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0714 Target: Badao Slope

Badaopo is a place that is not specifically marked on most maps. Even the name Badaopo is a nickname given by the Lissos people based on the continuous hills in the area.

In the north, eight means both quantity and plurality.

The place name Badaopo not only shows that there are many hills and slopes here, but also shows that this is an intersection of roads.

In Lissos, there has always been a saying that "Three rivers in three days, eight slopes in eight days", that is, the Sanshui River is three days' journey from Lissos, and the eight slopes are eight days' journey.

Among them, Badaopo is about 50 miles away from Lithos City in a straight line. It is a section with a relatively obvious elevation increase, and it takes eight days to travel at all costs; and Sanshui River refers to the Meilan River, the Grand Canal and the Yinling River.

At the confluence of three rivers, although it is still close to thirty miles away from Lithos, because the road is easier to walk, these thirty miles can be covered in three days.

The complex terrain, coupled with the not-too-dense but continuous coniferous forest in the hilly areas, made the Badaopo area a place that caravans had never wanted to go, especially after the completion of the Grand Canal.

After you can also take the waterway, the place gradually becomes less visited.

From a military point of view, Badaopo is a typical 宮 (pi, three sounds) place, that is, a place that is difficult to pass through. If you want to march through here, you must be careful of possible ambushes from all sides, so you should pass as soon as possible.

Try not to stop and camp here.

However, the Xiongdu Front Army relied on night marches, carrying many long-range weapons and several heavy crossbows, quietly entered Badao Slope, and selected several hills with relatively large slopes to build its own air defense positions.


Yes, Badaopo was the ambush point chosen by the Xiongdu Front.

The Northern Air Force, after passing the Snow Owl reconnaissance and high-altitude reconnaissance, also set its sights on the Badaopo area.

Yuyu clarified the combat plan and confirmed Badaopo as the key target of the bombing force.

In other words, both sides of the battle intend to have a battle in this ruined area, or in the sky above the ruined area, that will determine the trend of the war.

From today on, this little-known place called Badaopo may be recorded in history forever.


The sky is still dark, the sky is dim, and the stars are still hanging on the horizon.

In this darkest moment before dawn, the Northern Air Force took action early according to the combat plan.

The dragon bird knights worked hard to comfort their comrades, whispering in the ears of the dragon birds to soothe them out of bed - although the Northern Air Force had many night combat exercises, although the people

It can adapt, but dragon birds are still very resistant to getting up early.

Dragon birds, which rely heavily on vision to fly, have never been accustomed to moving in the dark.

Dragonfowl have very good eyesight, but "good" here means that they can see very far and quickly lock onto targets under sufficient light conditions.

When it comes to night vision, dragon birds are not much better than humans.

Therefore, dragon birds have never liked to move in the dark, because in this case, their flight must be carried out completely according to the knight's command, which makes them very insecure.

In this case, it is very important to appease the emotions of the dragon birds, especially the leading dragon bird Yun Ling.

Xisilia attached herself to Yun Ling's brain, taking out all kinds of her favorite snacks to tempt her, combing her feathers, and making a lot of promises in a low voice, which made Yun Ling unable to stop.

He reluctantly walked out of the nest.

As Yun Ling came out of the queue, the following dragon birds also gradually stood up.

After a frustrating quarter of an hour, the First Flying Squadron finally officially set off, taking off from the northern city of Lithos.

Under the leadership of Xisilia and Yun Ling, the dragon bird knights of the flying squadron lit up their indicator lights, formed a single column, and drove toward the southwest under the guidance of the Hex locator.

In the night, the red lights on the dragon and bird knights rose higher and higher, and soon disappeared. Before dawn, the team was completely hidden in the clouds.

After dawn, the second squadron of the Dragon Bird Knights also took off. However, like the first squadron, they did not choose to ascend to high altitudes and fly invisible above the clouds. Instead, they used a reconnaissance attitude to fly toward the intended target.

Drive in on alert.

After the Second Squadron took off, on the North City Tower, a bombing formation that had never been dispatched before officially set off for the first time - unlike the first two squadrons, the Northern Army's bombing formation configuration was quite special.

Although the air units are still dragon birds, behind them, the dragon bird knights did not wear any armor or carry any weapons. They only carried a small one that was not too big, but was tightly wrapped and imprisoned.

A box securely attached to an armed belt.

