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0445 Sonas connections

After finding Shyvana and Ivar, Ino's "Dragon Hunting Journey" mission has been successfully completed. Next, he only needs to transfer to Mithril City, pick up Ino's family, and go to Forsbarrow.

That’s it.

Two dragons were not enough to support Forsbarrow's air force.

But in fact, at least for three to five years, only one Iva dragon will be enough to support Forsbarrow's air force training - even if it is an elite and precious air force, at the beginning, the first thing it has to get used to is

During this period of time when moving on land, Iva will be used as a "reward" to take the better performers for a spin in the sky, so that they can gradually adapt to leaving the ground and adapting to flying. It is enough.

When these rookies really start the flight training stage and really want to cultivate relationships with their flying partners, they can just find a nest of elemental dragon hatchlings or dragon birds and other flying mounts.

Now Fosbarrow is full of things to do. If we really catch a brood of baby dragons, I'm afraid they won't be able to raise them.

As for Shyvana...

When it comes to being a good teacher, Kalya never disappoints anyone. For this elemental dragon with a very special identity, Kalya, after changing Iva's attributes, asked her directly "if she would like to

Become your own student”.

Although Shyvana always felt that Kalya was a bit weird, she had no reason to refuse him after all.

Just as Ino said, she needs someone to teach her how to use her own power to curb the dragon's thirst for blood and primitive animality.

No one can do this better than Karya.

What is a special teacher (tactical fallback)?


Perhaps because the dragon disaster in Laobangmen was a bit tragic, before the battle between Iva and Shyvana had even begun, the defenders of Green Teeth Peak were already facing a formidable enemy.

Iva swaggered through the mountain without concealment, which directly aroused the tense nerves of the Green Teeth Peak defenders. Although the purpose of building the fortress group here was mainly to guard the passage, block it layer by layer, and hide troops on multiple lines, it was completely harmonious.

Air defense has nothing to do with it, but anyone who knows something about the dragon disaster in Lao Jianmen will not underestimate the elemental dragon that just flew over the Green Teeth Peak under everyone's noses.

We must master the flight path of this amazingly destructive dragon to avoid another dragon disaster like the old one in Demacia!

It is easy to understand that the defenders of Green Teeth Peak want to keep an eye on the elemental dragon.

But for them, "how to keep an eye on the elemental dragon" is not a simple task.

After a short discussion, Green Teeth Peak decided to send an elite reconnaissance and combat team to keep up with the elemental dragon and serve as a messenger of dragon disaster warning.

Although it is said to be "an elite reconnaissance and combat team", there are actually only two main members.

Quinn, and her fighting partner - Valor.

In Demacia, the military is a large, closely-knit organization.

Within the army, there are orders and prohibitions, and clear hierarchy has always been Demacia's organizational style - taking the most common shield formation and sword formation as an example, in order to maximize the strength of the warriors and the advantages of rune steel armor, shields

As the most basic combat combination, soldiers in the formation and sword formation often move in synchrony, cover each other, and cooperate with each other to respond to the enemy's attack or actively attack the enemy.

However, there is one team whose style is somewhat different from the other teams.

The organization of this team is very flexible. There is no requirement for the number of people in the most basic team. Armor and weapons do not need to be unified. Everything is done by the soldiers themselves. The name of this team is the Rangers.

As for Quinn and Valor, this Ranger team consisting of one person and one Blue Rock Falcon is quite famous even among the many defenders on Green Teeth Peak.

Everyone has heard some stories about Quinn, including but not limited to her having a brother, her receiving sponsorship from the Bouvier family, her shooting results being very good, etc.

Among these stories, the most widely circulated is undoubtedly the story between her and the blue rock falcon Valor: it is said that they formed a life-and-death friendship during a difficult hunting, and they are fighting partners with the same heart.

This is an incredible achievement. The Blue Rock Falcon was once considered "functionally extinct" in Demacia. At that time, many people were still distressed by the Blue Rock Falcon's disappearance.

After all, this kind of raptor with feathers as smooth and bright as satin was once considered the most suitable bird to carry warriors into the sky before the emergence of dragon and bird knights.

They usually have a wingspan of more than two meters, fly at an astonishing speed, are extremely flexible, and have quite good intelligence. When the Blue Rock Falcon was still occasionally seen, someone once became a partner with it.

