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0611 Unexpected harvest

It seemed that because she hadn't spent time with Kalya for too long, Babao had forgotten how scary her teacher was - so when she realized that something was wrong and raised her hands to surrender, Kalya had already found her weakness and gave her some help.

A heavy blow.

It is foreseeable that whenever Bangbao wants to engage in polymer research in the future, Kalya's words will make Ike be more vigilant, and then... nothing will happen.

"Tell me, what's wrong with Jinx?" Just when Bakuba looked at Ike helplessly, but Ike just shook his head slightly, Kalya finally spoke again, "She lost control?"

"Jinx has not lost control. She has always been under my control." Blast shook his head slightly, "It's just that her desire is becoming clearer and clearer."

"Thirst?" This statement also surprised Kalya, "What is she longing for?"

"She is longing for freedom." Bangbang lowered his voice, "She wants to leave me."

"It's really strange. How could she have such thoughts?" Hearing Bakubo say this, Kalya was also a little strange, "She is a part of you, why would she want to leave you?"

"Perhaps it's because... because of the content of my work, she learned some information about the ancient Shurima elemental puppets?" Speaking of this, Bangbao was a little unsure, "She seemed to think that a specially made puppet would be

To set her free – maybe you should talk to her?”

"Well, okay." Kalya agreed with Baobao's statement, "Let me talk to Jinx and see what she wants."

After receiving Kalya's affirmation, Blast reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword. The next moment, she and Jinx appeared in a vast desert.

In the desert, Kalya was still the same as before, wearing a large cloak and a mask, standing quietly in the yellow sand, looking at Jinx, who was temporarily separated from Blast's body, like a runaway husky.

Running wildly in the desert, shouting and screaming.

"Tell me, what are you longing for?" After Jinx had run enough and finally calmed down, Kalya asked, "Do you want to separate from Blast? In the form of an elemental puppet?"

"According to the translation materials in the laboratory, the puppet of Ancient Shurima can definitely be used as my body!" Jinx heard this and quickly came to Kalya's side, pretending that everything was easy to discuss, "I

I don’t want to watch her get stuck with that little black guy, it makes me feel sick..."

Obviously, Jinx is completely different from Bao Bao. She doesn't seem to be interested in Ike at all, so Bao Bao's early marriage greatly stimulated her, and she finally couldn't wait to leave Bao Bao and start her own business.


It happened that when Vazuan was translating the laboratory manuscripts, he mentioned something about the elemental puppets of Ancient Shurima. Jinx believed that according to the descriptions of those experimental manuscripts, the elemental puppets might be able to carry their own existence, so he found

He asked Kalya, hoping that Kalya could provide him with an elemental puppet so that he could leave Blast.

"Then how are you going to leave Bao Bao?" Karya did not ask any more questions about the elemental puppet, but changed his tone and talked about the issue of separation, "You should know that you and Bao Bao are actually one.


"As long as I am willing to leave, I can leave." Jinx was full of confidence. "Besides, Bao Bao is also eager for me to leave, and then go to live in a world of two with the little black egg! Damn it, you don't even

You know how desperate I was when they were together..."


Bao Bao, who was watching from the sidelines, felt bad. Before Jinx could say anything bad, she tightly covered the other person's mouth. As the subject, she physically closed Jinx's mouth.


"So, you still haven't said how you want to leave Baobao." Kalya locked his eyes on Jinx, and his eyes were full of scrutiny, "What are you covering up?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Bao Bao finally let go of Jinx, and at the same time, the look in his eyes became more subtle - was her stability during this period a deliberate act?

"There is nothing to hide." Jinx shook his braid and shook his head, "I just found some inspiration from some words. What is it called...blood stripping?"


Hearing what Jinx said, it was Kalya's turn to be silent.

"How about it, am I remembering it correctly?" Looking at the silent Kalya, Jinx showed a bright smile, "I am part of Blast and part of Blast's bloodline. Just peel me off and send me to

With a reliable elemental puppet, I no longer have to hang out with her..."

Kalya ignored her, but looked at Bao Bao, as if asking for Bao Bao's opinion.

"Jinx..." Baobao felt very strange at this time, "If Jinx can leave through some means, this may be a good choice for everyone."

"Have you thought clearly?" Kalya's eyebrows raised a few times on her mask, "That means you will lose the talent that Jinx brought to you. You should know how amazing her talent is."

"I've thought about it clearly," Facing Kalya's question, Bangbao nodded firmly, "I once longed for Jinx's power. At that time, I needed this power to protect Fandel, protect Wei, and protect

Our tavern protects Zaun—and now, what Zaun needs is stability, and I have also found other meanings in life.”

"These are really good words. They are indeed the result of two months of private preparation." Just when Blast finally mustered up the courage, Jinx suddenly stood up and said, "But, to be honest, this

I have been preparing this content for two months. I really doubt that you will become a fool after you leave me..."

Baobao's whole body became stiff.

Fortunately, Kalya waved his hand and locked Jinx in place. He could only move his eyes but couldn't say a word. Then, he looked at Explosion again and made a second confirmation.

This time, although Bao Bao was a little shy, he still nodded firmly.

"It seems that Lux has been busy for a while recently." After confirming that Bao Bao would rather sacrifice some of his talents to let Jinx leave completely, Kalya finally nodded lightly, "From now on, you

The honeymoon trip is officially over, and for at least the next month, you will conduct docking experiments with Lux and prepare for the bloodline stripping ceremony."

"One month?!" Bao Bao's eyes widened in shock, "Neither Ike nor I have such a long vacation!"

"Now we have it." Kalya shrugged, "You can go to Forsbarrow Public Hospital later to issue a certificate. This is a sick leave."

"Sick leave? What's the cause?"

"Intermittent schizophrenia."

