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Chapter 1,084 Hearing the Evil Spirit of Chaos Again

"It turns out to be the Yuxu Ancient Mirror!"

Lord Tyrant looked clear.


He looked a little embarrassed again.

When Shen Changqing asked him if he had ever entered the divine palace, Lord Tyrant denied it.

Now that it has been exposed, it is inevitable to feel a little embarrassed.


Shen Changqing did not pursue these thoughts.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Lord Tyrant is no exception.

Even though the other party has been imprinted with the Seal of Absolute Heart by you, it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't have any secrets to tell.


Seeing the change in Lord Tyrant's expression, Shen Changqing changed the topic and said: "I have no other purpose in saying this, I just want to understand the existence of the palace.

And how the Divine Lord hid it from the powerful men of the Divine Palace, infiltrated into it, and succeeded in attaining enlightenment."

Hear and inquire.

Lord Tyrant took a deep breath and smiled helplessly: "Since I can't hide it from the sect master, I have nothing to hide.

The reason why I was able to hide from the powerful people in the shrine was because I entered an ancient inheritance when I was young and got a secret method from it that could change the world.

Relying on this secret technique, I can disguise myself as the genius of the palace and sneak into it."

"Everything went smoothly at first, but unfortunately there were some mistakes when I was proving the Divine Lord, which led to my identity being exposed.

Fortunately, I had a piece of Taixu Ling with me at that time, otherwise, I would have fallen into the hands of the palace."

When talking about sneaking into the palace, Lord Tyrant had a proud look on his face, but when his identity was revealed later, he felt a little embarrassed.

as well as.

A little regretful.

If his identity had not been exposed, Lord Tyrant could have been enjoying the resources of the Shrine as the genius of the Shrine, and practicing with peace of mind step by step.

If this is really the case, with the accumulation of ancient times, he may have broken the boundaries of the divine king and entered a higher level.


Something went wrong when trying to prove the Taoist Lord, causing all plans to fail.


The Lord Tyrant had a backup plan so that he could preserve his remaining soul and prevent his body from being completely destroyed.

Hearing this, Shen Changqing looked at the Lord Tyrant in front of him, as if he had gotten to know him again.

"Sure enough, any strong man who can prove the Taoist Lord has no simple existence."

He thought to himself.

Even though Lord Tyrant God spoke softly, Shen Changqing could hear the other meanings contained in the other person's words.

Hidden from the eyes and ears of the powerful people in the shrine, and use the resources of the shrine to prove the divine king.

Then, after his identity is exposed, he can retreat safely.

Although Lord Tyrant still fell into the hands of the palace, the fact that the other party could achieve this step already shows that this person is extraordinary.

Shen Changqing did not ask what the strong man's inheritance was.

After all, this is the opportunity for the Overlord God.

The other party originally concealed these secrets, and Shen Changqing suspected that it was also related to the so-called inheritance of strong men.

The Tyrant God Lord was most likely worried that he would seize the opponent's inheritance, so he kept the affairs of the shrine secret.


Shen Changqing did not ask about the inheritance in detail, but asked some questions about the shrine.

"Since the Lord God is going to the Shrine, he must know a lot about the Shrine. Let me find out what the Shrine is like.

In other words, what kind of place is the Taixu Realm?"

"The shrine mentioned by the sect leader is part of the Taixu Realm, and the entire Taixu Realm exists in a vast void.

No strong person has ever explored the boundary of the Taixu Realm, because in the Taixu Realm, there are creatures called Chaos Evil Spirits that exist at the border of the Taixu Realm.

The only weak among these chaotic evil spirits is the God-King, but the powerful ones can make the God-King change his face."

"Because of the obstruction of the evil spirits of chaos, the palace cannot explore the boundary of the Taixu Realm at all."

Chaos evil spirit!

Shen Changqing's face changed slightly.

"You mean, there are chaotic evil spirits in the Taixu Realm?"

Shen Changqing always thought that the existence of chaotic evil spirits only existed in the Conferred God Platform.

Because he has never heard of chaotic evil spirits in the heavens.

I have heard of the Chaos God.

But the evil spirits of chaos have never been heard of.


When Lord Tyrant God said it, Shen Changqing suddenly understood that it turned out that the evil spirit of chaos came from the Taixu Realm.

"The sect leader has also heard of the existence of chaotic evil spirits?"

This time it was Lord Tyrant's turn to be suspicious.

"As far as I know, the evil spirits of chaos only exist in the Taixu Realm. Could it be that the sect leader has been to the Taixu Realm?"

If Shen Changqing is really the reborn Lord Minghe, then it is not so strange that the other party knows about the Chaos Evil Spirit.

But this man was obviously not the reborn ancient god, so how could he know about the chaotic evil spirits?

As far as the Tyrant God knows.

Only a handful of people who are not powerful in the palace can understand the evil spirits of chaos.

There is no news about the evil spirits of chaos circulating in the heavens. Only a very small number of gods are truly aware of the existence of evil spirits of chaos.

Without exception.

These gods all have divine palace forces in the Taixu Realm.

If not.

Nor did he understand the qualifications of the Chaos Evil Spirit.

