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Chapter 3115 Nine Turns Devouring Cauldron

"Prince Beigong is the future ruler of the Beigong Dynasty. He has all kinds of treasures. I don't think I have anything that can impress you, Prince Beigong." said an old man in black robes.

"Master De, you are being humble. Your medicinal cauldron, the Tiande Lingding cauldron, is considered to be the best cauldron, and I am very interested in it." Beigong Jue said with a faint smile.

The face of the old man in black robe sank slightly and said: "I won't borrow it!"

Anyone who is familiar with Master De knows that this medicinal cauldron is his lifeblood.

Even if he had no chance to meet his direct disciples, it would be impossible for Prince Beigong to borrow him.

The president of the Alchemist Guild opened his mouth to reconcile, "The Tiande Spiritual Cauldron is powerful, but how can it compare to your Nine-turn Spiritual Cauldron, Prince Beigong?"

"The president's medicinal cauldron is also a magical weapon. I would like to borrow it too, and..."

Every alchemist present was named, along with their medicine cauldrons.

Prince Beigong wants to borrow everything, he has a really big appetite.

"Your Highness, stop making such jokes? Your Nine Revolutions Spiritual Cauldron is enough, why do you need so many medicinal cauldrons?" they said with a smile.

Bei Gongjue, who has always seemed friendly, suddenly turned cold and cold, "I just need you to answer whether I want to borrow or not."

Master De said with a dark face: "It is absolutely impossible to borrow. The purpose of our coming here is for the holy plant. Are you sure that Beigong wants to block the road here?"

Beigong Jue said: "Since you masters don't give me Bei Gong Jue face, then I don't need to give you face."

In an instant, the master hidden in the secret exuded powerful abilities, making everyone's expressions darken.

"Prince Beigong, are you trying to rob me?"

"You are going too far!"

"Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

The masters have spent their whole lives studying medicine, and their cultivation levels are high but their combat effectiveness is not high, but the people they bring are not vegetarians.

"Master, you should listen to Prince Beigong!" However, they never expected that some of the hired helpers would turn against them.

"You..." the masters said angrily.

"Master, Prince Beigong has given us more benefits, so we are offended."

It was not difficult for Bei Gong to deal with these masters, and he quickly captured them all.

The president said: "Prince Beigong, what exactly are you going to do?"

"What do I want to do? You will know with your own eyes when the time comes. Let's start with the Tiande Lingding, nine turns." Bei Gongjue said indifferently.

The Nine Turns Spiritual Cauldron flew out, and in an instant Master De couldn't control himself at all, and summoned the Tiande Spiritual Cauldron.

The Nine Turns Spiritual Cauldron began to devour, and soon the Tiande Spiritual Cauldron disappeared into nothing, and Master De fell into a sluggish state.

Others were also horrified, Prince Beigong had such weird methods.

The president said: "Prince Beigong, you actually let the Nine-turn Spiritual Cauldron swallow other medicinal cauldrons. You...you opened the Nine-turn Medicine Domain this time..."

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. They naively thought that Prince Beigong wanted to compensate them. How could they have imagined that this was just digging a hole for them to jump into?

Bei Gongjue's ultimate goal is to gather all the top alchemy masters here and let the Nine Revolutions Spiritual Cauldron devour their medicinal cauldrons.

"Prince Beigong, you have such insidious calculations, aren't you afraid of being looked down upon by others?"

Beigong Jue said: "You can't blame me for this. If you want to blame, blame the ghost doctor! If the ghost doctor hadn't pushed me to that point, Jiuzhuan wouldn't have paid such a high price to make my elixir reach the level of super divine elixir!

Jiu Zhuan has been damaged, so I naturally have to find a way to recover, so I have to borrow your medicine cauldron."

"Next, President!"

Under Bei Gongjue's strength, they were like lambs being slaughtered.

"Ha! Bei Gongjue, it turns out that this is your true face! You have been hypocritical for so long and finally stopped pretending." A mocking voice came.

Mu Linlang and the people from Shengjing arrived early, but they observed in secret, but they did not expect to see Bei Gongjue's methods.

Beigong Jue said with a smile: "Oh! The distinguished guests have arrived. Let's tie them up first and entertain the distinguished guests first."

Mu Linlang and the people from Shengjing came over, "Prince Beigong, I'm not interested in your affairs. I want to make a decision about Shengzhi, so you'd better not stop me."

Beigong Jue said calmly: "Beigong is interested in your medicine cauldron. You are from the Holy Realm after all, and the quality of the medicine cauldron should not be low."

"It seems that you have no eyesight at all, how dare you, the heir to a five-star power, to fight with us? Since you have such thoughts, then we also want the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron."

"Then let's see if you have this ability?"

These spiritual masters of the Beigong Dynasty were completely ignored by the alchemists of the Holy Realm.

The next moment, moon peaches were flying all over the sky, filling the entire sky. The icy cold air made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"No! Leave quickly!"

It was an invincible force for them. They wanted to retreat, but it was already too late. Their legs were frozen by the ice!

"Puff puff!" Countless attacks came, leaving them riddled with holes and blood flying out.

Their pupils shrank sharply, "This is Shengzhi's power, you can actually control Shengzhi."

The power of this holy plant is extremely abnormal, far beyond their imagination.

But Bei Gongjue can control him, so what else can they do?

Mu Linlang was also frozen, and she said: "Beigong Jue, don't let me go yet! How dare you do this to me."

"Then let's start with you. You are a dull-talented woman who wants to learn how to make medicine, and your abilities are not very good. It is really a waste of your medicine cauldron. You might as well contribute it to me." I said indifferently.

"you dare!"

"There is absolutely no way I can give it to you, Bei Gongjue!"

Mu Linlang, who was extremely resistant, couldn't control herself for a moment when she met Bei Gongjue's eyes.

"He...he actually mastered such an unfathomable soul control method. Miss Linlang, gather your soul power and hold on! You have the soul power of a spiritual god-level elder in our holy realm!" There was someone on the other side of the holy realm.


No matter how talented you are, if you want to become a top god-level alchemist in their holy realm, you still have to reach the spiritual god level, which requires hundreds of years of practice.

Mu Linlang was able to become a top god-level alchemist in less than two years, and it was natural that he used special means.

The Holy Master gave him all the soul power of a powerful alchemist in the clan, including his alchemy skills and memory.

This is an unimaginable secret method. I have never seen anyone use it in their holy realm, and I don’t know where the holy master found it. And it is very successful.

Mu Linlang did not blindly blind the Holy Master for his hard work, regained some of his sanity and began to resist.

Bei Gongjue said coldly: "It's a bit troublesome, but it's still vulnerable! It's only for me."

Mu Qianxi woke up from the warmth. This sleep made her whole body feel comfortable and her strength improved a lot.

The same goes for others, with joy on their faces.

Mu Qianxi said: "Let's go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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