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Chapter 124 Nuclear power plant [4]

Chapter 124 Nuclear Power Plant【4】

Author: Li Momo

Chapter 124 Nuclear Power Plant【4】

At this moment, every household was cooking. Cen Li held Huang Xiulan's waist, and the mother and daughter were walking through the dusk.

The autumnal equinox blows, making people feel lazy and feeling particularly comfortable.

Huang Xiulan took Cen Li for a walk and didn't go home until it was completely dark.

As soon as I arrived at the door of my house, I happened to see Grandma Li sitting at the door with bowls and chopsticks in her hands, and a candle was lit beside her.

"Is the power out of power?" the mother and daughter asked, looking at the dark room.

"Yeah, I don't know how long it will take to come." Grandma Li's eyesight was not very good. She only recognized the person when she heard the voice. After seeing the bicycle, she smiled and said, "Did you buy a new car?"

"Yes, my mother bought it for me to make it easier for me to go out." Cen Li replied.

Grandma Li held a candle and got closer to get a clear look at the car. She praised, "This car is really beautiful, suitable for a little girl like you."

Grandma Li only knew that Huang Xiulan was doing business and she should be making money. Now that she saw that she even bought a bicycle, she knew that she must be making a lot of money.

Therefore, I am even more satisfied with Huang Xiulan.

Where can I find such a good woman who has a gentle personality, can do business, and is good to children?

I just hope that the brat in his family can act more quickly, otherwise if he is chased away by others, he will regret it and there will be no place to cry.

"Yes, my mother picked it for me, and I like it very much." After Cen Li finished speaking, she warned, "Grandma Li, everything is dark. Please be careful when walking."

"Hey, okay, you are such a good boy." Grandma Li took Cen Li's hand and patted it lovingly, then walked back to the door with a candle and continued eating.

At this moment, Cen Li and Huang Xiulan went back to the house.

The stall closed early today. Although the stock was relatively small, there were still some bean curd vermicelli left. The mother and daughter just ate this and didn't have to cook.

"When will we stop having power outages so often? It's so dark and inconvenient." Huang Xiulan sighed.

Hearing this, Cen Li was startled.

When talking about electricity, Cenli thinks of power stations, and the one that worries her the most is nuclear power plants.

At present, it seems that only two nuclear power plants in China have been connected to the grid to generate electricity, and the others are still under construction.

Nuclear power plant...

If I remember correctly, China's nuclear power plant was not completed until 2020, when the third-generation nuclear power technology "Hualong One" with fully independent property rights was completed.

Prior to this, due to foreign technology blockades, all nuclear power plant technologies in China were imported from abroad, which required huge costs each time. This resulted in the number of nuclear power plants never increasing.

In fact, nuclear energy is a safe, efficient, and clean energy source. If...if she could obtain this technology in advance, wouldn't it save the country many detours?

So, she suddenly asked the system, [Is there any research and development information on nuclear power plants in the system mall?]

[Back to the host, this system comes from an advanced plane. There are only things you can’t think of and nothing that doesn’t exist. As long as the host has the redemption qualifications, it can satisfy you. 】

Hearing this, Cen Li's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Before this, the only scientific research field she could think of was DAN technology, hoping to help Bai Xuanyuan find his family as soon as possible.

But now, suddenly rising to the national level, she found it difficult to calm down.

After all, for someone like her who was a scumbag in her previous life and a primary school student in this life, the existence linked to the country is really far away from her.

(End of chapter)

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