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Chapter 36 A sudden whim

Treasure Pavilion.

Shen Changqing walked in and directly stated that he wanted to see Huang Yan.

After getting the news.

The deacon of Zhenbao Pavilion rushed over in a hurry.

"I heard the magpies chirping early in the morning, and I already guessed that something happy was going to happen. As expected, Lord Shen is here now."

Just came in.

Huang Yan just cupped his hands with a warm smile on his face.

Shen Changqing nodded and smiled: "Deacon Huang."

"Master Shen, what's the reason for coming here this time?"

After sitting down opposite him, Huang Yan asked seriously.

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing got straight to the point: "It's very simple. I want to buy some elixirs from Zhenbao Pavilion that are more advanced than the Satiety Pills. Money is not a problem."

In the Demon Suppression Division, there are many pills that can be exchanged.

Especially after being promoted to the Earth-level Demon Slayer, the number of pills that can be redeemed will be even greater.


The elixirs in the Demon Suppression Division are all related to cultivation.

Pills like satiety pills actually don't have much effect.


What Shen Changqing needs is this useless elixir.

Now that the Great Sun Golden Body has been upgraded to a higher level, the consumption required is much greater than before. The satiety pills purchased have long been used up.

If you want to upgrade later, you will have to buy it again.

But the problem is.

The energy that the Satiety Pill can provide is still too little. One upgrade requires many bottles of pills to replenish the consumption.

to be honest.

Shen Changqing now feels a little nauseous after taking the Full Belly Pill.

if possible.

He would rather change to a more advanced elixir.

If nothing else, at least when you can improve, you can eat less.

"Master Shen has found the right person. There is indeed such a pill in the Treasure Pavilion."

Huang Yan smiled.

Immediately, he asked someone to get the elixir.

It didn't take long.

The attendant came up with the elixir.

"This elixir is called Jingyuan Dan, and its effect is ten times that of the Satiety Pill. However, for ordinary people to take it, it needs to be diluted with water. Otherwise, if the Jingyuan Dan is swallowed, it will not be able to withstand the power of the elixir."

Huang Yan pointed to the elixir in the bottle and introduced it.

Jing Yuan Dan.

After hearing the explanation, Shen Changqing nodded, then took the pill bottle and poured a pill directly out.

The azure blue elixir looks like a good seller.

He swallowed it in one gulp.

After the elixir entered the abdomen, a powerful and surging force suddenly burst out from the abdomen.


Such an explosion of power is nothing to a grandmaster.

Shen Changqing sat still.

After half a ring.

He just nodded: "Jingyuan Pill is good, much better than Satiety Pill. I wonder how much such a pill costs?"

"Twenty taels of silver a bottle."


Shen Changqing didn't bargain. He is no longer the same person he was before. One thousand or several hundred taels is nothing.

"How many Jingyuan Pills are there in the Treasure Pavilion now?"

"The number of Jingyuan Pills is not large, it will not exceed fifty bottles. After all, Master Shen also knows that few people buy such pills, so the Treasure Pavilion does not purchase many."

"Okay then, I want all the Jingyuan Pills."

Shen Changqing said immediately.

Hear the words.

Huang Yan nodded, and then asked someone to count the number of Jingyuan Dan.

After the attendant left, he looked at Shen Changqing's expression of hesitation.

"If Director Huang has anything to say, you can say it directly."

Seeing Huang Yan's hesitation, Shen Changqing broke the silence.

Huang Yan held up his hands: "There was a lot of commotion inside and outside the capital last night. I wonder what the situation is now?"

Evil and chaos.

Zhenbao Pavilion is also under a lot of pressure.

If your property is destroyed here, the loss will not be huge.

Shen Changqing said calmly: "When the Demon Suppressor is here, the evil spirits have no right to run wild in the capital."

"With Master Shen's words, I can rest assured."

Huang Yan was obviously relieved.

Although he didn't really believe Shen Changqing's words, it was a reassurance that he wouldn't be as nervous as before.

"The Zhenbao Pavilion can open an industry in the capital, and its power is not small. I believe it has also raised many warriors. Even if an evil spirit comes to the Zhenbao Pavilion, it does not necessarily have the qualifications to be arrogant."

Shen Changqing said with a half-smile.

According to his perception, there may be warriors at the innate level in the Treasure Pavilion, and there are more than just one.

Huang Yan shook his head slightly: "Master Shen is joking. How can the strength of Zhenbao Pavilion be compared with that of the Demon Suppressing Division? If the Demon Suppressing Division cannot stop the demons, the Zhenbao Pavilion will be just a joke in front of the demons."

While the two are talking.

The attendant has taken out all the Jingyuan Pills.

The elixirs were placed on the table, with a total of thirty-six bottles.

At the price of twenty taels a bottle, that is seven hundred and twenty taels of silver.

Shen Changqing took out a banknote of the same amount and put it on the table: "This is seven hundred and twenty taels of silver. Deacon Huang can count it."

