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Chapter 1,111 A Promotion that Isn’t Completely Successful

 Within the realm of bones.

The once powerful world is now reduced to ruins. Countless creatures are buried in the earth, and the blood of gods flows endlessly.

Mountains collapse.

The spiritual veins collapsed.

The vast world presented a scene of bloody doomsday.

The capital city where the White Bone Imperial Court is located is now completely occupied by the forces of the Zhongshan clan camp. Monks from all clans are scattered all over the world, constantly plundering the remaining resources of the White Bone God Clan.

As for the resources of the Bone Palace itself, they took control of them as early as when the Zhongshan clan camp captured the Bone Realm.

These resources are the bulk of the entire Bone God Clan, and even the Zhongshan Clan is not qualified to carve up these resources without authorization.

Only when this war is truly over can resources be allocated.

Inside the Imperial Palace.

Powerful people from all sides gathered together.

The Zhongshan clan is the leader of this battle, and Zhongshan Dongxuan is equivalent to the leader of the camp, so he sits on the throne.

On an equal footing with him, only Li Kaiyang and other divine masters are qualified.

"The news came half a day ago that during the battle between the White Bone Sect, the Tian Sect supported the sect leader to kill the Bone Emperor, and all the disciples of the White Bone Sect were wiped out."

Zhong Shan Dongxuan said slowly.

Hear the words.

Many monks' expressions changed slightly.

"It is said that the Bone Emperor is a powerful third-level god-lord, and he is also assisted by the god-lords of the remaining god clans. The Fu Sect Master can actually kill the opponent under such circumstances. His strength is truly shocking.

If we hadn't supported the sect leader to contain the gods of all races this time, we wouldn't have been able to destroy the Bone God Clan so easily."

"Tianzong took great credit for this battle.

All the tribes praised Tianzong without hesitation, which was quite flattering. In this regard.

Zhong Shan Dongxuan didn't care either.

The heavens have always respected the strong, and the strength shown by the Tianzong is powerful enough, which naturally makes all races feel in awe.


The fact that this battle was able to destroy the Bone God Clan was indeed a huge contribution to the Tianzong.

If it weren't for the god master who restrained all the clans, it would have been completely impossible for the Zhongshan clan to destroy the Bone God clan.

"This battle is indeed thanks to Tianzong."

The Blood Lord also nodded in approval.

The Sikong Divine Clan currently only has one god-lord in the world, so even as the emperor of the Sikong Divine Clan, the Blood Lord has to come forward in person.


With the help of the declining Sikong God Clan, it is just a fool's errand to try to carve up the resources of the Bone God Clan.

The Zhongshan clan is said to be dependent on the Sikong Divine Clan, but now that the former has full wings, it no longer needs to act based on the Sikong Divine Clan.

The Blood Lord can still clearly see the situation in front of him.

In the past, when the Sikong God Clan was at its peak, it could be considered superior, but now that the Sikong God Clan is in decline, it is necessary to see the reality clearly.

But before the words fell, the Blood Lord's expression suddenly changed, with a look of horror in his eyes. Sensing the change in the other person's expression, Zhong Shan Dongxuan couldn't help but ask: "But what happened?" Hearing this.

The horror in the Blood Lord's eyes subsided a bit, and then he looked at Li Kaiyang with a strange expression, and said in a deep voice: "I just got the news that the Bixuan God Clan attacked Tianzong..."


Li Kaiyang's expression suddenly changed, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, putting pressure on the entire hall.

He is the only strong person from Tianzong present now, and all the remaining monks are scattered in the Bone Realm to look for opportunities.

"Master Li, don't worry, there is nothing serious in Tianzong."

The Blood Lord shook his head slightly.

After hearing what the other party said, Li Kaiyang's aura calmed down slightly, but his expression was still stern.

"What does the Blood Lord mean?"

"The master of the Fu Sect returned in time, killed the fifteen god kings of the Bixuan God Clan, severely damaged the Bixuan Emperor, and resolved the crisis in the Tianzong."

"I see!"

Only then did Li Kaiyang's face truly relax.

Come down.

Since that person has come back, the Bixuan God Clan is not a big threat.

at this time.

The Blood Lord changed the topic: "However, a strong man from the Biyuan Divine Clan appeared from the Divine Palace, named Biyuan Divine Lord."

The word Shenjun has just come out.

The expressions of all the strong men in the audience suddenly changed.

"What... a god is born!"

Not only the other powerful men from various races were shocked, but even Zhong Shan Dongxuan, who had always been calm, now changed his expression.

The powerful divine king.

Under the current restrictions of the rules of the heavens, it is the existence that has truly reached the pinnacle.

When such powerful men are born, they can cause endless killings at every turn.

Even some powerful gods may be destroyed in the hands of such strong men.

Whenever a divine king is born, there will be a monstrous killing in the heavens. This is inevitable.

If a god were born.

No matter how powerful the Tianzong leader is, there is absolutely no way he can compete with him.

But looking at the current appearance of the Blood Lord, there is no trace of nervousness at all. If Tianzong was destroyed, the other party should not be in such a posture.

"Fu Sect Master used the power of the peak twelfth-grade Taoist soldiers to repel Biyuan Shenjun. The result of this battle has already been spread. I believe you will get the news soon.

As the Blood Lord spoke, he looked at Li Kaiyang with a vague look in his eyes.

