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Chapter 103 Harvest

 Shen Changqing looked at the black shadow in front of him with a calm expression.

As early as during the day, he discovered a strong sinister aura in the well and suspected that there was something evil hiding in it.

It's just that the evil spirits are hiding at the bottom of the well. Unless the entire well is filled up, it will be difficult to force the evil spirits out.

As for going deep into the well.

That is even more impossible.

The well is narrow, and if you go deep into it, even Shen Changqing himself will not be sure that he can deal with the evil that may exist at the other end.

More likely.

You may lose your life in the hands of evil spirits.


Shen Changqing deliberately pretended not to notice and left with Liu Jian.

I waited until late at night before returning here again to see if any evil spirits appeared.

as expected.

Now when we come here again, the evil spirit has appeared.

Walking towards the black shadow, Shen Changqing's right hand was already on the handle of the knife at his waist, his eyes as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Shen is actually very curious, what is the purpose of your stay in Jincheng?"

"If it was to kill someone, you could have taken action directly. And even though you knew Shen was there, you still didn't evacuate. Could it be that you had some other trump card?"

As he spoke these words, his feet kept moving.

In the dark night.

A black figure repeatedly fetches water, and a person seems to be talking to the air. This picture makes people feel weird.

Wait until Shen Changqing finishes speaking.

Black Shadow didn't reply, and he also gave up the idea of ​​getting any information from the other party.

at this time.

Shen Changqing had completely stood in front of the black shadow, and he could see clearly the true face of the black shadow.

It was a face that looked like human skin, with no eyes, no mouth or nose.

If ordinary people saw it, they would be frightened for just a moment.

But for Shen Changqing.

Although the demon in front of him was terrifying, he was already prepared.


Countless black threads emerged from the well, covering Shen Changqing like a big net.


When the long sword was unsheathed, the Tianwu Qi in the Dantian exploded directly and adhered to the blade.

In an instant.

The frosty blade of Lengyue Dao was as if it had been heated red by a soldering iron. When it was cut off, all the black threads were melted by the high temperature.

Immediately afterwards.

Shen Changqing stepped forward and suddenly printed with his left hand.

Iron Palm!

The palm of the hand is red, which is the condensed fire poison.

The demon also sensed the threat. It grasped the rope for a moment, and then threw it out with all its strength. A fishy smell immediately hit the face.

at this time.

Only then did Shen Changqing see clearly what the so-called rope was.

They were intestines stained with black blood and emitting a foul odor.

A moment.

He moved directly to avoid the attack.

Not because I'm scared, just because it's so disgusting.

If he allowed his intestines to twitch on him, the feeling would make Shen Changqing have an overwhelming urge just to think about it.

Tianluo steps up!

With his feet on the Tiangang Beidou, his body evaded in a strange direction, directly getting out of the way of the demon's attack.

At the same time, the attack in his hand continued, and the Leng Yue Sword slashed out boldly.

Alone in battle!

The monstrous evil spirit exploded, rushing towards the evil spirit like a tidal wave.

In an instant.

Yaoxie's body seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and then the Lengyue Sword slashed down.


Yaoxie let out an ear-piercing scream, was split into two by the long knife, and dissipated like smoke.

A familiar feeling came over me.

Shen Changqing looked at the panel.

The killing value, which originally had only two points left, had now soared to twelve points.

"Ten kill points, not bad!"

After looking at the increased kill value, there was a faint smile on his face.

The only pity is.

With twelve kill points in his body, Tianwu Gangqi is still in a state that cannot be improved.

Can be seen.

The breakthrough of Tianwu Gangqi from the fifteenth to the sixteenth level is also a big leap.

"So far, the killing value consumed by all martial arts upgrades is basically divided into several stages. The first stage is from the beginning to the point where it is almost perfect, and the other stage is after reaching a certain level. .

For example, when the Thirteen Taibao Hengqi and Tianwu Gangqi are practiced, it is basically a leap from the original perfection to the fifteenth level that breaks the limit, and the sixteenth level to the nineteenth level is another stage.

When the nineteenth floor breaks through to the twentieth floor, the consumption will increase significantly."

"Now Tianwu Gangqi should be reaching the end of the second stage and moving towards the third stage. I don't know how much killing value is needed to increase the sixteenth level."

Shen Changqing shook his head. In the past, a ghost-level monster could be upgraded by one or two levels. It was undoubtedly a happy thing.

And now.

The killing value contributed by a ghost-level monster can no longer increase its own strength by leaps and bounds like before.

Regarding this.

Although he felt regretful, he was already prepared.

The higher the realm.

