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Chapter 169: Treasured Land for Cultivation


Feeling the spiritual energy rushing towards his face, Shen Changqing took a deep breath.

Although on the first level, he felt the presence of rich spiritual energy.


That kind of spiritual energy concentration is completely different from the spiritual energy concentration that opens the door to the secret room.

Just now.

Even standing in front of the secret room door, Shen Changqing could not feel such a strong spiritual energy. Only the moment he opened the door, the spiritual energy swarmed out as if it had been sealed and accumulated for a long time.

"Being able to seal spiritual energy, it seems that the construction of the secret room is not simple."

Viewed from the outside.

The door to the secret room is no different from an ordinary stone door.


There is definitely no way for ordinary stone gates to seal spiritual energy.

Therefore, the origin of the seemingly ordinary Shimen in front of him is not ordinary at all, but Shen Changqing has no idea of ​​exploring the origin of Shimen now.

He first opened the sign on the door to the front, then walked in and closed the stone door again.

The secret room is not big.

It can only accommodate about three or five people.

But in the very center of the secret room, there is a yellow futon.

Now Shen Changqing, after closing the secret room door, has been completely immersed in spiritual energy, and the true energy in his body is ready to move.

The mental consumption was restored a lot under the impact of spiritual energy.

Between heaven and earth.

There is always spiritual energy present.

But that kind of spiritual energy concentration, compared with the spiritual energy in the secret room now, is the difference between a small pond and a vast ocean.

Sit cross-legged.

Shen Changqing sat directly on the futon.

As soon as I sat down.

A more powerful spiritual energy rose from under the futon and merged into his body.

"It turns out that the spiritual energy in the secret room comes from under the futon, and the position of the futon is truly aligned with the spiritual veins!"

He took a deep breath.

Not daring to waste time, he just calmed down and began to circulate Tianwu Gang Qi, absorbing the power of this spiritual energy to restore his own consumption.

View from the panel.

Shen Changqing has nothing to improve now.

Tianwu Gangqi breaks the limit, and the Invincible Golden Body also breaks the limit.

After the two of them broke through their limits, it was difficult for them to break through on their own. They could only use kill points to open up subsequent paths.


What he can do now is make progress in his true meaning.

Calm your mind.

The movement of internal energy and mind.

Almost all of the spiritual energy filled in the secret room was forcibly pulled over and merged into Shen Changqing's body.

that moment.

The qi and blood of the physical body vibrate, and the true qi of the Dantian surges.

Passed by spiritual energy.

Impurities of flesh and blood, as well as impurities of true energy, seemed to be rejected.

But this is only secondary.

The real effect is that after the vast spiritual energy is absorbed into the body, under the control of the mind, it goes directly towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant.

Shen Changqing felt that his consciousness of the sea was like a small boat drifting with the current in the vast ocean, and it was like the land that had been dry for a long time was finally moistened by the rain.


Mentally exhausted, I am recovering like crazy.

In less than two quarters of an hour, all the previous consumption of practicing the true meaning of Bai Zhan was replenished.

"Much more powerful than the supplement of Enlightenment Tea!"

Shen Changqing was secretly shocked, but he did not waste time. Instead, he calmed down and entered the sea of ​​consciousness space to start a new round of practice.

Bloody world.

Bloody Iron Cavalry.

The true meaning of a hundred battles mainly includes fighting and killing.

Fight against heaven and earth.

Never die in a hundred battles.

If he gave the True Meaning of Bai Zhan to someone else to practice, Shen Changqing was not sure which direction the other person would develop. However, he had learned the True Meaning of Martial Arts in the midst of thousands of armies fighting, so he was more inclined to kill.

Destroy everything!

Kill everything!

This is the true meaning of Bai Zhan understood by Shen Changqing.

"The bloody world represents destruction, and the bloody iron cavalry represents killing. When my spiritual thoughts are integrated into the bloody iron cavalry, I transform into an iron cavalry and march forward in the world of destruction, killing all living creatures, thereby clearly understanding the killing power."

After killing another ferocious beast in the bloody world, he clearly felt that his own strength was getting stronger again.

A murderous intention.

It's brewing endlessly.

In the secret room.

Shen Changqing sat cross-legged.

The spiritual energy that was originally filled in the secret room has now all disappeared. All the lost spiritual energy has been integrated into his body, without any leakage.


A loud voice sounded.

"Boy, it's time!"

The sound vibrated like thunder, resounding in the secret room, but not leaking outside the secret room.

Shen Changqing, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, opened his eyes directly.

The faint blood color disappeared in a flash, and the pupils quickly returned to their original black and white.

Time is up.

He didn't realize that three days passed so quickly.


Shen Changqing also discovered a problem, that is, the time he spent in the bloody world was indeed much longer than before.

