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0511Another winter has arrived

At Kalya's request, Lux, Ino and Sona began to think about "unexpected" things.

This kind of hypothetical reasoning will be meaningless to a large extent, but in Karya's view, this kind of reasoning and thinking itself is the meaning of it - in fact, even if Karya's education can be regarded as eager for quick success,

But when facing the ever-changing situation in Fosbello, these three little girls will still clearly feel that they are immature, and this is the best way that Kalja can think of as a supplement.

If he could follow him, Kalya believed that there would be no problems with Ino's journey, but unfortunately, on Fosbairo's side, Kalya still had many tasks that he couldn't get away from.

Whether it is the construction of the artificial river after the winter, or the courses of Fosbarrow's magic improvement class, or the off-site guidance of some professional groups, these all require Kalya to stay in Fosbarrow. In this case,

There was no way he could leave under any circumstances and follow Ino across the ocean on a journey around most of Runeterra.

For Kalya, who has always made plans before taking action, letting Ino set off on his own this time may be his most risky move after meeting Lux. In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, he ended the hypothetical reasoning

After that, in addition to some necessary work, Kalya has been providing one-on-one tutoring to Ino.

During this period, regardless of whether Ino could memorize it or not, Kalya poured a lot of his knowledge into her.

At the same time, Fosbairo was also preparing for Ino's departure.

Ino, who represents Forsbarrow, obviously should not travel alone, so Lux has to prepare an envoy for her. This envoy needs to be responsible for escorts, documents, records, guides, intelligence and other tasks to help Ino complete this task.

One trip.

To this end, Shyvana also flew to the Freljord and brought back several intelligence agents with a lot of experience from several places such as Frostfrost Port and Frozen Tide Port.

In order to adapt to a more complex environment, several different types of mages and some shapechangers with vastaya blood were added to this mission. They will help the team collect information in different environments.

In addition, Lux also found Fiona and asked her if she would be willing to serve as the escort for this "special mission".

Fiona, who is eager to experience more types of swordsmanship, readily accepts this. She will select five highly skilled people from Forsbarrow's private army as the escort of the mission, and will set off with Ino to join

to this great trip.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and a team of thirty people was assembled in Forsbarrow City.

In the mission, Ino is the envoy and leader, responsible for overseeing travel and diplomatic matters. Under her, there are members who have their own division of labor - three people responsible for paperwork and records, six responsible for team escorts, and various other personnel.

Eleven elemental mages, three vasta changers, four experienced intelligence personnel, and a space caster and a time caster serve as joint guides.

In order to support Ino's mission, Lux can be said to have mobilized all the elites of Forsbarrow. Except for some people who were unable to move away (such as Fauquelin's team), she selected the best from all directions.

Finally, together with Ino, thirty people were gathered.

After a period of running-in, the team finally set off in the cooler season of early autumn. After a brief farewell, they left Fossbarrow.

Not many people knew that they were leaving, but when they set off, Lux and Sona stood on the top of the city in person. They did not return to their posts until their figures disappeared.

"Ino will have a smooth journey, right?"

"Of course, if there is a wind elemental mage in the team, we will definitely go with the wind."

"Don't be clever at this time, my dear teacher Kalya."

"This is not to be clever, but to state the objective facts - well, the vulnerable time is over. Now, go back to your post. You can't rest now, Lux!"


The envoy team led by Ino seemed to leave without incident. Except for a few core people, most people did not know what this team's trip meant.

For Forsbarrow right now, what most people are more concerned about is preparations for wintering this fall.

Because it is located in the frozen tundra zone in the north, there is almost no large-scale agriculture in Forsbarrow - cultivation in frozen soil is not a simple matter. There are many areas around Forsbarrow that look like they could become good farmland.

, maybe it can be planted this year, and it will become a hot melt lake next spring when the ice melts.

For the planting industry, this is undoubtedly an extremely fatal problem. If you want to carry out large-scale planting, you have to start clearing land again almost every year. The workload is simply unacceptable.

In addition, the winter in Forsbarrow is long and cold. Even the winter wheat that can be grown in Mithril City cannot successfully survive the winter in Forsbarrow and will be directly frozen to death. If you are engaged in farming here, you can only grow one season a year.


The superposition of geographical and climatic factors has led to the fact that even in Forsbarrow, a part of the large agricultural country of Demacia, almost no one is willing to engage in planting. At most, in the spring, they can scatter some seeds in places they can see.

As much as you can harvest in autumn.

This is not because the people of Fosbairo are unwilling to farm, but because the conditions do not allow it!

Since farming is impossible, if they want to survive the winter, the Forsbarrow people can only hoard supplies through other methods. After all, the winter climate in Forsbarrow is cold, making it almost impossible to carry out traditional hunting and gathering work.

In terms of overwintering food, pickles naturally have their own unique advantages.

There is no shortage of salt in Fosbairo, there are many types of spices, and the production of meat is quite sufficient. Therefore, the people of Fosbairo are very good at curing meat and bacon. Many parts that are difficult to eat directly can be cured after a second taste.

After processing, it will become a delicious delicacy on the winter table of the people of Fosbello.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And this year, with the arrival of Lord Laxana, a group of people who call themselves "diving hunters" came from the Freljord in the north.

Arrive at Forsbarrow.

Although Ino and Grandma Walrus have reached a cooperation, these members of the Walrus Tusk still cannot directly enter the city of Forsbarrow this year - in the northwest of Forsbarrow by the sea, the Master built a new building for them.

port, and named it Newport.

The first group of members of the Walrus Tusk tribe to migrate here also gained the title of "Newport People".

