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Chapter 347 100-meter track and field preliminaries, the first round begins!

Chapter 347 The first round of the 100-meter track and field preliminaries begins!

Author: Li Momo

On the 20th, Cen Li had a peaceful sleep and woke up at the same time.

"Well, not bad, quite timely."

Seeing that she had indeed woken up, Guo Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I asked you to bother me." Cen Li naturally knew what Guo Jingjing was thinking, and she was very grateful in her heart.

After washing up and adjusting to her condition, she and Guo Jingjing went to the arena.

After spending some time with Cen Li, I also like this little sister Guo Jingjing very much, so I naturally want to come and watch her games.

After arriving at the stadium, I took a look and found that Cen Li was in the fifth group.

Then, because she knew who won the gold medal in the 100-meter women's track and field at the Athens Olympics in her previous life, she specifically looked at the opponent's position.

Nesterenko, in the second group, was not with her.

Cen Li was actually a little regretful. If they were together, they could defeat each other in the first round, and she would be much more relaxed.

"Xiao Li, there is a black player from country M in your group, you should pay special attention to it." After looking at the ranking list, Guo Jingjing was a little worried about Cen Li.

Cen Li also knows that in the sprint field, the crown has always been monopolized by black people, so it is normal for Guo Jingjing to be worried.

But she didn't say much, just smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I understand Sister Jingjing."

It's useless to say more now. When the time comes, just let your strength speak for itself.

Soon, the first group of members came out.

Seeing them come on stage, the audience immediately burst into cheers.

The members of the first group started running quickly, and sure enough, as predicted, the first place runner was the black runner.

When they got to the second group and saw Nesterenko appearing, Cen Li looked a little more serious.

After all, this person will be her biggest opponent for this championship.


When the gunfire rang out, all eight athletes started running quickly with shouts and rushed out like arrows.

Cen Li mainly focused on Nesterenko. Her starting speed was not too slow, but not too fast either, so she was ranked third at the beginning.

However, her speed in the later stages was very strong. She started to accelerate after running 50 meters, and when she was about to reach the finish line, she took the lead in crossing half the sole of her foot and won the first place in the group!

At this time, Nesterenko's score also came out, 10 seconds 94!

This result can be said to be very excellent.


"Hey, that white guy won first place."

"It's so rare. Who is that person? Why have I never heard of him?"

"I don't know, she probably participates in too few competitions."


When they saw that a white man had won, the audience immediately applauded and at the same time there were constant discussions, asking who this person was.

"Hey, this runner can run well."

Seeing Nesterenko's results, Guo Jingjing was a little surprised and said, "I've never heard of this guy before. It's so rare for a white man to run so fast."

Although Guo Jingjing said this, she actually didn't take Nesterenko too seriously. She was mainly worried about black people.

But Cen Li was thinking in her heart that she was not only fast, she could have been the world champion in her previous life!

However, when I meet her in this life, I can only say sorry!

Because it was only a 100-meter race, groups passed by, and soon it was Cen Li’s group’s turn.

After coming on the field, Cen Li took a ready position in his position.

"Humph, a short-legged, slow-moving yellow man."

Dear children, good luck in the college entrance examination!

This chapter has been completed!
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