fence regardless, trying to escape with his life.

However, his thoughts were doomed to be in vain. Gao Ning only slightly increased his speed and grabbed his head.

Throwing away the weapon in his hand that had lost most of it, leaving only a shin section, Gao Ning calmly picked him up with one hand and slowly raised it in front of him.

Da Mi's cervical vertebra bears the weight of his entire body, making it very difficult to even breathe. He instinctively held Gao Ning's hand with both hands, like a fish on the beach, his lips kept opening and closing, and he begged intermittently: "Forgive me...

Spare my...life...spare..."


Gao Ning gently grasped it with his five fingers. Half of Da Mi's head was deformed, and the marks of his five fingers were deeply sunk, almost pushing out his eyeballs.

He shook like a dead fish twice, and then died no more...

The alarm bell from the loudspeaker became more and more shrill, and under the killer's loud curses, the prison guards holding small bucklers came over cautiously.

They lined up in a row, and the formation was close together. Rather than intimidating Gao Ning, it was better to embolden himself.

The distance between the two sides was only fifty meters, but they just stayed where they were, not daring to step forward.

Gao Ning threw the body away, looked at his clean palms, wiped his face gently, and a drop of blood came out.

He frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about when it happened.

Gao Ning does have a sense of unreality.

Although there have been speculations before, the second operation may be similar to the VR games of later generations.

Although it is a real experience, it is still separated by a layer.

It's like putting a layer of frosted glass on the soul. Although you can barely see the reality on the other side, when it is reflected on the soul, the effect is greatly reduced.

Although the scene was very bloody, Gao Ning found that he did not feel any discomfort, but instead felt a refreshing feeling.

Just like playing a game and striving to be real, blood from severed limbs is scattered everywhere.

He has been waiting for this battle today for a long time!

From the first day he came to Stanley and had some minor unpleasantness with the Chaozhou gang, Gao Ning knew that such a day would come.

For societies, especially those behind bars, being ruthless is their foundation.

You can give in to business matters, but you must not let anyone suppress your anger, otherwise your seat will become unsteady and someone will overturn it in a minute.

In prison, listening to the guards is not considered cowardly, and following the rules is not considered cowardly. However, if a prisoner refuses to obey and remains indifferent, it is a sign of cowardice.

As soon as Gao Ning came in, he ignored all the rules and collected a large amount of information in a condescending manner.

This is not a good phenomenon for various societies.

From their point of view, everyone is in jail, so what else is the purpose of collecting information? It must be for them!

Coupled with the eye-catching temporary parole thrown out by Gao Ning, today's situation naturally formed.

Gao Ning looked around, looking at the quail-like prisoners in the playground, who were either shocked, scared, or solemn. He nodded in his mind, feeling very satisfied with his performance in establishing his authority this time.

It seems to have achieved the desired effect perfectly.

Temporary parole is a favor, killing is a force, and both kindness and force are used to achieve success. This is an eternal law.

I believe that after today, the name Min Tongwen will detonate the entire Stanley Prison like a bomb. Everyone will know that this is a fierce man who must not be messed with!


A shrill whistle sounded, the gate next to the playground opened with a bang, and several personnel carriers rushed over like beasts coming out of the gate. With the harsh sound of brakes, a large number of soldiers holding firearms poured down like a tide.

As soon as the first row set up their formation, someone eagerly threw a few tranquilizer grenades, and thick white smoke enveloped Gao Ning from all directions.

The number of soldiers on alert was still increasing, and densely packed muzzles were pointed in Gao Ning's direction, creating a murderous atmosphere.

As long as the other party makes any changes, they will pull the trigger without hesitation. Even if Gao Ning is beaten into a gag, they cannot let him hurt another person.

The soldiers stood ready, and some kept throwing anesthesia grenades, and the rich anesthetic gas dyed the entire area white.

In the smoke, Gao Ning's figure was looming.

His eyes were half-opened and half-closed. The rich anesthetic gas entered his lungs along the respiratory tract, and the anesthetic ingredients were sent into the backpack, leaving only fresh air.

Gao Ning just stood quietly, looking at the soldiers in front of him indifferently.

This chapter has been completed!
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