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0253 The secret deep in Qingshui Prison

After occupying Stillwater Prison, a crow appeared on Swain's shoulder.

"You did a good job, boy." Lamer's voice was as hoarse and ugly as ever, "You are indeed the person I like to carry the secret!"

"Stop talking nonsense." There was not much joy in Swain's voice after winning, "Because this prison must be taken down, the warriors of Noxus have suffered casualties that should not have happened - it's best if you

The privacy is worth the price.”

"Oh my, what a cold-blooded ruler!" Lamer didn't care about Swain's tone and continued to talk to himself, "In your opinion, the loyalty of these soldiers is just a measurable bargaining chip? They are really better than me.

This devil is even more cruel, quack quack quack——"

"Stop talking nonsense, Crow." Swain gritted his teeth and the veins on his forehead bulged slightly, "Tell me, what are you looking for?"

"A doll." Larmer, who seemed to have finally had enough laughter, finally spoke again, "an old, broken doll that no one cares about..."

"This is a prison, not a toy factory. I don't think there are any dolls here." Swain narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the soldiers escorting the prison guards into the prison. "Don't play riddles with me. I'm sorry."

I’m not interested in this kind of winding thing.”

"But you are naturally good at this, ah, the ability to explore secrets. This is exactly why I like you." The crow flapped its wings, "And, this time I didn't do riddles... What I hope to find is really

Just a doll."

"Be specific." Swain put forward his request. "I just want my soldiers to know what they are looking for."

"It's hard to say, I only know that the doll is the only characteristic." Crow said in a rare serious tone, "Maybe it's a person holding a tattered doll, maybe it's a guy with a doll tattoo, maybe it's someone who has transformed himself

A person who becomes a doll, maybe a dancer who can do doll dance... That guy is really a bit too versatile."

Although Larmer chose to use "that guy" to refer to his target, Swain almost subconsciously determined that what Larmer was looking for was also a demon.

This understanding that seemed to come from instinct made Swain a little uneasy.

Swain didn't know why he thought so, or why he knew this. It was clear that Lamer had always been very secretive about his goals and had never revealed them at all, but Swain felt this way.

Is it the natural sixth sense that Rammer speaks of?

Or is it the subtle synesthesia after signing a contract with the devil?

Quietly twitching the corners of his mouth, Swain chose not to dwell on this issue.

"So, just find the person with the doll mark, right?" Swain confirmed again, "This is your goal."

"Yes, yes, go quickly!" The crow flapped its wings impatiently, "That guy always acts weird and whimsical, but he doesn't know that no matter how unexpected things are, they will always leave behind something that cannot be erased.

The traces of... the delirium also has its traces!"


Under Swain's orders, the Noxian soldiers quickly took action.

Although it was not clear why they were looking for a "person related to the doll," these soldiers still performed their responsibilities conscientiously. After briefly interrogating the prison guards, they began to find the person based on the information provided by the guards.

For the sake of caution, all those with tattoos and clear markings on their bodies will be found and then brought to Swain in person for judgment.

As the heavily armed Noxian soldiers escorted the prison guards and entered the prison as if they were suppressing prisoners, the prisoners inside Stillwater Prison began to make noises one by one.

Although most people have no idea that these guys in armor are from Noxus, as long as you deal with these damn prison guards, you are our boss!

The excited prisoners began to slap the railings of their cells, hoping to be released first. Compliments that were so disgusting that they made people's skin crawl were uttered for free. These felons seemed to smell the smell of freedom.


However, among the frantic crowd, Delevingne and Tamara looked quite calm.

As true "own people", the two of them not only were not in a hurry, they even had time to tidy up their appearance a little - Delevingne tried hard to comb his messy bush-like beard into three locks.

Tamara wiped her face with her clothes to make herself look less embarrassed.

Then, just as they expected, Noxian soldiers escorted the prison guards and released the two of them first.

"Hey, buddy, you guys are moving very fast. That bastard Swain actually means what he says." Coming out of the small cell, Draven moved his body happily and said in a familiar voice, "

Do you know where my ax is? I miss them!"

The soldier who remained silent couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, ignored Draven's nagging, and just turned around quickly with him and Tamara and left directly.

Some of the prisoners heard Delevingne's words and knew that they were in a group, while others only saw that Delevingne and Tamara were very quiet, so they were taken away. As a result, many people in the noisy prison

They all closed their mouths and waited for possible freedom.

Surprisingly, many people do get the freedom they long for.

Tattoo artist, magician, gangster, murderer...

As if at random, the Noxians took away one prisoner after another.

However, there were too many prisoners in Stillwater Prison. As the Noxians took away prisoners less and less frequently, the remaining prisoners began to lose their composure.

Seeing that the Noxians even opened the door of the cell and took away a fool who usually only laughed and giggled, someone finally couldn't help it anymore.

"I can contribute to the prosperity of the empire!" A strong-looking guy said proactively, "Take me away, I will contribute all my loyalty!"

"Me too!" Someone started, and naturally others followed, "For the empire, I will go through fire and water!"

"Me too!"

"And me!"



In the gradually boiling cell, the dull eyes of the fool who was pulled out of the cell by the Noxians moved slightly twice, and suddenly became agile and cunning.

Pulling the corners of his stiff mouth slightly, he slowly turned his head and looked at the prisoners in the prison, revealing a silent and terrifying smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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