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Chapter 1143 Li Kaiyang’s new goal, counting the harvest!

"Outer disciple Jiang Zhen, pays homage to Elder Li!"

Jiang Zhen bowed down.

Although he has never seen Li Kaiyang's appearance, he can understand that the monk who can stand here now is Sword Emperor Li Kaiyang, the current master of Cyanwood Peak and the elder of Tianzong.

"You are very good!"

Looking at Jiang Zhen in front of him, Li Kaiyang nodded approvingly.

"Being able to join the Qingmu lineage, Li does not value talent or potential, but only values ​​character. Only with a strong character can one become a truly strong person.

If you have talent but no character, it will be difficult to achieve great success."

Is Jiang Zhen talented?

There is no doubt that the other party's talent is poor.

Judging from the fact that Fang Shouyuan only lived for seven or eight hundred years, and now he is around five hundred years old, he is still lingering on the path to becoming a saint. He has not even been able to touch the threshold of the divine realm. This shows how far his talent is.

In other places, such a talent would not be enough to be admitted to the sect, not to mention being spotted by the God King.


Li Kaiyang gave the other party the opportunity to worship at Qingmu Peak.

For nothing else.

Just because the other person has a very good character.

Although the test at Aoki Peak is just an illusion, it can seal the monk's own memory, making him completely immersed in the illusion.


The choices made in the fantasy realm are the reflection of the other person's character.

There are many Tianzong disciples coming to Cyanwood Peak now, but currently there is only one from Jiang Zhen who can truly pass the test.

This is also normal.

Not every monk can sacrifice his own life for the sake of his own race, or even give up the chance of reincarnation.

Although many monks are firm in the face of racial justice, when the situation really reaches the edge of life and death, there are not many who can really sacrifice for the race.

One is verbal justice.

One is true self-sacrifice.

A single thought is the difference between life and death. Many monks will choose to live, even if they live in humiliation, living in endless shadows and repentance.

"From today on, you are the great disciple of Cyanwood Peak!"

Li Kaiyang said in a deep voice.

When Jiang Zhen heard this, he almost thought he had heard it wrong. After a while, he hurriedly reacted, his expression extremely excited.

"Disciple Jiang Zhen, pay homage to Master!"


Li Kaiyang nodded with satisfaction, and with a thought, divine light entered Jiang Zhen's mind.

"I will teach you the secrets of the Aoki Clan in the past. These secrets may not be better than the ones you got in the sect, but you can learn from the secrets of the Aoki Clan to find a path that suits you!

Shen Changqing asked him to leave Cyanwood Peak and leave behind the inheritance of the Cyanwood lineage, but Li Kaiyang did not force all the disciples who joined Cyanwood Peak to practice the methods of the Cyanwood clan.

At some point in the past, Li Kaiyang had such an idea.

But after hearing what Shen Changqing said, he gave up this idea.

The monks choose the magic formula, and the monks also choose the magic formula. Only when the two are in harmony can the magic formula be truly used to its maximum effect.

Instead of forcing other monks to practice the Aoki Clan's secrets so that the clan can continue, there is no need at all.

Do so.

It can only be a result of falling behind.

"The boundaries of race do not necessarily have to be distinguished by bloodline. Just as Tianzong emphasizes that a hundred flowers bloom, the Aoki clan can also accommodate hundreds of rivers. Anyone who joins the Aoki lineage is already considered a member of the Aoki clan...

The only difference is...the Aoki clan continues in other ways!"

Li Kaiyang has a clear mind.

He once only wanted to take revenge and kill all the murderers who destroyed the Aoki clan. However, after the great revenge was avenged, Li Kaiyang did not think too much about what to do.


Li Kaiyang already has a goal.


Continue the Aoki clan!

Even if the bloodline of the Aoki clan cannot be reshaped, the legacy of the Aoki clan must be passed on forever.

at this time.

Jiang Zhen has digested the Aoki clan's secrets.

Compared with what he learned in Tianzong,

Chapter 726 Li Kaiyang’s new goal, counting the harvest!

In terms of entry-level techniques, the Aoki clan's techniques are not much more powerful than those of the Tianzong. The two can only be said to have their own merits.

From the Aoki Clan's magic formula, Jiang Zhen vaguely gained a different understanding.

"Logically speaking, if you worship at Cyanwood Peak, I, as the master, can avenge you for the blood feud you bear, but I will not take action for you.

The hatred of your own race needs to be resolved by yourself! "

Li Kaiyang's expression returned to calmness.

Jiang Zhen bowed again, then straightened up and said seriously: "Master, you are worrying too much. I will not rely on any monk to take revenge on the Ling Frog clan!"



“It’s a pretty good idea 1”

In the side hall of the main sect, Shen Changqing looked back from the Green Wood Peak.

With his strength, everything that happens in Tianzong can be seen clearly.

have to say.

Jiang Zhen's talent is very poor, but his character is outstanding.

The other party worshiped at Cyanwood Peak and received Li Kaiyang's teachings, and is expected to become a powerful person in the future.

As for how far Jiang Zhen can go, Shen Changqing can't say much.

after all.

How far a monk can go can only be achieved by the monk himself.




All three are particularly important.

