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Chapter 195: A Chicken Hatched

Chapter 195 The chick hatched

Author: Li Momo

Chapter 195 The chick hatched

Huang Xiulan slapped her thigh and ran to Grandma Li's house.

Cen Li, on the other hand, caught a chick and placed it on the ground, then walked forward.

"Chi chi chi..."

Seeing her walking, the chicken immediately flapped its little wings and ran after Cen Li.

Chicks that have just hatched from their shells have imprinting behavior, also known as the chick plot, that is, they will recognize the first target they see as their mother and follow them.

It is also the time when small animals are at their best.

Cenli was so amused by the silly little thing that she burst into laughter.

Not long after, Grandma Li came and looked at the chicks in the box with a smile, "They even hatched chicks. Oh, they're so cute. Are you really going to give this away for free?"

"Yeah, I'm busy every day and don't have time to raise them. If you want, just get a few more." Huang Xiulan said helplessly.

"Then I'm welcome. Our yard is not small. I want ten." Grandma Li stepped forward, grabbed the chicks, looked at them, and finally ordered eight hens and two roosters.

The remaining twenty or so were, as Cen Li said, as soon as the neighbors heard that they could get the chicks for free, they immediately divided them up between three and five.

After all the chicks were divided, Cen Li looked at Huang Xiulan and said, "Mom, didn't you say it was quite successful before? Why did the chicks hatch out directly this time?"

"I was just busy and forgot about it, but Mom has already decided that this electric hatchery can be built." Huang Xiulan said with a smile, "It is indeed not difficult to hatch chicken fetuses, so Mom will take advantage of the off-season during the summer vacation to start building the factory.

Once the factory is built, it’s almost time for the weather to get cold, and sales will be good at that time, so we can start making money.”

"Okay, Mom, have you figured out where to rent the factory?" Seeing the bright light in Huang Xiulan's eyes, Cen Li was also happy. Her mother is getting better and better now.

"Think about it, I asked yesterday. There is a public house next door to us that happens to be for rent. The undecorated rough house is suitable for use as a factory, and it is not far away." Huang Xiulan did not hide it from Cen Li, and said patiently.

He told her, "The place is quite big, about a hundred square meters in total, and the rent is only over 800 a year. Mom thinks it's okay."

"Eight hundred a year is quite reasonable, mainly because it is a big place." Cen Li did the math and felt that it was indeed not bad.

Huang Xiulan is now also a person of action. She made a decision and rented the house the next day.

Later, workers and other things were also hired.

Huang Xiulan left early every day and came home late every day and had no time to supervise the work. When Grandma Li found out, she immediately volunteered to go.

According to her, we are all one family sooner or later, but we must take care of ourselves.

The relationship between Huang Xiulan and Zhang Junjie has become more and more stable, and Cen Li feels that something good is about to happen.

Cen Li's birthday is only a few days apart from Bai Xuanyuan's, and Bai Xuanyuan's birthday is coming soon.

Everyone still followed the same pattern and held a birthday surprise for Bai Xuanyuan.

The young man's eyes were as clear and colorful as glass under the candlelight.

After blowing out the candles, it’s time to give gifts.

"Xuan Yuan, this is a gift from me. I hope you like it." Cen Li took out the gift she had wrapped.


Bai Xuanyuan's fingers holding the gift tightened, with some anticipation in his heart.

Of all the gifts, the one he looked forward to most was from Cen Li.

Because of Cen Li's wonderful singing performance before, everyone encouraged her to sing again this time, and she sang two songs directly.

(End of chapter)

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