"Why do you need to count? How can I not trust Lord Shen?"

Huang Yan didn't even look at it, he just put the banknote away.

After leaving Zhenbao Pavilion, Shen Changqing had another burden on his back.

Every time he came to Zhenbao Pavilion, he would buy a lot of things.

"It would be great if there was a legendary storage ring. We don't have to carry big and small bags like now."

This is what Shen Changqing was thinking in his heart.

But ideas are just ideas.

Until now, he has never heard anyone talk about storage rings.

After all, this is not a world of immortals, but a world of warriors. Mysterious things like storage rings may not exist at all.

"It doesn't necessarily exist."

"Qianxin Pavilion has studied so many things. Maybe we can actually develop a storage ring. It's also possible. Let's talk to Jiang An sometimes and see if there is any news from Zhenxie Pavilion."

Shen Changqing thought of Jiang An.

He didn't know many people in Qianxin Pavilion, and in the Demon Sealing Pavilion and Zhenxie Pavilion, he only knew Jiang An.

What is the problem.

It would be much better to ask Jiang An than to think blindly.

After returning to Zhenmo Division.

Shen Changqing returned directly to his room.

Sitting cross-legged, he put all the Jingyuan Pills he had purchased aside.

Calm your mind.

He first looked at the sea of ​​consciousness.

The bloody lotus swayed quietly, and the shadow of the third petal became more complete.

First, they killed the Evil-level monsters in Fengyun Village, and last night in the capital, they killed many Resentment-level monsters, including those at the peak of Resentment-level.

Did a rough calculation.

Shen Changqing discovered that he had killed thirteen monsters in total last night, and the kill value on the panel had officially exceeded the 300-point mark.

"The evil-level monster in Fengyun Village is at the mid-level evil level at least. The cultivation of true meaning given to me is probably equivalent to a month of hard training for me. The resentment level is far behind. The ordinary resentment level is at most It only takes a day or two. If the resentment level is at its peak, it will be two or three times higher than the normal resentment level.

Thirteen resentment-level monsters gave me the equivalent of two months of non-stop practice in terms of true meaning.

Coupled with that evil-level monster, it is the result of three months of hard work."

Three months of hard training.

The shadow of the third petal is not even perfect, let alone a solid stage.

If he relied solely on his own cultivation, Shen Changqing felt that it would take at least two or three years before the third petal could fully appear.


In the past two or three years, I still have to practice non-stop.

If not, the time would have to be doubled again.

"The third petal is only equivalent to 30% of the true meaning of martial arts. The peak of the spiritual system. Unless there is any accident, it is equivalent to 100% of the true meaning of martial arts. The further you go, the improvement of every 10% will be much more difficult. If the third percent is not I practiced intermittently for two or three years.

Then the fourth percentile will take at least five or six years, and then the fifth and sixth percentile will be achieved."

Shen Changqing did a rough calculation and was surprised in the end.


It takes more than a year to get from 10% to 20% of the true meaning, so the time from 20% to 30% is doubled.

If you calculate it simply as a multiple, then if you add it up to the end, it will take more than seven hundred years to cultivate to 100% of the true meaning of martial arts.

Even if this value is halved, it will take more than three hundred years.

Grandmaster warrior.

He is over a hundred years old when he reaches the sky.

In more than three hundred years, he can be reincarnated two or three times.

Only then did he truly understand why the man who had cultivated his spiritual system to its peak in seventy years was called an astonishing genius.

"If you just practice hard, those who can cultivate their spiritual system to perfection in their lifetime are geniuses among geniuses. Therefore, other people who are at the peak of their spiritual system are definitely not able to reach that stage simply by relying on cultivation.

Among them, there must be various opportunities.

Of course, it is also possible to simply kill the evil spirits and harvest the power of the evil spirits to nourish yourself, so that you can continuously make breakthroughs."

Now after carefully calculating the time required for the spiritual system to reach its peak, Shen Changqing immediately gave up the idea of ​​cultivating.

Repair him.

Unless I borrow another five hundred years from heaven, there is absolutely no possibility of cultivating to the peak of my spiritual system.

Ever since he became a master, he knew that his spiritual talent was not very strong.

Now I want to improve quickly.

Then there is only one way to go, which is to continuously kill evil spirits and draw spiritual power from them to cultivate the true meaning.

Only in this way.

Only in this lifetime can the spiritual system be raised to a peak state.


The number of these killing monsters will definitely not be small.

Just think about it.

Thirteen resentment-level monsters and one evil-level monster are not enough to make the third petal shadow appear. If you want to improve it later, if you just kill resentment-level monsters, you don't have to kill tens of thousands. There is no possibility of improvement at all.

"If it were a killer-level monster, the number would be much smaller."

Shen Changqing comforted himself.

Although it can be improved by killing monsters, such a number makes people feel desperate.


"I wonder if killing monsters can nourish the spirit. If so, how much can a monster improve the true meaning of martial arts!"

This chapter has been completed!
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