Different from the light armor of the knights, each dragon bird in the bombing formation wore special leather armor. All the load saved by the knights was transferred to the defense of the dragon bird.

Compared with the Dragon Bird Knights of the flying squadron, it was quite difficult for the Dragon Birds of this bombing formation to take off. The Dragon Birds jumped from the top of Beicheng and almost fell directly to the ground, often reaching less than ten feet from the ground.

Only then can it start flying upward.

It took almost an hour for the bombing formation to take off. After their takeoff was completed, Shyvana, who had been at the head of the North City, simply transformed into a dragon, flapped her wings and flew away, landing far behind the bombing formation.

At this point, the sky finally brightened, and all the northern air force was dispatched, divided into four waves. Under the cover of the clouds, they approached the direction of Badao Slope, either overtly or covertly.

Yuyu’s clarification plan is officially launched!


The Flying Wing Corps and the land-based air defense mixed wing in the temporary camp at Badaopo obviously didn't know about Fosbarrow's actions.

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, even so, when the sun came up, this elite unit, drawn from various legions, still got up early and started to prepare for the war.

Preparations were made for possible battles.

Some of the soldiers went to the nearby stream to get water, while the rest ate the cold water left in their water bags and gnawed feebly on dried meat and dry bread.

The twenty Sun Warriors were not in a hurry to eat or drink. Instead, they started to pray in the direction of the rising sun, praising the sun passionately.

Because it was an ambush, they couldn't make a fire to cook, and they couldn't set up a tent to stay at night. It could be said that they couldn't eat well or sleep well.

Although this air defense wing clearly lives up to its reputation as an elite unit and does not seem to be slacking off at all - the decline in morale is inevitable.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant Colonel Heya, who was in charge of commanding the air defense regiment and served as the commander, chose to leave the cave that served as the temporary command post and quickly walked through the forest, picking fights with the soldiers he saw along the way.

Say hello.

Although she is a lady, Heya's style is more heroic than most men. She is not a noble model like Lux, nor is she a cold-faced commander like Tiana. Heya was once the commander of the private army of the noble Pingze Town.

She has always been known to share weal and woe with the soldiers and is the eldest sister in the camp.

In many ways, she is deliberately imitating Jarvan IV, but due to a lack of instruction, her methods are slightly cruder.

"How did you sleep last night?" She slowly pulled the beef jerky into thin strips and asked casually to a small group of garrison soldiers beside her, "I heard that you discredited the assertion of the King of Play last night?



The soldier who was named nodded awkwardly.

"Then you were overturned when you had a big advantage?" Heya stuffed the shredded beef jerky into her mouth and chewed it while continuing vaguely, "If I were you,

I can't sleep."

The commander's approachability made the soldier feel both awkward and friendly - but what he didn't realize was that with the emergence of this emotion, his previous nervousness and fatigue were gradually disappearing.

Obviously, as a commander, Heya is very good at regulating the emotions of soldiers.

"Starting today, the Flying Wing Legion's attempt to lure enemies has officially begun." After swallowing the beef jerky, Heya finally raised her voice, "Those Flying Wings of the northern barbarians were quite popular in the past, and now they are not.

It's our turn!"

The soldiers raised their heads one after another.

"The flying wings of the northern barbarians chose the right place in the past, but this time, it is finally our turn!" Heya continued, "If I don't take this opportunity to completely eat this team, then I will really

I can’t sleep anymore.”

Low laughter began to appear.

"Do you know why I said that?" Heya seemed not to care about the laughter of the soldiers, but raised her voice, "Because to be honest, I really envy you bastards."

"I followed your majesty when I was in Tobitsia. At that time, I was a big soldier and a private soldier in Pingze Town. I fought with your majesty in a surprise attack and killed a Noxian. This is

I just joined the reserve force of the Fearless Vanguard."

"Later, during the Battle of Tobitsia, after Your Majesty broke through the enemy formation, I captured three lone Noxian mages and tied them back. Only then did I officially join the Dauntless Vanguard."

"In Nasramei, I was one of the first to climb the city wall, and I was the first to enter the dragon's nest built by the Nashilame people!"

With that said, Heya took off the medal on her chest, raised it high above her head, and showed it to everyone.

"In the dragon's lair, I and my colleagues left one of the three sub-dragons behind, so I got this and became your leader!"

"I was born and died in Tobitsia before I got the opportunity to join the Fearless Vanguard, and I was able to achieve meritorious service by facing the dragon in Nasramei. But now, a huge opportunity is in front of you!"