In the past, if I practiced on my own, it wouldn't take long before I would have to quit midway due to severe mental exhaustion.

But this time.

There were no signs of mental exhaustion.

If Zhong Ning's voice hadn't awakened him, he would have been able to practice in the bloody world.

"Could it be"

"Because the spiritual energy is replenished all the time, even if I consume it while practicing, the spiritual energy can be replenished all the time. I don't have to stop practicing because of too much consumption like in the past.

In this way, the effect of cultivating the true meaning of Bai Zhan is much stronger than when I practiced in the past."

Three days of hard training.

Shen Changqing felt that it was better than the hard training he had practiced for more than half a month.

after all.

In the past, when cultivating the true meaning of Bai Zhan, the actual cultivation time was only about a few hours. If you exceeded this time, you would have to quit due to serious mental exhaustion.

Later, I have to spend time brewing Enlightenment Tea to soothe myself.

Time comes and goes.

A lot of them were consumed.

Therefore, at the end of the day, there are only a few hours for real cultivation.

Just like in the secret room, practicing around the clock without interruption, one day is enough to be worth the three days of practice in the past.

more importantly.

With the continuous replenishment of spiritual energy, Shen Changqing found that in the consciousness sea space, the power of the bloody cavalry would always be in a state of abundance, and would not weaken with mental consumption like before.

This way.

Killing the creatures in the bloody world has also become faster.


If you calculate it carefully, one day of practice in the secret room is enough to be worth seven ordinary days.

Three days of hard training.

It is comparable to the previous twenty-one days of practice.

At this moment, Zhong Ning's angry voice sounded again.

"If you stay in there and don't come out, you will be charged extra."


Shen Changqing calmed down and opened the door to the secret room.

The secret room on the first floor was still empty.

Zhong Ning's words just now were obviously done in the form of spiritual thoughts.

Divine message!

This is a very clever method, which can only be achieved after breaking through to the second realm in the spiritual system.

Outside the Wuge.

Zhong Ning saw Shen Changqing coming out with a faint smile on his face.

"How is it? Is practicing in the secret room very different from usual?"

"Well, the effect is much more powerful than before."

Shen Changqing admitted frankly.

In the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, the bloody lotus has grown a shadow of its second petal, but the shadow is very blurry. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the shadow of the petal at all.

From nothing to something.

Illusion becomes solid.

He secretly estimated that it would take a year and a half.


If you can cultivate quietly in the martial arts pavilion, the speed will be much faster.

One month.

If he can practice in it for a month without interruption, Shen Changqing is sure to break through the true meaning of Bai Zhan from 10% to 20%.

Zhong Ning laughed and said: "That's natural. There are only a handful of spiritual veins in the world. The spiritual veins in the martial arts pavilion were brought by a strong man in the past. They are also the most powerful foundation of the martial arts pavilion. There is no one. .

If anyone can cultivate there continuously and break through to the second level of the spiritual system, it will be easy."

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing also deeply agrees.

Suddenly, there was some doubt on his face again.

"Elder Zhong, I am curious about something. If the spiritual vein is really so powerful, why not let people practice in it all the time? I believe that with the concentration of spiritual energy, it should not be difficult to cultivate a master at the pinnacle of the spiritual system!"

this problem.

Zhong Ning looked strange.

"You are not the first person to ask such a question, but what you don't know is that the spiritual energy of the spiritual vein is limited and cannot be consumed unconditionally. If a large number of people practice uninterruptedly, it is easy to lose the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in the veins is evacuated.

If the spiritual energy is drained, the spiritual veins will be damaged.

Only when the spiritual energy is evacuated and the remaining part is left, can the spiritual veins be restored bit by bit."

"But you may also ask, since spiritual veins cannot fully support everyone, why not support one person? Pushing a person to the peak of the spiritual system can also play a big role."

Facing Zhong Ning's rhetorical question, Shen Changqing nodded.

See this.

He shook his head and laughed again.

"You know too little about the spiritual system. It is easy to get started with the spiritual system, but it is difficult to improve. Whether it is nurturing the true meaning or manifesting the true meaning, the threshold involved is actually relatively low.

But after the true meaning is manifested, if you want to reach the true peak, you can't just practice hard.

A truly powerful master of the spiritual system can only develop a strong enough true meaning of martial arts after going through all kinds of fighting and training.

The spiritual energy in the secret room can at most shorten the threshold for you to conceive your true meaning and then to manifest it. This stage is considered the entry stage. What is really difficult is the path you take after the true meaning is manifested."

"For the master who has just made a breakthrough, the secret room is the most precious treasure, but for the master after his true intention is revealed, the jade on the fifth level is the real treasure!"

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