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Chapter 4 There is a problem

"Lord Jiang, you are worrying too much. Since I have eaten the royal food, I have long been prepared to devote myself to the imperial court. If there are really evil spirits waiting there, I will fight them!"

The head catcher said in a deep voice.

Jiang Zuo shook his head: "It's not necessary. If you can save a few people from dying, it's better to save a few people from dying. If there is really a powerful evil spirit, no matter how many warriors below the Tongmai realm, it won't help."

Whether you are afraid of death or not is one thing.

Whether it is a unnecessary sacrifice is another matter.

Seeing what the other party wanted to say, Jiang Zuo's face darkened: "Is it possible that my words are no longer effective?"

"Don't dare!"

The other party hurriedly lowered his head.

Jiang Zuo's solemn expression softened a little: "Jiang is just guessing, Fengyun Village may not be like this, but everyone is prepared to retreat quickly if they see my order or signal.

When the time comes, go back to the Demon Suppression Department and report it, so that strong men can come to your aid!"


"Okay, let's continue on our way!"

Jiang Zuo clamped his legs together hard, and the horse under his crotch suddenly galloped.

Seeing this, everyone else hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long.

Fengyun Village is already in sight.

"Master Jiang, Fengyun Village is ahead!"

The head catcher pointed to the village in front of him.

"Be careful."

Jiang Zuo looked at the village in front of him and frowned.

He didn't detect any evil aura in it, but that didn't mean that Fengyun Village really didn't have any problems.

He gave a warning.

Jiang Zuo rode his horse and walked slowly forward.

The other detectives also slowed down.

When you arrive at the entrance of the village, you can see a stone tablet with the three characters Fengyun Village written on it.

The words are painted with red paint. After being exposed to wind and sun for many years, the paint has not faded at all, but has become increasingly bright red, as if it had just been painted with blood.

See here.

Jiang Zuo felt a little uncomfortable.

From this point alone, we can see that there is indeed a problem in Fengyun Village.

When he looked beyond the stone monument and looked inside.

I saw children playing and playing, and old people chatting under the shade of the trees, making it look like a farmhouse.

"Master Jiang, there seems to be no problem in Fengyun Village!"

When the leading catcher saw this scene, he couldn't help but whisper.

At this time, the other detectives also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were no people in Fengyun Village, it could be said that they were all killed by the evil spirits. Now that there are so many people here, there is obviously no problem.

There's a real problem.

All these villagers should be run away.

"Don't take it lightly."

Jiang Zuo shook his head. His eyes were always on everyone, but he couldn't see any problem.

at the same time.

No evil aura was detected in these villagers.

Logically speaking, this is normal.

But many years of experience in dealing with evil spirits made Jiang Zuo secretly wary.

"The evil spirit pretended to be a villager in Fengyun Village, which means that the evil spirit must have been to Fengyun Village, but now no one in Fengyun Village seems to be worried about the evil spirit.

In this situation, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the evil spirit has never been to Fengyun Village at all, but it just talked nonsense, and the other is that there is something wrong with the villagers of Fengyun Village in front of them."

During the conversation.

Jiang Zuo kept looking at the villagers, but he couldn't find any problem with them.

at this time.

He turned over and dismounted.

Seeing this, everyone else got up and dismounted.

"Master Jiang, what should we do now?"

"Wang Captou, you stay here with a few people from the Tongmai realm. The rest of you will go back temporarily. If you haven't seen us back by nightfall, go to the Demon Suppressing Division immediately to ask for help. It means that we are besieged by evil spirits in Fengyun Village."

Jiang Zuo ordered calmly.

I can't see the problem, but I have no way to retreat.

No matter how.

He has to go to Fengyun Village.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, Jiang Zuo did not dare to venture in alone. He brought several people from the government office with him, and at least he had someone to take care of him.

The capital government office is different from other places.

The worst among the police officers who can join the capital government are warriors in the forging realm. For some with more seniority, it is not a big problem to enter the Tongmai realm.

There are now more than a dozen policemen following him, including several Tongmai realm warriors.

Hear the words.

Mr. Wang nodded and turned around to give orders to the others.

"You two, Lao Liu, stay with me. The others will go back immediately and do what Mr. Jiang said without any delay!"

He has been a head catcher in the government for many years, and he also understands that evil spirits are of great importance.

Compared to the people who suppressed the magic division.

The experience of myself and others in dealing with evil spirits is much weaker.


Jiang Zuo opened his mouth and they just obeyed.

If you don't obey the orders of the Demon Suppressor at this time, you may very well be killed.

"I humbly obey my orders!"