Unfortunately, unlike dragonfowl, this noble and beautiful bird is completely unable to accept artificial domestication and cultivation. Before the Demacians could find any way to cultivate it, it disappeared from people's careers and only appeared occasionally.

On the lips of the bard, it became part of the ancient legend.

Until Quinn met Valor.

In fact, most of the information about the relationship between Quinn and Valoro in the military is accurate - Quinn did meet Valoro during a hunting trip and formed a fighting partner; Quinn and her brother did indeed accept

Help and resources from the Bouvier family.

But few people know that Quinn is best friends with Sona, the adopted daughter of the Bouvier family, and no one knows that a few days ago, when Quinn was patrolling freely, he returned to the capital once and made some "new friends"


Although his military position is not high, Quinn can speak a little bit among the Rangers.

On the one hand, this is because she is "the only air force that does not belong to the Dragon Bird Knight sequence"; on the other hand, it is also because Quinvaro's combination can handle many tasks that even the Dragon Bird Knight cannot handle.

Although dragon birds are relatively easy to handle in terms of breeding, they are extremely delicate in daily life. On the contrary, blue rock falcons are not currently capable of artificial breeding, but their tolerance to the environment is quite amazing.

Originally, when they realized that they might encounter a dragon, the commanders of Green Teeth Peak did not want Quinn and Valor to take action.

In the past, this pair was always unfavorable in reconnaissance, mostly because their opponents had neither flying nor air defense capabilities. Quinn and Valor could rely on flying to conduct reconnaissance unscrupulously. If necessary, they could even sneak into the vicinity of the target quietly and collect enough information.

After receiving more information, Valor took Quinn away.

But this time it's different.

The person causing trouble this time may be a dragon - Demacians have not seen an active elemental dragon for many years. Their only concept of an elemental dragon comes from the dragon disaster that happened to Lao Jianmen not long ago.


If the elemental dragon flies fast and is flexible enough, Quinn and Valor may be in danger.

So at the beginning, the defenders of Green Teeth Peak planned to mobilize a group of heavily armed soldiers, carrying a large number of anti-aircraft weapons, and carefully explore the fire place - this way, even if they encounter a dragon, they can still stay in place and wait for rescue.


However, just when the matter was about to be decided, Quinn stepped forward and volunteered, and gave an irrefutable reason.

"This matter should be left to me and Valor!" Quinn looked confident. "After I heard about the dragon disaster, I specially set up an observation post in the mountains. Not long ago, I saw a red dragon with my own eyes.

The giant dragon flew over."

"You have done a good job." The commander shook his head, "But the dragon is not an ordinary creature after all. We must be cautious - you are very important to the rangers and the entire Green Teeth Peak defense line. At this time

It shouldn’t be moved lightly.”

"But according to my observations, the flying speed of the giant dragon is not as fast as that of Hua Luo, and it is huge and not good at turning. I can observe it at close range while ensuring my own safety!"

This is not Quinn's bragging. As a magical creature that naturally resonates with wind elements, the blue rock falcon does indeed exceed the dragon's flying speed - even when carrying Quinn, it still has maneuverability.

sexual advantage.

However, if it was just this, Quinn would not be enough to convince the commander to send her alone.

"If I were to conduct the investigation, I would not only be able to get close to the dragon, but I could also estimate the dragon's flight trajectory and give the village an early warning." Quinn continued, "The plains are to the west. If the dragon rages,

We must prepare as soon as possible, and it is best to warn the public in advance. Rather than actively attracting the dragon's attention and entangling the dragon in the wild, I prefer to rely on favorable terrain to solve the problem once and for all!"

According to the commander's conservative view, the best way to prevent the dragon disaster from happening in Demacia is to have professional soldiers attract the dragon's attention, anger the dragon, and then mobilize an army to surround and kill them.

That is, send a heavily armed team with long-range weapons, find the dragon, harass and anger it, and then slowly encircle it.

In this case, although it is difficult to kill the winged dragon directly, it can at least make it understand that Demacia is not to be messed with and drive it away from Demacia.

Quinn's suggestion is undoubtedly much more radical than the commander's - if you only rely on slow infantry and mounted infantry, it will be too difficult to catch up with the dragon in the sky, so you should leave it to me.

