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Chapter 1051 The Decree of the Divine Sovereign

 There is a big secret in Yaoxie Continent.

Taoist Tianji is extremely certain of this.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Death Tide would actively avoid the Demonic Continent.

in addition.

He also had some suspicions that the secret of Yaoxie Continent might be the backhand of Yaoxie clan, but this possibility was actually unlikely.

After all, no matter how powerful the evil clan was originally, it was impossible for them to contend with the tide of death.

To know.

The death tide means that if the god-lord falls into it, there will be a great risk of death.

If the backhand of the Yaoxie clan can withstand the tide of death, then there will definitely be no problem for the original Yaoxie clan to just reach the top of the heavens, let alone dominate the heavens.


Taoist Tianji believes that the Yaoxie clan's backhand and the Yaoxie continent's secret of not being afraid of the tide of death are completely different entities.

"Even if the Yaoxie Clan's backhand falls into the hands of Shen Changqing, as long as I find the secret of Yaoxie Continent's ability to withstand the tide of death, my strength will definitely increase greatly!"

His expression was strange.

Before this death tide, Taoist Tianji also wanted to find the secrets of Yaoxie Continent, but to no avail.


But he had no intention of giving up.

Looking at the surging tide of death, a shadow of a powerful man walked out from there, exuding a terrifying aura.

No reason.

An idea came into Taoist Tianji's mind.

"Deep in the tide of death, there may be great opportunities!"


He dismissed the thought.

Even if there is a great opportunity in the depths of the Death Tide, so what? It is a place where all god-lords will fall. If you go deep into it with your current strength, you will be seeking your own death.

Not to mention going deep into the death tide, just stepping into the range of the death tide will cause you to fall instantly.

at this point.

Taoist Tianji has no doubt.

In the bloody world of the Black Demon Clan.

There are terrifying eyes piercing through the heaven and earth, looking at the empty scene outside.

"After a few years, the death tide reappears. The death tide has not appeared once in the past hundred years, but now it appears so frequently. It seems that the disaster is really coming!"

In a certain hall, the Holy Lord withdrew his eyes, and a low voice sounded there.

Immediately afterwards.

His figure disappeared into the palace.

The main hall of the Black Demon Clan.

Although this place is called the main hall, the space inside is actually like a small heaven and earth. A terrifying body appears there, as if supporting the heaven and earth, and the terrifying pressure sweeps across all directions.

When the Holy Lord appeared, those terrifying bodies shook slightly, and a voice like the power of heaven sounded.

"The Holy Lord is here!"

"The Demon Lord."

The Holy Lord nodded, and then looked at the other beings. Although he didn't say anything, he nodded.

Those who can come here are all the current top experts of the Black Demon Clan.

at this time.

The Demon Lord said: "When all the God Lords arrived, I believe they have noticed the abnormality of the death tide. In the past, the death tide only appeared once in a hundred years, but now it has appeared several times in just a few decades.

Although the time when the death zone appears is not fixed, its frequent appearance is enough to show that unknown changes are taking place in the death zone."

"What does Your Majesty think?"

The Holy Lord said slowly.

When I heard the word "Your Majesty," the atmosphere in the palace became a bit solemn.

Among the Black Demon God Clan, only the current emperor of the Black Demon God Clan can be called His Majesty.

Hear the words.

The Demon Lord shook his head: "Your Majesty has been in seclusion for a long time and has never come out of seclusion. Now there are changes in the death zone. I am only worried that if the tide of death spreads to our clan's world, the consequences will be disastrous."

The voice fell.

A divine master shook his head: "The human race once had a saying that people are worried about the sky. The tide of death has existed since the death forbidden area appeared. Our race has been standing in the death forbidden area for countless years, and it has never been affected even half a point."

"Although what Yang Lord said makes sense, all things in the universe are not eternal. I have never heard of such frequent visions of death tides before. I feel uneasy from the death tides.

Although our clan stands in the Death Forbidden Zone with countless pieces of jade and has never had any problems, but to take a step back, if the tide of death really affects our clan's world, what will you do?"

The Demon Lord said calmly.

Hear the words.

The other God Lords all fell silent.

They admitted that the Demon Lord was right, and the problem of the death tide could be big or small.

If it were any other danger, the God Lord present might not care about it, but if faced with the tide of death, no one could remain calm.

After all, it is a terrifying place where anyone who steps deeply into it will perish.

One day.

If the tide of death really affects the world of the Black Demon Clan, the consequences can be imagined.

Half a moment.

Yang Lord nodded slightly: "The Demon Lord's worries are not unreasonable. I also feel uneasy from this wave of death. This matter is no longer something we can decide. We must report this matter to Your Majesty..."

Before he finished speaking.


In the hall, which is like heaven and earth, the space vibrates slightly, and there is a black light that penetrates the void, heaven and earth, appearing like a black scroll.