Shen Changqing said: "I entered the Conferred God Platform and saw chaotic evil spirits there, so I asked this question."

"That's it!"

The Overlord God looked stunned.

"The origin of the Conferred God Platform is mysterious, and it is not uncommon for chaotic evil spirits to exist."

"What do you know about the evil spirits of chaos?"

"Chaos evil spirits can be regarded as an intruder to the Taixu world. It is said that chaos evil spirits are creatures derived from the collapse of order.

For countless years, the evil spirits of chaos have been eroding the Taixu Realm, and the existence of the shrine is, to a large extent, to resist the erosion of evil spirits of chaos."

The words of Lord Tyrant made Shen Changqing fall into deep thought.

According to what the other party said, the evil spirits of chaos are eroding the Taixu Realm, and the shrine must exist in the Taixu Realm, so the two are on opposite sides.

"Then what kind of existence is the demon?"

"Unlike the evil spirits of chaos, the origin of the Heavenly Demon is particularly mysterious. There are too many unknowns in the vague Taixu Realm. It is rumored in the shrine that the Heavenly Demon is a creature from the Taixu Realm.

But this is just superficial news, and I don’t know the exact origin of the demon.”

Lord Tyrant God shook his head, his expression a little solemn.

"But one thing is for sure, the demons are very scary. There are many powerful people in this ethnic group. The shrine has always fought against the demons and the evil spirits of chaos, but none of them have gained any advantage.

I once saw a powerful demon tearing a divine king alive, causing the palace to be furious."

"Have you ever fought against a demon?"

"Any monk who lives in the temple will basically experience fighting, either with chaotic evil spirits or with heavenly demons.

When I pretended to be the genius of the palace, I naturally fought against the devil."

When the Tyrant God Lord said this, he paused for a moment and then continued.

"The demon does not practice the divine way, but is somewhat similar to the rumored human immortal way..."

When Lord Tyrant spoke, he also paid attention to Xian Changqing's reaction, and only continued to speak when he saw the incredulous look on his face.

"There used to be rumors that the demons were the remaining strong men of the human race in the past, but this rumor was quickly disproven.

Because the human race was born from the heavens, not from the world of Taixu.

The emergence of the Taixu Realm was only discovered by the powerful men in the heavens after the imperial court of the ancient human race was destroyed."

"Furthermore, some heavenly demons are just like human beings, while some heavenly demons are all kinds of strange and similar to creatures from all races.

Therefore, the rumor that the human race is a demon is simply not credible."

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing looked clear.


Chaos evil spirit!

From the words of Lord Tyrant, Shen Changqing could generally understand some things about Taixu Realm.

A vast and vast void, similar to the heavens today.

In the realm of Taixu.

There are evil spirits of chaos corroding, and demons wreaking havoc.

If the Demon was born in the Taixu Realm, and the Divine Palace is equivalent to an outsider, it is understandable that the two would start fighting.


The heavens are also a great treasure for the demons.

When the Divine Palace invaded the Taixu Realm, the demons from the Taixu Realm also wanted to invade the heavens.

Although Lord Tyrant didn't say these words, Shen Changqing only needed a little reasoning to get a rough idea.

The Taixu world is not as peaceful as he imagined, or in other words, the Taixu world is much more chaotic than he imagined.


Even if the shrine wants to reach out into the heavens, it still has to have enough energy to do so.

"The existence of chaotic evil spirits and demons can be regarded as a kind of containment of the palace. What kind of existence is the Taixu Order?"

"The Taixu Order is equivalent to the key for the palace to go to the heavens. Normally, if the palace wants to enter the heavens, it must pass the Taixu Order.

Of course, there are rumors that there are strong people who can forcibly tear apart the barriers between the two realms, and can penetrate into the heavens without relying on the Taixu Order.

The demons that were besieged and killed by the gods decades ago are rumored to exist at this level."

Lord Tyrant God said.

"But it is difficult for a divine king to truly tear apart the barrier between the two realms. Only beings above the divine king can tear apart the barrier between the two realms, but I heard that doing so requires a high price.

As for getting the Taixu Order, you also have to rely on a chance.

Because the Taixu Order will not appear permanently, but will only be born somewhere in the Taixu world at a certain time, it is not easy to truly obtain the Taixu Order.

Back then, I also got a piece of Taixu Token by chance, otherwise my identity would have been exposed and I would have fallen into the hands of the palace."

Shen Changqing nodded.

This is also good news.

The rarer the Taixu Order is, the harder it is for the powerful men in the palace to enter the heavens.

Although there are strong people who can forcibly tear apart the barriers between the two worlds, they must pay an unknown price for doing so.

What this price is, Shen Changqing doesn't know.

But thinking about paying such a price, it is definitely not too light.

in this way.

The threat from the shrine must be reduced by one point.


Shen Changqing stopped asking about the affairs of the shrine, looked at the Lord Tyrant in front of him, and said seriously: "With your background, it is not a problem to leave your name in the list of gods.

In a year or two, the Conferred God Platform will be closed again. Do you have any plans to enter the Conferred God Platform now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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