After letting me estimate the dragon's flight trajectory, we will directly fight an ambush on the road ahead!

Although in an ambush battle, Quinn could at most recruit militia and private troops to participate in the battle with the help of local lords, but relying on favorable terrain such as castles, if there are city defense weapons, taking down the dragon may not be better than carrying long-range weapons.

Professional Soldier Difficulty!

Although the land from the west of Green Teeth Peak to Xiongdu is almost undefeable, in fact, for the dragon, even if the terrain is as dangerous as Green Teeth Peak, isn't it completely meaningless?

Instead of sending soldiers to chase after you, it is better to organize militiamen to block the front. As long as you find a fortress with a defensive crossbow, even the elemental dragon cannot withstand a few rune steel arrows!

The commander of Greentooth Peak eventually adopted her suggestion.

So, after receiving a "special order", Quinn, led by Valor, swooped down from the general command fortress on the mountainside and flew quickly to the west.

And shortly after she set off, thick smoke rose from the woods at the foot of the mountain.


Although he had heard Sona mention the "Dragon Taming Plan" before, Quinn was still in disbelief after seeing Ivar with his belly turned over, lying on the ice, his mouth tightly bound by the ice.

Eyes widened.

(What, why do you think Iva's mouth was frozen? Kalya said he didn't know, and emphasized that he has always been a very generous person - and beside him, Ino nodded frequently, highly recognizing this.)

Warlow frequently twisted his neck and combed his feathers uneasily, and even wanted to open his mouth several times and let out a shrill cry. Only with Quinn's comfort, he managed to remain quiet.

"Hello, I'm Quinn." Shaking his head slightly to get rid of some strange thoughts from his mind, Quinn took the initiative to extend his hand to Ino, "I heard about you from Miss Sona...

The veteran of the Silent People, Miss Ino—I didn’t expect you to actually find an elemental dragon.”

"It's just luck." Ino, who was a little wary at first, finally relaxed a little after hearing this, "Quinn... I also heard Sona mention you. She said you are the most astute person she has ever seen."

"Hahaha, that's Miss Sona's ridiculous compliment!" Quinn heard this, with a bright smile on his face, "I, a wild child who grew up in Owendale, often like to be surprised.

, on the contrary, it’s Miss Sona, she clearly knows everything, but she always has a smile on her face that makes people feel refreshed, this is amazing!”

"Sona would be very happy if she knew you praised her so much." Ino echoed, "Miss Quinn came here because of this dragon?"

"That's right." Quinn didn't shy away and nodded immediately, "A powerful dragon has entered Demacia, which naturally requires attention, but since it has been caught by you, there is no problem -

I just need to report that 'The Silent Man took action to solve the problem'."

Quinn and Sona have a very good relationship, and they have a close personal relationship, but in the final analysis, Quinn is not yet a core member of the "normalization of magic" circle.

Although Sona also trusted her, Quinn was not a mage after all.

Therefore, Quinn does not know all of Lux's plans for Forsbarrow. Sona does not intend to use affection to ask her friend to believe it. She is more willing to prove it to Quinn with facts.

Although Quinn always feels that "Count Laxana seems to have some ambitions that he cannot understand", for now, he only respects Lacus and is only close to Ino, and will not unconditionally give the green light to Sona's friends.


In this case, it is also a very clever way to directly report "the silent man to solve the problem" without any false answers.

Ino, the elder of the Silent People, captured the elemental dragon. Wasn't it the Silent People who solved the problem?


After confirming that the elemental dragon would no longer cause trouble, Quinn no longer delayed, and took off directly with Valor - circling around the woods twice, and after confirming that the fire here had no intention of spreading, one person and one bird

He quickly headed east and rushed to the command post on the mountainside of Green Teeth Peak.

Ino breathed a sigh of relief.

Kalya, on the other hand, was in a very happy mood.

"Sona did a good job." He commented cheerfully, "You have a lot of friends. At this point, you and Lux ​​need to learn more from her."

Ino blinked, remembering Sona's friendly and even maternal look, and finally couldn't help but shake her head.

"This is a talent, Teacher Kalya - I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it."

This chapter has been completed!
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