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Chapter 2216 not selected

After subduing this woman, we should be able to exchange for Zhuang Yike's life.

When Feng Lin thought of this, he took a step back, holding his general, waiting for Yu Zhi's arrival.

Seeing Yu Zhi approaching him, Feng Lin swung several sword energy at her.

Yu Zhi waved her fist vigorously, and a blue ball of light as big as a car flew towards Feng Lin.

She was hiding behind the ball of light.

The incoming sword energy was shattered after encountering these light balls.


In the blink of an eye, the ball of light appeared above Feng Lin's head.


A black shadow passed through the light ball and suddenly appeared next to Yu Zhi.

In the black shadow's hand, there was a dark red long sword, and it attacked Yu Zhi.

When Yu Zhi saw this, she was shocked. She didn't expect Feng Lin's divine rebellion to be able to do this.

She immediately exploded her energy to the limit, causing her long black hair to fly.

She waved her arms, and blue light flashed across the black shadow like wings.

Yu Zhi's expression changed again, because she didn't feel like she was hit.

"Look at how scared you are, I haven't even started preparing yet!"

Feng Lin mocked on the spot.


Yu Zhi roared angrily, this Feng Lin dared to play tricks on her.

She didn't have time to make the next move.

Feng Lin has appeared on the black shadow.

Wow! Slough off

A large amount of cold air appeared all around, freezing Yu Zhi.

The generals who sealed the forest followed.

This time he did not kill her directly, but planned to use her life in exchange for Zhuang Yike.

So the attack was on her arm.


As the ice shattered, the black robe worn by Yu Zhi was shattered, and cracks appeared on her right arm inside, and blood spurted out.

Feng Lin was a little surprised. He was not merciful. Logically speaking, he should be able to completely shatter her arm.

But the formation only left a few broken wounds on her arm, but it was not broken.

Feng Lin kicked out, knocking Yu Zhi's body and the ice down from a high place.


Her whole body hit the ground in the distance, kicking up a large piece of loess.

Feng Lin followed closely, landed next to her, stepped on Yu Zhi's body, and pointed the tip of Gan Jiang's sword at her head.


Behind Feng Lin, the huge ball of light released by Yu Zhi just landed and exploded behind.

The terrifying power caused ripples.

But Feng Lin didn't look back at the explosion, what he wanted was such coolness.

When Qin Zhongyang in the distance saw this, his pupil-less eyes narrowed into a line.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, Yu Zhi's physical strength far surpassed that of other races.

In a head-on battle, Feng Lin is definitely not weak, and can even achieve suppressive power.

However, what she fears most is people like Feng Lin, who never fight head-on, but rely on skills and bodywork for sneak attacks.

"The traitor of the Yin Yang Crusaders over there! Do you think the formation weapon in my hand can shatter her head?"

Feng Lin looked at Qin Zhongyang in the distance.

"I know what you mean. You want to trade Yu Zhi's life for this little girl."

Qin Zhongyang glanced flatly at Zhuang Yike beside him.

"That's right! I said before that I don't want to be your enemy. It was you who made the first move."

The tip of Feng Lin's sword had already landed on Yu Zhi's pretty face, "This little girl was not bad looking. It would be a pity to die."

Yu Zhi's face at this moment gradually became distorted and crazy, "Damn it! You brat, how dare you insult me ​​like this, how dare you insult me ​​like this!!"

Her body was suddenly enveloped in a circle of dark blue light, and the next moment, Feng Linbing's ice that sealed her was shattered.

Feng Lin frowned slightly and immediately retreated a hundred meters.

"It seems that there is no need to change it."

Qin Zhongyang showed a faint smile when he saw this scene.

The dark blue light gradually expanded and turned into an oval.


Suddenly, a huge roar came from inside.

The sound was as thick and powerful as a bell, and the vibration of the sound alone caused a storm to form all around.


A giant black snake emerged from the blue circle of light.

Whirring whirring!

Unlike other snakes, this snake has four huge wings on its back.

Divide into two pairs and wave them behind each other.

This snake was flying high in the sky at the moment, and every time it flapped its wings, it caused waves of roaring noises all around.

"This...grandma, you scared grandpa."

Feng Lin looked up high, his eyes half closed.

Rather than a snake, it is better to say a giant python or a dragon.

It is more than ten meters long and its body is about as thick as a basketball.

Not only was Feng Lin frightened, but Zhuang Yike over there was also stunned.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she had seen it wrong.

How does a person become a flying snake?

Buzz! Slough off

The figure of this giant snake flashed rapidly from a high place and appeared in front of Feng Lin in the blink of an eye.

That bloody mouth seemed to swallow Feng Lin.

Feng Lin flew to a high place and slashed a few sword energy at the giant snake to test it first.

But in the face of these sword energies, the giant snake was too lazy to hide. The scales on its body were like armor, which deflected all the sword energies.


The giant snake had already arrived in front of Feng Lin and swung its tail towards Feng Lin.

There was a terrifying roar throughout the space.

Feng Lin's eardrums were suddenly compressed and seemed to be broken.

The tail's speed was so fast that Feng Lin couldn't dodge it, so he could only use his divine counterattack to avoid it.


The huge tail passed through the divine anti-clone.

Suddenly, the giant snake opened its mouth.


It sprayed a beam of blue light from its mouth and attacked Feng Lin's foothold.


Feng Lin rebelled again and ducked not far away from Qin Zhongyang.

When Qin Zhongyang saw this, his long sword fell on Zhuang Yike's neck.

"Don't worry, I won't rob her without permission."

Feng Lin put one hand in his trouser pocket and said with a smile, "No wonder the Qu Feiyu I rescued also had vertical pupils. It seems that like this woman, she is a ferocious beast from the alien land, right?"

"You even know this?"

Qin Zhongyang was startled, "Who told you? Qu Feiyu?"

"No, a very strong orc senior, he told me a lot of knowledge about exotic beasts."

Feng Lin pointed at the giant snake that was attacking, "This should be the snaking snake, right?"


The giant snake flying towards Feng Lin heard Feng Lin's words and stopped suddenly, hovering in mid-air.

"Do you know that we, the Naked Snake Clan?"

The giant snake opened its mouth and asked.

Feng Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that after she turned into a big snake, she still spoke with a feminine voice.

Compared to her human form, it's just louder.

"I have read in a book that a giant snake with two pairs of wings is called a singing snake. It is a kind of disaster snake. Whenever it appears, there will be a severe drought."

Feng Lin saw a part of the Classic of Mountains and Seas a long time ago, which recorded this.

"Ignorant rats! What a severe drought, it's just that our practice requires a lot of water."

Yu Zhi opened her mouth and mocked.

"It seems that the meaning is similar. If you use all the water, drought will naturally occur."

Feng Lin's expression suddenly froze. He remembered something and was ready to test it to see if his guess was correct.

"Guys, it seems that there should be quite a few orcs in the epitaphs, right?"

Feng Lin glanced at Qin Zhongyang, "I also have friends from the beast tribe, maybe one of my own?"

"What race? Qu Feiyu?"

Qin Zhongyang asked calmly.

"No, nine-tailed fox, Qingqiu Yun."

Feng Lin wanted to test whether the mysterious Qingqiu Yun was related to the epitaph.

This chapter has been completed!
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