Tianzong now has the supreme Taoist soldiers at the top, and their status is completely different from before. In the palace.

The other monks also had different expressions.

In the past, Tianzong was only equivalent to the ordinary power of the gods, but now Tianzong can defeat the powerful gods, which is a heritage that only the top gods can possess.

This way.

On a certain level, there is absolutely no problem for Tianzong to be said to be at the top of the heavens.

"Congratulations to Lord Li. After this battle, Tianzong will definitely soar to the nine heavens and become famous in the heavens!"

"Yes, God Lord Li is the elder of the Tianzong. He should be able to ride on the wind and rise. In this era of great struggle, he will hopefully become the God of Taoism!"

"Congratulations to God Lord Xili!"

Immediately, the God King spoke out his congratulations, and his words were full of praise.

Tian Zong is so powerful that he should be pleased with himself.

It is impossible to please the Tianzong sect leader now, but it is not bad to please the Tianzong elder in front of you.

Not to mention anything else, as long as we can form a good relationship with each other.

You never know when this good fortune will come in handy.

"You guys are serious."

Li Kaiyang smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't care at all.

But only he knew in his heart what kind of shock this news would bring.


Inside the newly built side hall.

Shen Changqing was sitting on the futon. In front of him, there was a bloody sword lying there quietly.

This sword is none other than the Heavenly Punishment Sword that is fused with the heart of killing.

Since the integration of the Killing Heart, the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword has been silent in the Minghe Realm. It was not until recently that it caused the Heavenly Tribulation and was successfully promoted to the twelfth-level Taoist Soldier.


As the master of the Divine Sword of Heaven, Shen Changqing can clearly detect that there is a chaotic and violent emotion lurking in the Divine Sword, and from time to time, a murderous aura will appear, which is shocking.

The Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword has been successfully promoted to the twelfth level. To a certain extent, this fusion can be considered a success.

However, the original consciousness of the Heavenly Punishment Sword was eroded by the desire to kill, causing it to fall into chaos, and it cannot be said to be a complete success."

Shen Changqing thought secretly.

Confusion of consciousness.

It shows that the consciousness of Tianchu Divine Sword cannot really suppress the power of the murderous heart, so this situation occurs.

The only good thing is that the consciousness of the Heavenly Punishment Sword has not dissipated, nor has it been swallowed up by the power of the murderous heart.

This way.

If there is a chance in the future, the consciousness of the Heavenly Punishment Sword will have the opportunity to suppress the erosion of the power of the murderous heart, and then restore its original sanity.

It’s just that the probability of this is low and the time required is extremely long.

Shen Changqing is also not sure how long it will take for the Heavenly Punishment Sword to regain consciousness.

Maybe ten years.

It could also be a hundred years.

Even thousands of years, or even longer, is not impossible.

"But no matter what, the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword is now integrated with the Heart of Killing and has been successfully promoted to the twelfth level. The Tianzong can be considered to have the power to compete with the Divine Lord for the time being!"

This is the foundation of Tianzong.

Before the promotion of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword, to be honest, Shen Changqing had no confidence to compete with the Divine Lord. Even under the restrictions of the rules of the heavens, the Divine Lord was only equivalent to the Supreme Divine Lord, and the result would be the same.

There is a huge gap between the top divine masters and the ultimate divine masters.

If he wants to truly compete with such powerful men, Shen Changqing suspects that he must at least enter the Ten Thousand Dao Realm.

after all.

The Wanfa Realm is just equivalent to the God King in Shinto.

To be able to compete with the top god masters with the strength of the God King Realm is already astonishing.

If he wants to take a further step in the realm of the God King and reach the point of being on par with the supreme God Lord, it will be impossible unless there is a greater opportunity for Shen Changqing to greatly increase his background.

I want to break through the realm of ten thousand realms.

It's not something that happens overnight.

Although the Sword God Clan protects the way, Tianzong is not without backers.


Shen Changqing has never liked to entrust his destiny to other people's hands.

The Sword God Clan can protect themselves and can leave at any time.

Tianzong does not have any means to check and balance the latter, so naturally it does not have the qualifications to command the Sword God Clan. Rather than leaving fate in the hands of the Sword God Clan, it is better to control the fate by oneself.


The Heavenly Punishment Sword was promoted.

Even Shen Changqing truly has the trump card to control his own destiny.

Although he still has the origin of the Divine Lord within him, those methods cannot be used easily. Once used, there will be no room for turning back.

The Heavenly Punishment Sword is different.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Shen Changqing can clearly feel the majestic power contained in the sword body, which is a power that is completely superior to the God Lord.

"Twelve-level Taoist soldiers at the pinnacle can compete with the powerful gods. If the power in the Taoist soldiers is exhausted, they will fall to the level of the gods.

Just like the Ten Thousand Dao Monument, although it is also ranked at the twelfth level, its power is much inferior to that of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword.

The former is extremely difficult to deal with a mid-level God Lord Bi Huang, but the latter can repel the Bi Yuan God Lord. There is a huge difference in whether Taoist soldiers of the same level are at their peak.

What is different from Shenjun is.

The power of Taoist soldiers has its limit.

After the battle with Lord Biyuan, Shen Changqing could feel that the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword had been somewhat depleted.

Although this loss is nothing compared to the majestic power contained in the Divine Sword, it is still a real loss.

This chapter has been completed!
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