Blast and Jinx are lucky.

In fact, if Lux had not almost finished learning the introduction to advanced elements, even if they came to Forsbarrow and asked Kalya for help, Kalya would not be able to do anything.

The Bloodline Stripping Ceremony can indeed strip Jinx away, but it requires the joint efforts of Jinx and Blast, and the stripped Jinx also needs a special carrier.

When Lux couldn't create elemental puppets, even Kalya couldn't find such a carrier for Jinx.

But now Lux's study of advanced elemental introduction is coming to an end, and the elemental puppet she is rubbing is almost completed. In this case, if Blast and Jinx both agree and cooperate, there is a high probability that the bloodline stripping ceremony will be completed.

It can completely separate the two people.

Judging from their current status, perhaps being completely separated would be a relief, right?

Of course, even if there is an elemental puppet that is about to be completed, if you want to perform the bloodline stripping ceremony, there is still a lot of preparation that needs to be done. I am afraid that Lux will have to work overtime again in the next period of time.

Fortunately, Lux is completely used to working overtime at this time, and it is almost winter. Apart from the year-end audit and winter speech, Lux has very few main tasks at hand. No matter how busy she is, she is still busy.

It won't be long.


As the Breath of Anivia visited the Freljord again, the aftermath of the cold wave crossed the towering Dragonspine Mountains, bringing a heavy snowfall to Forsbarrow.

There was heavy snowfall, and the entire Forsbarrow was covered in silver overnight, turning into a completely white world.

Forced to extend their vacation, Ike and Bangbao became the first batch of winter tourists in Forsbarrow. While cooperating with Karya and Lux's experiments, the two often traveled around in public carts and traveled.

Walking in the snow.

In this quiet time, Fosbairo ushered in Lux's sixth winter lecture.

Compared with previous winter speeches, the content of this year's winter speech is actually not much. For this year, Forsbarrow does not seem to have many groundbreaking discoveries and creations.

In other words, many of Forsbarrow's achievements this year were not suitable for appearing in the winter lecture, so they were deliberately hidden by Lux.

Therefore, compared with previous years, the content of this year's winter speech by Forsbarrow seemed a bit lackluster.

But in fact, from a historical perspective, future students will probably remember the time of this winter’s speech, because in this speech, for the first time, Lux took a clear stand and unabashedly proposed

The idea of ​​integrating the Northern Territory and expressing the intention to promote Forsbarrow's standards and implement them throughout the Northern Territory.

According to Lux, compared to the south, which is richer and richer in products, Demacia's northern border not only has insufficient geographical environment and poor natural conditions, but also does not have a sufficient population and needs to undertake the task of defense.

, which puts the North at a disadvantage in internal competition.

If the Northern Territory wants to improve this, the only way is to exploit its strengths and avoid its weaknesses - that is, to exploit the strengths of the Northern Territory's large territory and low internal friction, unite as one, and carry out industrial complementation with unified standards to avoid insufficient natural conditions, insufficient population, and winter shutdowns.

Too short to produce.

Only in this way can the Northern Territory become more competitive and stop becoming a place where birds don't poop.

The content of the speech was as exciting as ever, with detailed data and reliable arguments. The only problem was that when this kind of content came from Lux's mouth, it sounded a bit overtly ambitious.

At this time, most of the lords in the north who have cooperated with Forsbarrow have paid attention to Lux's speech, and after receiving the content of the speech, they all thought, "Is Laxana going to do this?"

The idea of ​​​​being a talker in the Northern Territory".

However, due to the inertia of thinking and Lux's status as a noble model, these northern nobles did not discover Lux's wolfish ambitions. For them, the core content of Lux's speech was to appeal to the Northern News

By the way, she would be the leader of this reporting group in the north - and after getting to know Lux, these nobles all thought that this was not a bad thing.

Count Laxana's character is well-known by everyone, and her business ability is also recognized by everyone.

In the past two years, Xiongdu has been centralizing power. At this time, there is nothing wrong with her stepping forward to be the talker in the north, leading everyone to unify standards, engage in trade, and make more money.


A trip to Xiongdu can bring back such a large fur order. Now that she is willing to be the first person, there is nothing wrong with everyone following her for a drink of soup!

Moreover, if His Majesty in Xiongdu does something else in the future, at least there will be someone in the north who can stand up and speak on behalf of everyone.

No noble would think that "Lux is preparing to annex the entire northern territory". At least in the minds of Demacians, this possibility does not exist - throughout the history of Demacia for nearly a thousand years

, there is no precedent for any noble lord to directly annex the fiefdoms of other lords!

Therefore, even if Lux is paving the way for the subsequent expansion of influence and the smooth unification of the Northern Territory, the northern lords who received the news looked happy to see it happen, and even arranged many banquets this winter, planning to

Catch the big ship of Lux as soon as possible and take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

Since the content of the speech was public, it didn't take long for LeBlanc and Vladimir, who had already begun to pay attention to Lux, to get the news. Then, based on the existing intelligence, they concluded the relationship with the Northern Lords.

It is a completely unanimous judgment that this noble model lady must indeed stand up to maintain the order of the nobility!

Therefore, after some discussion, Vladimir and LeBlanc felt that this kind of behavior that would cultivate the power of local nobles must be strongly supported - for the current Jarvan IV, the Northern Territory

He has never paid much attention to the nobles, but if there is a trend of integration in the north and everyone starts to unite, then Jarvan IV, who has already experienced the trouble caused by the nobles' grouping in the noble council, may very well

Soon we will target the north.

Isn’t that what we expect?

Therefore, with the idea of ​​"waiting and waiting for Laxana to be rejected by Jarvan IV", Black Rose also quietly sent a helping hand and took the initiative to reduce the tax rate on several northern unified standard products.

This chapter has been completed!
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