If you can occupy one of the three, you can hope to become a divine king in the future. If you can occupy the second of the three, the four realms of the divine king may not be able to stop the opponent. If you can occupy all three, as long as you don't fall halfway, you will be able to achieve success in the future. The probability of attaining enlightenment as a divine master is also very high.

Shen Changqing didn't know what he would do if he became a god.

after all.

The highest level he can access now is the God Lord.

Before the God Lord, Shen Changqing believed that he still had a big say, but when it came to the God Lord level, there was nothing to say.


Shen Changqing's mind sank into himself.

Although he didn't get any treasure from this battle, he gained a lot.

"Eighty million divine crystals, if all are used to give birth to the divine realm, it is estimated that more than one billion divine realms can be birthed conservatively."

Shen Changqing thought secretly.

One hundred divine crystals can give birth to two divine realms, 100 million divine crystals can give birth to 200 million divine realms, and 800 million divine crystals can give birth to 1.6 billion divine realms.

The 1.6 billion god realm seems to be an extremely terrifying number, but whether it is scary or not depends on where the 1.6 billion god realm is placed.

If in the past human race, sainthood was the most respected thing, the 1.6 billion gods would simply make all races despair...

After all, if 1.6 billion gods swarmed up, even the god king would be drowned.


Not all god-kings are afraid of group attacks.

Take Shen Changqing himself as an example. His body has reached the level of a supreme god king. Even if the Netherworld Pavilion Nine Star Envoy personally assassinates him, he cannot completely break his defense.


Even if 1.6 billion gods swarmed over him, they wouldn't be able to harm Shen Changqing at all.

in addition.

For example, a powerful God Lord can annihilate the world with one strike. In the eyes of such beings, the 1.6 billion gods are no different from ants.

In low-level realms, quantity can often change quality, but in high-level realms, quantity often cannot compare with quality.

Take Daohua Shenjun as an example.

If the Daohua Divine Lord is not restricted by the rules of the heavens and cannot truly exert the power of the Divine Lord, he can kill all the Divine Lords of the heavens with just one opponent.

Talk about it bigger.

If there is no strong person of the same level to restrain him, it will be easy for the Daohua Shenjun to destroy all the races in the world.

It is important to know how many divine realms there are among all the tribes in the world, and how many divine kings there are, among which there are even more powerful divine masters.


Even so, it still cannot stop a true divine king.

From here, we can see how terrifying the top powerhouses are, and their numbers cannot make up for it at all.

If all the 800 million divine crystals were used to give birth to the divine realm, would it be true?

Chapter 726 Li Kaiyang’s new goal, counting the harvest!

What a waste. Shen Changqing only had a few thoughts before he dismissed them directly.

"If Tianzong wants to develop and grow in the short term, the supply of divine crystals must keep up. In addition, the human race also needs development. Although the divine crystals are useless to the human race, the divine crystals can be exchanged for resources that are useful to the human race.

No matter how you look at it, 800 million divine crystals can greatly increase the strength of Tianzong and the human race!"

For the first time, Shen Changqing felt the benefits of being rich.

The remaining thing is how to reasonably distribute the 800 million divine crystals, realize what should be realized, and improve the sect's treatment if it should be improved, so as to convert all the divine crystals into effective forces in the shortest possible time.


Shen Changqing turned his attention to the elixir again.

All the elixirs obtained from the Huanshan Divine Clan's treasure house have been planted in the Minghe Realm.

to this end.

Shen Changqing specially divided an area to accommodate hundreds of thousands of divine elixirs, as well as those elixirs at the level of God King and God Lord.

Planting elixirs has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from the Minghe Realm.

But while the elixir absorbs the spiritual energy, it also feeds the spiritual energy back. Therefore, the spiritual energy in the Minghe Realm not only does not decrease much, but actually increases day by day.

For a while.

Shen Changqing has the urge to transplant all these elixirs into the human race.

"The swallowing of a single divine elixir is comparable to that of a small spiritual vein. The spiritual energy swallowed by hundreds of thousands of divine elixirs is equivalent to the spiritual energy supported by hundreds of thousands of small spiritual veins.

The level of the spiritual energy in the Minghe Realm is too high, so the changes it can make are not big, but if all are transplanted into the human race, the spiritual energy swallowed up by these elixirs will cause a huge shock!"

Let's imagine.

What would it be like if hundreds of thousands of small spiritual veins were buried in the human race?

By then.

Spiritual veins can completely cover every inch of land of the human race. Everyone is equivalent to stepping on the spiritual veins to practice. There is no need to say how great the benefits it brings.

And then there is.

Not all of these elixirs are in the divine realm, there are some at the divine king level, and some even at the divine master level.

If all these elixirs were truly planted within the human race, it would definitely bring about great changes.


It is impossible for Shen Changqing to return to the human race now. He can only wait until the teleportation array is fully opened in the future.

last of the last.

Shen Changqing took out a piece of white jade about ten feet long from his cave.

The white jade is crystal clear, with a strong Taoist charm flowing around it. It is clearly a fragment of the ancient Baize Unicorn.

Chapter 726 Li Kaiyang’s new goal, counting the harvest!

This chapter has been completed!
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