The scroll just stayed there, and it was already emitting a terrifying aura that suppressed the world.

When the gods present saw the black scroll, they all bowed and saluted.

"We have seen the divine king's decree!"

The words fell.

The black scroll unfolded, and endless divine light overflowed. In the solemn gazes of all the God Lords, the divine light transformed into a majestic body, and the mighty power as vast as the abyss suddenly swept across all directions.


Space trembles.

When the gods present saw the middle-aged face, their expressions changed again, and then they saluted again: "Greetings to the Lord of Heaven!"

The majestic eyes of the Heavenly Lord fell on the Lord of Gods, and he said calmly: "Your Majesty has noticed that the tide of death is abnormal. This is a sign of the coming catastrophe."


The Holy Lord frowned: "The great catastrophe that Tianjun mentioned is the current world of great strife?"

"The age of great strife is the beginning of great tribulation."

Tianjun said calmly.

The beginning of the catastrophe?

The face of the God Lord present changed slightly.

The age of great strife is a great tribulation, and the beginning of a great tribulation has two completely different meanings.

Tianjun said: "I believe you have all noticed that the calamity has begun and the heavens are filled with calamity. When the calamity aura reaches its peak, all living beings will fall into slaughter.

At that time, when living beings compete, there will no longer be any cause and effect. The winner will live and the loser will die. The key to everything lies in luck.

You need to speed up the matter of the Conferred God Platform, don’t neglect it.”


Tianjun's body disappeared, and the black scroll carrying the power of the shadow also turned into fly ash and disappeared.


Deathly silence!

All god-lords are consuming the information they just received.

The winner lives!

The loser dies!

There is no cause and effect in the struggle between living beings.

A simple sentence, but the amount of information contained in it is huge.

In the past, the killings of all races were restricted by cause and effect. Once too many race creatures were killed, the heavens would send down karma, which could range from burning one's body with fire to being punished by thunder.

No matter how strong he is, he will be turned into ashes when struck by the thunder from the heavens.

It is precisely because of the limitations of the rules of the heavens that all races will restrain themselves and will not rashly start disputes.

But if there is no trace of cause and effect in the fighting between living beings, it means that the restrictions of the heavens will disappear, the strong will swallow up the weak, and the weak will either surrender or perish.

At that time.

The weak and the strong are shown vividly.

The Holy Lord looked in the direction where Tianjun Cai was just now, with endless Taoist divine light gestating in his eyes.

In the divine light.

It seems like there are countless images emerging.

Mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

The heavens are dry and silent!

After a while.

The Holy Lord closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the original light in his eyes dissipated, leaving only a bright red color like blood.

"The secrets of heaven are confused. I can only see a corner of the future. All races will be reduced to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The strong will survive and the weak will die. What Tianjun said is right. When the calamity is strong, there will be no cause and effect in the heavens!


The secrets were confusing at the moment, and there wasn't much he could figure out.

But even the tip of the iceberg was enough to shock the Holy Master.

When the other God Lords heard this, their expressions were solemn.

They did not doubt whether the Holy Lord's calculation was wrong, because a strong man at this level could already see the future.

Even if what you can see is just a possibility of the future, it is enough to explain everything.

"Since the Divine Lord's decree has arrived in person, what the Lord Heavenly Lord said is probably what His Majesty means. The key to this catastrophe lies in luck. The matter of the Conferred God Platform cannot be delayed. I think it is time to take over the Eternal Continent.

If the Conferred God Platform is opened in the future, our clan will also be able to take the lead."

The Demon Lord said in a deep voice.

Enter the Eternal Continent.

Upon hearing this, the other God Lords did not object.

The Black Demon God Clan has been silent for too long. For so long, many forces have only heard of the Black Demon God Clan's name, but have never truly understood the power of the Black Demon God Clan.

Entering the Eternal Continent this time is undoubtedly an opportunity to show its strength.

in addition.

The Conferred God Platform is in the Eternal Continent.

If it can occupy a place in the Eternal Continent, it will be a good thing for the subsequent opening of the Conferred God Platform to compete for luck.

The tide of death swept through the void, and the river filled with the power of death flowed endlessly, as if it would never end.

The brand of a strong man appeared, turning into a terrifying figure.

In the face of such danger, whether it is the God King or the God Realm, they are like ants, without any room to resist.


The void shook.

However, when the power of the death tide touched the boundary of the death zone, it seemed to be hindered by some invisible obstacle and could no longer move forward.

Outside the death zone.

Shen Changqing stood with his hands behind his back, looking calmly at the river close at hand. The power of death was already extremely strong.

He didn't hide.

Just because I am no longer in the death penalty zone.

Even if they are only one step apart from each other, the tide of death cannot touch them at all.

Shen Changqing understood that the power to block the tide of death did not come from other places, but from the heavens themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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