The higher the cost, the greater the cost.

No matter where it is, it is a conservation theorem.

Concentrating his mind, Shen Changqing felt the evil aura around him. Although it was still strong, he could clearly find that the strong evil aura was slowly dissipating.

The source of the evil atmosphere here comes from evil spirits.

Now that the evil spirits are killed, it means that their source is gone.

Lost the source.

The remaining evil aura, like rootless duckweed, will naturally dissipate slowly.

After looking around twice, Shen Changqing left the place and rushed to the next place.

Since the evil spirits wanted to kill people in the middle of the night, he would kill the evil spirits in the middle of the night and clear out the entire Jincheng.


Shen Changqing has absolute confidence in his own strength.

When he left, Yaoxie's piercing and high-pitched scream was undoubtedly transmitted to the surrounding houses.

When many people heard the screams, their faces turned pale, they hid in their beds and shivered, not daring to move at all.

"Dad, why don't we move out tomorrow?"

In a private house, two people were lying on a bed. One of the women looked pale, and she was obviously frightened.

Next to him, there was also an older man.

Although the man's face was equally pale, after hearing this, he forcibly calmed down and scolded in a low voice.

"Let's go? Where can we go? There are no evils and disasters in Daqin now. We are doing well in Jincheng. We are protected by the Black Tiger Army and the Yamen. When we discover the evils and disasters, we will be lucky and they won't affect us. On the head.

In those villages outside the city, things are okay on weekdays, but if evil spirits really cause trouble, every time the whole village is not killed."


The man's pale face also showed a sad look.

This is the sorrow of ordinary people in troubled times.

Life is as fragile as an ant, and you may die at the hands of evil spirits if you are not careful.

Inside Jincheng, there are people from the imperial court guarding it, so the safety factor is much higher than outside.

If you leave Jincheng.

At that time, I didn’t even know how I died.

After being scolded, the woman immediately did not dare to say anything.

quite a while.

The man said again: "Tomorrow, why don't you send your child to a martial arts school instead of going to a private school?"

"Martial Arts School?"

The woman's expression changed.

"Dad, the tuition fees for martial arts are not low, and I heard that practicing martial arts consumes a lot of money. If we let our children practice martial arts, we are afraid that we won't be able to support them!"

Poor in literature and rich in martial arts.

The cost of martial arts training is not something that ordinary people can support.

Hearing this, the man shook his head: "Of course I understand what you are saying, but if you don't practice martial arts, what can you do? If you can get fame by studying, that would be a way out.

However, there were so many scholars in the world during the imperial examinations of the Qin Dynasty, and only a few of them actually achieved fame.

Now that he is practicing martial arts, I don't ask him to achieve much, I only hope that he has a certain skill so that if evil spirits cause trouble in the future, he will be able to save his life a little more."

Such an era.

Living is the greatest value.

The man sees this very clearly.

At this point, he paused for a moment and then said: "And I heard that if you achieve something in the martial arts gym, you not only don't have to pay tuition, but you can also get subsidies from the martial arts gym.

If you really become a martial artist in the future, you can even seek a position in a martial arts school.

It is said that those martial arts masters earn at least one tael of silver per month."

"One tael of silver!"

The woman was startled.

One tael of silver a month was a huge sum of money. The man's words obviously moved her.

After a month of hard work, the two of them could only earn a few dollars.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about this matter. I have my own ideas. I will go to the martial arts school tomorrow to find out how much money it takes to become a master. Our current savings are probably enough.

If it’s not enough, you can only borrow it from your neighbors and pay it back to them when you have money.”


The woman said nothing more.

Gradually, the conversation between the two fell silent, and soon there was the sound of slight snoring.


The long sword slashed down, and a monster let out a shrill scream, indicating that it was forcibly killed.

Sheathing the knife, Shen Changqing looked at the kill value on the panel, and the smile on his face became more obvious.

"Another one!"

"Including this one, it's already the third monster. It seems like the harvest tonight is not as big as usual."

The killing value contributed by the three-headed monsters is higher than that of an ordinary resentment-level monster.

It can be said.

With the killing value contributed by the three-headed monster, martial arts breakthrough is no longer a big problem.

I glanced at the sky and saw that less than an hour had passed.

Shen Changqing once again felt the residual evil aura, and then left, heading to the next place.

Many people died last night.

During the day, he and Liu Jian went to a total of six places.


Not every place has evil spirits staying there.

So far, Shen Changqing has only gone to four places, but only found three evil spirits.

He didn't have high requirements for the remaining two places. He would be satisfied if he could have another evil spirit.

This chapter has been completed!
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