"You lucky bastards don't have to face the Yalong directly. You only need to pick up the weapons that have been prepared for you long ago. Wait until the Winged Legion brings them into your range, and then fire a volley of thousands of arrows. That's it.

Establish the same feat as me being sprayed with dragon fire!"

"You missed this opportunity, can you sleep?"

Heya's words gradually excited the soldiers who were somewhat demoralized.

Just as she said, when it comes to establishing meritorious deeds, there seems to be no easier way than this operation. If there is no lure and ambush, it would be difficult to kill a dragon and bird knight. Now the sky is big.

The opportunity is in front of you, and Heya even showed up to explain that His Majesty will be rewarded for his merits...

So what's the point of suffering?

"Eat quickly. After eating, pack your equipment. If you feel uncomfortable in the stomach, go unload the goods. If you are not clear-headed, go to the south and plunge into the stream." Seeing that morale was gradually improving, Heya finally put the blue

The cloak was put on the shoulders, "When you are ready, raise your heads and stare at the sky. The Flying Wings are also staring at this feat!"

"Eating meat or eating shit, it depends on this time!"

The soldiers' emotions were completely aroused, and suddenly, except for the Lieyang Warrior, the movements of their hands were obviously accelerated.

Heya looked around, although there was a flash of displeasure when her eyes glanced at the Sun Warrior, but she finally nodded with satisfaction.

"For Demacia!"


Eight o'clock in the morning.

In the sky above the Badaopo ambush point, the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion passed by in a low-altitude reconnaissance manner. The soldiers of the air defense regiment ambushing here did not need any urging and entered the combat state very consciously. They leaned against each other.

On the thick pine tree, through the sparse needles, I watched the sky quietly.

At 8:20 minutes, some black spots appeared in the northern sky. The Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion who had passed here before returned and returned. Behind them, more black spots seemed to be chasing after them.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The soldiers of the air defense wing ambushing here became completely excited.

"I'm so nervous!" Heya reminded loudly, "Don't shoot in advance, and don't move until you hear the sound of the heavy crossbow string! The main force of the Flying Wing Legion will not outflank the enemy until they pass here, so don't be impatient!"

At the same time, Heya couldn't help but raise her head and look at the sky.

Close, close!

Through the Hex telescope, she even saw the unique costume of the Northern Dragon Bird Knight, as well as the unconventional orange-red gloves - as long as they get closer, let the enemy troops fly at low altitude and enter their own range, these people think

The victorious rebels in the north will get a taste of the heavy bed crossbow!

Beside her, three heavy-duty bed crossbows that had been assembled and debugged were already standing almost upright on the crossbow platform made of wood, ready for shooting!

Closer, closer.

Although the Hex telescope in Heya's hand does not have a ruler function, after many experiments, she has now figured out the way to measure distance. As long as these dragon and bird knights come closer a few hundred yards, the heavy-duty crossbow will be ready to launch!

Finally, in Heya's expectation, her own enemy-baiting troops lowered their altitude and passed by her air defense position at low altitude and at full speed.

Less than a hundred yards behind these dragon and bird knights, a twenty-man squadron of dragon and bird knights was chasing after them - the bait was fishy!

That's it now!





A harsh explosion sounded, and the heavy bed crossbow that locked on the target was activated.

Among the northern air force who were chasing after each other, one dragon bird fell down with a cry, and another one was obviously injured. The first shot of the three crossbows was quite effective.

"Free fire, free fire!"

Without Heya opening his mouth, the soldiers of the air defense unit unfurled their bows and arrows and started shooting freely.

What Heya didn't expect was that these northern air forces did not panic at all when faced with the ambush, but suddenly began to accelerate at a speed she could not imagine.

So fast!

It’s almost like I was prepared for it!

Then, just when Heya couldn't help but frown, some tiny black spots quietly appeared in the clouds above Badaopo.

Hovering above the clouds, the bombing formation, which had been waiting for a long time, finally locked onto their target.

The heavily armed dragon bird folded its vulnerable wings, reducing the ground fire attack area, and began to dive at an alarming speed.

At the same time, the riders who had almost completely fixed themselves on the back of the dragon bird carefully opened the boxes on the chests and held the crystal clear light blue "gems" in their hands.

These gems also have a name.

Artificial Hex Crystal.

This chapter has been completed!
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