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Chapter 2248 Cooperation

Feng Lin knew what Zhu Xie meant. He specifically mentioned Wei Yinghuo and Su Zishu because they were the daughters of the Black Emperor and the White Emperor respectively.

And this time, Mr. Mei’s main purpose must be to catch them both.

Since they are hostages, the more important they are, the better.

"Senior, I want two people who can be considered my friends. They may be able to help me in the future."

Feng Lin looked at Zhu Xie, "As for the Su Zishu and Wei Yinghuo you mentioned, I only took one away. I believe the remaining one is enough to become a hostage."

Feng Lin's face was solemn, but he did not hesitate when he said these words.

He originally had this kind of character, putting his own people first.

Take good care of your family and friends first, and then think of ways to give back to society.

Sacrificing himself and his family's interests to make the world a better place is not that great.

The two people he wants to take away are Luo Shenyan and Su Zishu.

He must take Luo Shenyan away. As for Su Zishu, he can be considered a good friend.

Zhu Xie crossed his arms and asked with a smile: "Who do you want to take away?"

"Su Zishu, and Luo Shenyan."

When Feng Lin said this, it might be helpful to remove his father, "They two are the daughters-in-law that I like."

"Does Fengchen like it?"

Zhu Xie thought for a while and nodded slightly, "The Luoshen family is now in decline. There is no one in the top ten in the sequence. They are dispensable. As for Su Zishu..."

"All right!"

Zhu Xie nodded again, "For your sake, I'll let Luo Shenyan go, and for Feng Chen's sake, I'll let Su Zishu go."

Feng Lin felt happy. Although the others didn't take him away, it was already pretty good this time.

The best option is to go out and tell the Yin Yang Crusaders the news.

Let them send out top experts to rescue them.

However, Feng Lin always felt that the leader of the Yin Yang Crusaders had his own plans.

These serial captains are the mainstay of the Yin Yang Crusaders, how could they be allowed to come in?

A simple belt formation cannot protect them at all.

Maybe there is a backup plan.

"Well, I will destroy this formation, you take your people and leave."

As Zhu Xie spoke, he took out a token from the space ring and said, "When I unlock this formation, you will inject Qi Jin. Regardless of whether Mr. Mei knows the truth or not, we should still do some superficial work."

"Thank you, senior."

Feng Lin looked at the token in his hand and nodded lightly.


In front of Zhu Xie, a black-robed shadow appeared, and he collided with Zhu Xie.

The black breath is released again.

As the powerful aura gradually converged, black robes appeared around Zhu Xie's body.

However, the robe is obviously made of Qi Jin, and you can easily see the black arrogance at the edges.

Zhu Xie glanced at Feng Lin with indifferent eyes, and he stepped out.

Swish, brush, brush...

Countless runes flew out of his body and spread like a whirlwind.

The surrounding illusory formation gradually collapsed under the influence of the whirlwind.

At this moment, several people outside are recovering their bodies.

Suddenly, everyone noticed a huge bubble floating in the air and began to vibrate.

Then, a popping sound came over.

The entire bubble suddenly shattered and disappeared.

Zhu Xie's figure slowly fell from the height, and Feng Lin's whole person fell from the top.

Feng Lin's current state is something that most people really can't pretend to be.

He looked very weak, with traces of blood all over his body.

Not to mention people like Luo Shen Yan Su Zishu, even Mr. Mei, who was on the top floor of the building, was a little surprised when he peeked at this place.

He looked at Feng Lin on the stone slab. That condition didn't look like a fake injury deliberately created by Zhu Xie.

"Could it be that...Zhu Xie established that formation just because he was afraid that Feng Lin would use his gods to counterattack?"

Mr. Mei murmured softly. Of course he knew Feng Lin's divine rebellion. Under normal circumstances, he could not attack him at all.

Feng Lin was lying on the ground, motionless.

When Luo Shenyan and Su Zishu saw this, their minds went blank and they didn't know how to react for a moment.

This was the first time they saw Feng Lin being beaten like this.

"Feng Lin!"

Luo Shenyan and Su Zishu shouted at the same time, bursting out with energy and attacking Zhu Xie.

At this moment, Feng Lin, who was lying on the ground, suddenly took out the formation token and injected Qi Jin into it.


Several circles of runes suddenly appeared around Feng Lin's body.


A white light suddenly spread.

Luoshen Yan, Su Zishu and others felt that their eyes were completely white and they could not see anything.

Not only them, but even Mr. Mei who was observing from the outside could not see everything found inside.

The stone slab was shrouded in white light.


The whole building began to shake violently, and then began to collapse.


A white light beam instantly shot into the sky, shrouding Mr. Mei above the building.

Inside the building.

Zhu Xie's robe was covered with formation patterns, shining like a circuit board.

"Don't worry, no one here, including any formation, can spy on our conversation."

Zhu Xie looked at Feng Lin gloomily, "I will send you to the transfer formation here, and you can leave on your own."

"Thank you, senior."

Feng Lin looked at the white light around him, and saw that the Yin-Yang Crusaders over there were all frozen by black ice.

Causing them to be unable to move.

Feng Lin immediately ran over and grabbed the hands of Luo Shenyan and Su Zishu respectively.

"Junior brother, your strength is beyond my imagination. You are almost qualified to touch people of my level. We will meet many times in the future."

Zhu Xie opened his hands expressionlessly.


A huge blue formation appeared at the feet of Feng Lin and others.

The three people disappeared here instantly.

Feng Lin and others appeared on the transfer formation behind the building. He immediately activated the formation here and disappeared here with Su Zishu and Luo Shenyan.


Mr. Mei emerged from the white light first. He floated high in the sky and kept shaking his head.

The world before my eyes finally became clear.

The white light disappeared, and Zhu Xie was floating high at the moment, as if looking for others.

When he saw Mr. Mei here, he asked expressionlessly: "Where is Feng Lin?"

"Sir, I don't know!"

Mr. Mei is still a little confused. He understands formations, but his attainments are not as good as Jiao Chunqiu's.

The formations here were all drawn by Jiao Chunqiu.

How could it be destroyed in an instant?

"The formation token in Feng Lin's hand is definitely carved by a top master."

While Zhu Xie was talking, several Yin-Yang Crusaders also recovered from the ruins of the building over there.

He pointed and said: "The moment the formation appeared, I immediately used ice to freeze everyone, but Feng Lin still took the people to escape."

Mr. Mei stared at Wei Yinghuo, who had destroyed the ice, and said helplessly: "Sir, Su Zishu is gone too. This Black Emperor's daughter must not be let go."

"Don't worry, I promised you!"

While Zhu Xie was speaking, another dark shadow appeared.

He returned to his talkative state and dived towards Wei Yinghuo.

Mr. Mei narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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