The Forsbarrows are wary of the Freljords, but fortunately, although the members of the Walrus Tusk are also Freljords, they are very few Freljord producers.

Although there are cultural differences, we can at least get along harmoniously.

I don’t know where the news came from that “the sea fish caught by the people of Xingang are very good”. Many people in Forsbarrow are willing to try these sea fish that they have never tried before.

Through the primitive trade method of barter, the sea fish caught in Xingang gradually appeared on the tables of the Forsbarrow people. The plump sea fish is rich in fat, which is the supreme delicacy for the Forsbarrow people.

After trying it, many Fosbarrow people fell in love with these gifts from the deep sea.

Similarly, the people of Newport are also very interested in many things produced by Forsbarrow, such as cheap drinks, never-before-seen tobacco, various spices, and useful daily necessities... These are all things that people of Newport have

Something I like very much.

After the barter exchanges between the two parties reached a certain scale, the Royal Master opened up a special place in Xingang as a market for transactions.

After several months of adapting, the people of Newport finally gradually accepted Demacia's currency and believed that these metal pieces could buy the daily necessities, food and drinks they needed, and this also meant that they had truly begun to integrate.

In the order of Fosbairo.

With the addition of these Newport people, the people of Fosbarrow quickly added pickled fish as an option on their pickled goods list for their winter purchases this year.

Compared with cured meat, pickled fish has a higher fat content, which is more helpful for surviving the winter and resisting the cold. Moreover, I heard that people in Xingang can also fish in winter. Maybe Fosbairo can still be eaten in winter.

You might even get fresh fish.

Of course, whether it is pickled fish or fresh fish, these are supplements to the non-staple food. For the Forsbarrow people, if they want to fill their stomachs during the winter, the most important thing is the staple food.

As mentioned earlier, Fosbairo cannot carry out large-scale planting, so Fosbairo's main food depends on trade - in fact, after Fosbairo's summer trade every year, there will be a caravan organization

Autumn trade mainly involves purchasing large quantities of grain from places further south.

The price of food in Demacia has always been cheap, and it is even more so in the autumn when new food is harvested. The Forsbarrow people have never been very picky about food, and they do not care about new food or old food. They can be called scavengers in the north, so they

You can often buy enough food for the winter at relatively low prices.

This winter, because of Lord Laxana, the scale of autumn trade was far greater than in the past. In addition to the wheat that the Forsbarrow people usually eat, oats also flowed out of the collective canteen and gradually became popular among the people.

Got up.

It is also interesting to say that although the people of Fosbarrow were relatively poor, cheap oats rarely appeared on their tables before the arrival of Lux. The reason for this phenomenon was that the trade of Forsbarrow was not good.

It is developed and lacks connection with several major oat producing areas; on the other hand, it is because of the lack of ways to eat oats.

Apart from adding water to make porridge, the people of Fosbarrow have hardly found a second way to eat oats, which makes oats always in the "marginal zone" of Fosbarrow.

However, because the Avarosan people needed a large amount of oats in the Freljord trade, a large amount of oats flowed into Forsbarrow. Most of these oats were packed north, and a small amount was sent to the collective canteen.

, and became an important member of the three meals a day for the Archon and Forsbarrow's private army.

The life of first oatmeal and next oatmeal caused a lot of complaints, so Lacus also held a special meeting to improve the quality of the collective canteen - after that, the proportion of oats in the collective canteen was reduced, and began to

It appears together with dairy products to form the classic combination of oatmeal and milk.

The output of dairy products in Forsbarrow is not high, but Bozaca in the south is the most important livestock production area in Demacia. In the past, the people of Forsbarrow did not have much money left to buy products that were expensive and difficult to transport.

of fresh milk, and at most buy some cheese and cottage cheese as a daily condiment.

But with the arrival of Count Laxana, the situation began to change. Lord Bozaca, who had previously paid no attention to Fosbairo, took the initiative to establish relatively regular trade relations with Fosbairo, and followed the instructions of Count Laxana.

At your request, a fresh milk channel has been opened for transporting fresh milk.

Compared with other dairy products, the price of fresh milk is relatively cheap in pastoral areas.

After the fresh milk channel was established, there were specialized people among the royal guards who were responsible for heating and freezing the fresh milk, then packaging the jelly and transporting it to Forsbarrow within three days.

Although the milk that has gone through the process of heating, quick-freezing, and reheating no longer tastes like fresh milk, it still tastes great when combined with oats. It was also at this time that the clerk's training officially began.

The combination of milk and milk has also entered thousands of households in Forsbarrow along with the clerks.

After the Archbishop made a promise that "the fresh milk channel will not be cut off in winter," many Forsbarrow people added cheap oats to their winter supplies reserve list.

Then, when they look back at their winter supplies, they will be surprised to find that compared to last year, the items above are more than a little richer.

For most people in Forsbarrow, having enough food in winter and successfully surviving the winter is the greatest joy at the end of the year. And if there is room for choice in food during the most difficult winter, it will be a happy life.


In this way, when the people of Fosbairo were preparing the materials they needed for winter this year, they felt for the first time the Lord Laxana and the changes brought to Fosbairo by the Master of Laws.

This change is not big, but it is always in a better direction, and it is also a direction that benefits everyone. Compared with the past, people in Forsbarrow this winter have more choices on their tables, and more fats and proteins.

The income of medicinal herb collectors and miners has increased, and the price of fur in the market has also decreased...

From the perspective of the Forsbarrow people, this is happiness.

Finally, when the Breath of Anivia finally blew from the north, clerks knocked on the doors of every house in Forsbarrow, and Lux ​​was about to stand on the podium again and give her own speech.

The first year-end summary.

This chapter has been completed!
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