The detectives clasped their fists to accept the order, then got back on their horses and left the entrance of Fengyun Village.

The remaining people from Jiangzuo took the horses aside and tied them up, and then walked into the village on foot.

Within the village.

The atmosphere was peaceful.

The children were playing happily, the old people under the shade of the trees were chatting happily, and everyone had a smile on their face.

With the arrival of several people from Jiangzuo.

Those people didn't seem to notice anything, they were still chatting and playing.

"Go and ask about the situation."

Jiang Zuo stood on the spot and gave instructions to the few police officers around him.

Hear the words.

The few detectives walked towards the old man under the shade of the tree.

In the original place.

Jiang Zuo and Wang Baotou stood there.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Jiang Zuo's gaze did not relax for a moment, trying to find some clues.


I watched it for a long time.

His heart suddenly shook.

"I know what the problem is!"

"what is the problem?"

Wang Captou was stunned.

At this time, when the few detectives who went to inquire about the information were making inquiries, one of them patted an old man on the shoulder. Suddenly, the head on the old man's shoulder fell off.

No blood splattered.

The other old people didn't look back.

I saw the fallen head rolling on the ground. Even though it was stained with a lot of dust, the expression on his face was still full of smiles.


Seeing the head falling, several policemen finally screamed in surprise.

A scream.

It completely broke the tranquility of the village.


All the children who were playing and the old people who were chatting stopped their movements, and then all turned to look at Jiang Zuo and others.

Because of the angle, some people twisted even more and made a 180-degree turn.

Everyone's face is filled with smiles.

It's just that the originally enthusiastic smile now looks very stiff, like a puppet whose expression has been carved long ago.

that moment.

The hair on all the detectives' bodies stood on end, and great fear surged in their hearts.

Only Jiang Zuo could keep his face calm and shouted: "Retreat!"

The words fell.

He took the lead and rushed towards the outside of the village.

The entrance to the village is not far from where we are now. With the strength of an innate warrior, he can rush out with a single burst.


Just as we were about to rush out of the village, thick fog began to appear, completely blocking the way.

Jiang Zuo couldn't help but stop.

He did not rush into the thick fog rashly.

Everyone can understand that there must be something wrong in the thick fog. If you rush in hastily, there is no guarantee that something else will happen.

the other side.

The other detectives and Captain Wang all rushed over and landed next to Jiang Zuo.

"Master Jiang, what should we do now?"

"Master Jiang!"

Everyone had a vague look of fear on their faces.

The strange scene in front of me, combined with the sudden thick fog, made even a fool know that something was wrong.

no doubt.

It turns out that all the villagers in Fengyun Village must have died in the hands of evil spirits.

The people they see now are not real people at all.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at the situation." After Jiang Zuo turned around, he took a deep breath to calm down.

Among several people, he is the backbone.

If you are confused, others will be confused.

Looking at the 'villagers' who were gathering around little by little, Jiang Zuo couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Ever since he became the steward of the Yellow Demon Slayer Academy, his luck seemed to have plummeted, and there would be some accidents every time he performed a mission.

In every accident, he had a narrow escape.

Jiang Zuo even doubted for a while whether there was some powerful evil eyeing him.

But after thinking about it.

There is no such possibility.

No matter what he said, he was just a small demon slayer of the Xuan level, so how could he be worthy of being targeted by other powerful demons?


If he is really targeted by a powerful evil spirit, the other party should take action directly instead of putting him in danger every time and then escaping from death.

"There's something in the fog!"

Suddenly, a policeman screamed.

Hear the words.

Jiang Zuo came out of his reverie, then turned to look in the direction of the thick fog.

In the thick fog.

It seems like something is surging.

Because there was something blocking his sight, he couldn't see clearly for a while.

"Step back a little and talk."

Jiang Zuo looked at the thick fog, then turned to look at the 'villagers' who had gathered around him, and made a decision immediately.

Those 'villagers' moved very slowly, and there was still a large open space between the two. Now we had to move away from the thick fog to deal with what was about to come out of it.


Several people followed Jiang Zuo and retreated about ten feet.


The things surging in the thick fog were gradually exposed to their sight.

Those were the villagers of Fengyun Village. Just like the things approaching behind them, these villagers also had stiff smiles on their faces.


People who come out of the thick fog are not real people either.

"What do we do now!"

Wang Captou looked at the surrounding scene, and those 'villagers' were almost forming an encirclement.

See this.

Jiang Zuo pulled out the knife from his waist and stared straight ahead with a cold face, and then uttered a word after a while.


This chapter has been completed!
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