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Chapter 3928 outstanding performance

Mu Qianxi saw the head of the Qi family again. At this time, his expression was extremely serious.

The look he looked at Qi Mocha also had a strong look of disappointment.

"Don't take part in the young master's fight! I will prepare a place for you in our Qi family's territory, and you can stay well in the future."

The scenery will definitely not be too beautiful, but you can live a good life.

Qi?? Mocha said firmly: "Uncle, I will not give up."

The head of the Qi family roared angrily: "You are just fooling around!"

"Even if you are the head of the family, you are not asking me to give up my qualifications to participate in the Young Master's Battle, are you? Because I am a direct descendant of the Qi family, and no one can take it away from me." Qi Mocha said firmly.

"You didn't have this idea before. Why? For her?" The head of the Qi family looked at Mu Qianxi.

It seems that everyone who is familiar with Qi Mocha thinks that his huge transformation is due to being carried away by beauty.

Mu Qianxi murmured in her heart, is she really like a beauty who brings disaster?

Qi Mocha replied: "Yes!"

The head of the Qi family looked at Mu Qianxi with a very unkind look.

Mu? Qianxi said: "Master Qi, don't you want to see his next performance before making a decision? You will be surprised by that time."

"?? He hasn't stayed in the Linglian Pond for three hours, how can I expect him to excel in other aspects?" The head of the Qi family was also full of exhaustion.

Qi Mo made a tea ceremony: "Uncle, how about a bet between us? If I excel in other aspects, don't stop me, and don't have any objections to Qian Xi.

"??I did participate in the Young Master's Battle for her, but this was a decision I made alone."

The young man really did things regardless of the consequences. He said: "Okay! Then I'll wait and see!"

After Mu Qianxi and Qi Mocha left, the head of the Qi family asked, "What's that girl's name?"

"??Her surname is Mu and her given name is Qianxi!" the housekeeper replied.

Qi? The head of the family murmured in a low voice, "Mu? A very special surname exists in the ancient books of the family."

On the second day, the direct descendants of the Qi family who participated in the battle for the young master will awaken their spiritual power.

Before awakening, they did not control elemental spiritual power.

Once awakened, you will have extremely powerful elemental spiritual power, which is determined by the Qi family's skills and bloodline, and can be accumulated over time.

Qi?? Mo Cha asked: "Qian Xi, how many kinds of elemental spiritual power do you think I can awaken?"

"? More than two kinds!" Mu Qianxi replied.

He said: "If I have as many types of elemental spiritual power as Qian Xi, do you think the clan will directly decide to let me be the young master? There is no need to argue."

The seventh series elemental spiritual master is so talented that he has never appeared in the entire God Realm. Maybe it is really possible.

Mu Qian Xi's mouth twitched slightly, "Work hard and stop dreaming."

When I wake up, I have to face a group of outstanding brothers again.

Qi Zhaodao: "Seventh brother, no matter what, you have to awaken an element! Otherwise, it will be really embarrassing for us, the direct descendants of the Qi family."

Others also felt that Qi Mocha was just like a piece of mouse droppings that ruined a pot of porridge. It was really possible that he could not awaken even one elemental spiritual power.

At the beginning of awakening, most people have awakened two elements of spiritual power.

This is the most common for direct descendants of the Qi family.

There are three young masters who have been extremely talented since childhood and have awakened the third system.

Qi?? Mocha came to the end of the queue, and in an instant, green light shot into the sky.

"Wood elemental spiritual power, an elemental spiritual power that almost everyone in our Qi family will awaken."

Immediately afterwards, a silver-white light burst out, and a cold air emitted from the surrounding area.

"It turns out to be an ice element. Very few people in the history of our Qi family have been able to awaken to this element."

There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and a silver lightning flashed out from Qi Mocha's fingertips.

"?Thunder and lightning elemental spiritual power!"

The third system finally stopped and did not continue to awaken.

Qi Mocha is actually a three-series elemental spiritual master of wood, ice, and lightning. This is simply unbelievable.

Qi Zhao, who had just mocked Qi Mocha, was also stunned. He didn't expect that Qi Mocha had such a high talent in the elements despite his poor physical body.

Everyone had mixed feelings, and no one congratulated Qi Mocha.

Qi Mocha said excitedly: "Qian Xi is right, I can indeed do more than two kinds! If I have nothing else to do, I will leave first to tell Qian Xi the good news."

Someone said: "Hey! If you don't know how to do it, you just know how to hang around women! Even if you awaken the spiritual power of the three elements, you can't be my opponent."

After learning that Qi Mocha had awakened the spiritual power of these three elements, Qian Xi said: "You have mutated! The Mu family is mainly made of wind and water, the Qi family is mainly made of wood and earth, and the Xihuang side is made of metal.

and fire.”

This guy has no earth and turned into ice and thunder.

"? No matter what? I'll find you some exercises, spiritual skills, and wood element exercises. Ayu, you're responsible for it."

Besides, She and Jiuye still have some in stock. If you look for them, you will find them naturally.

"Practice me immediately, the sooner the better."

Because Qi Mocha was forced to practice very powerful exercises and spiritual skills, so much so that when he went to their Qi Family Kung Fu Hall to choose exercises, he couldn't choose any of them.

And... he was laughed at, "So what about the three systems? You are not qualified to practice advanced skills, and you are destined to become a useless person."

They didn't know that it wasn't the advanced skills that looked down on Qi Mocha, but that they knew they were unworthy and didn't want to humiliate themselves.

Qi? The head of the family had a headache again. He was pleasantly surprised to know that Qi Mocha had awakened three series of spiritual skills.

But he was helpless when he couldn't choose the method.

For a while, he couldn't understand this good-for-nothing nephew.

After the spiritual power is awakened, you will enter the Qi family's mythical beast forest to select a suitable contracted beast.

The Qi family has never been stingy with their direct descendants, and all the facilities are the best.

Qi Mo Tea said: "Qian Xi, I won't go in and not find any mythical beasts, right?

"??Actually, I don't mind too much. I just don't like those guys looking down on me. It makes me so angry!"

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, "It's possible! You've already contracted Kunpeng, so it's not easy to find the right one."

Qi?? Mo Cha didn't have much hope. He never expected that while the other brothers had contracted with very ferocious super beasts, he would come out holding an egg.

Again? It’s an egg! The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

A mediocre egg is a joke to a group of people.

However, when the head of the Qi family and other clan elders heard the news, they were shocked and asked Qi Mocha to talk secretly.

Qi? Mocha looked confused, "Is there something wrong with this egg?"

The head of the Qi family said: "The contracted beast of our ancestors was seriously injured, turned into an egg and slept for thousands of years, and was placed in the sacred beast forest of our Qi family.

"??We also held out hope that it would wait for someone destined to find it, but we didn't expect... that it would be you who found it."

"But this egg is completely lifeless. Even if it has a powerful origin, I'm afraid it will never be able to wake up. It will be a great help to you."

"Uh! What should we do?" Qi Mocha asked.

"?Since he is destined to you, then keep it! You can't tell other people about this matter."

"??Yeah, yeah! I understand."

Qi Mocha promised well. After leaving, he turned around and told Qian Xi. "Qian Xi, I found an egg. I heard it has a very powerful background. It is the contracted beast of my ancestor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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