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Volume 1: Inheritance of the Medical Sage Chapter 1 Intern

Volume 1: Inheritance of the Medical Saint Chapter 1 Intern

Qingyuan First People's Hospital.

8 o'clock is when the inpatient department of the hospital is busy. Doctors often do rounds at this time, asking about the patient's condition yesterday and recording it in the record.

It's summer now, when there are usually the most intern doctors, and this year is no exception.

Ye Hao

Zhongya can't be him.

It was precisely because of this hard-won learning opportunity that Ye Haoxuan was more serious than anyone else. He was seen following Dr. Xu, holding a medical record book and recording it carefully.

At this time, the head nurse rushed into the ward in a panic and shouted: "Dr. Xu, it's not good. The patient in Room 18 has become ill again and has now passed out."

Dr. Xu, who was already over middle-aged, frowned and immediately ran out without caring about the patient number he was inquiring about. Ye Haoxuan and several intern doctors from the same school also quickly followed.

The patient in Room 18 had a serious renal cyst and was admitted to the hospital for observation just the day before yesterday. It has caused urinary tract obstruction and requires surgical treatment. However, there are too many people undergoing surgery now, and the surgeon can't arrange it.

When everyone arrived, the patient in Room 18 had already fainted. Dr. Xu quickly turned his pupils, checked him briefly, and shouted to Ye Haoxuan: "Go and ask Director Liu to come right away."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, quickly handed the medical records into the hands of an intern, and rushed to the office as quickly as possible.

When he arrived at the office, he unexpectedly found that the office door was closed.

It was time to go to work now, and the office door was ajar at most. He pushed it lightly, but it didn't push. It was obviously locked inside.

Although it feels strange, people's lives are at stake now and there is no room for any delay. Director Liu is the authority in the nephrology department. The patient in Ward 18 is in critical condition. Only Director Liu can make a decision about this disease. Ye Haoxuan raised his hand to knock on the door.

But at this time, looking through the lace glass on the door, Ye Haoxuan was stunned.

I saw a paper bag on the desk. It was bulging inside. Judging from the shape and size, it was not difficult to tell that it was Grandpa Mao inside. Such a thick stack was probably worth nearly ten thousand yuan.

Opposite Director Liu, a young woman was pleading.

"Director Liu, I beg you, you also know my husband's condition. We really can't delay it any longer. Can you please help him and do the surgery for him in advance?"

Ye Haoxuan's expression tightened. The hospital strictly prohibited accepting red envelopes from patients. Didn't Director Liu know that?

On the other side of the desk, Director Liu glanced at the thick red envelope on the table and said nothing. He stood up with a smile and said: "It's not that I don't help, it's just that the surgeries are really hard to schedule these days.

, this little money... you'd better take it back."

The implication is that the young woman’s red envelopes were insufficient.

The young woman is the wife of the patient in Ward No. 18. Her husband has been sick all year round, and she supports several students. The family is not well-off to begin with. I don’t know how Grandpa Mao came up with the ten thousand yuan, but Master Liu looks kind-hearted.

, but I didn’t expect him to be such a black-hearted doctor.

The young woman cried and said: "Director Liu, I really can't take it out. My husband has spent all his savings on medical treatment. You can just do it..."

Director Liu stood up slowly and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, there will always be a solution to everything. I also understand your family situation. The hospital does have relevant regulations. For those from poor families, there are some

Preferential treatment, but the number of places is limited and it is difficult to apply.”

Director Liu said, and pushed the envelope back on the table intentionally or unintentionally. The meaning was already very clear, that is, the young woman gave him less money.

Ye Haoxuan really couldn't bear it. He knew that the young woman had already reached her limit with so much money. Even after the patient's surgery, the cost of nutrition and physical therapy was an astronomical figure. Did Director Liu really not care at all?

Ye Haoxuan coughed lightly, knocked on the door gently, and then said: "Director Liu, do you have time now?"

"Who, who is outside the door?"

Director Liu was taken aback. He put the money on the table back into the drawer, and then pretended to sit upright.

"It's me, Director Liu." Ye Haoxuan opened the door and walked in. A look of panic appeared on Director Liu's face.

"What are you here for? Don't you need to go for ward rounds?" Director Liu said with an angry expression, because he was not sure whether Ye Haoxuan had seen what happened just now.

"That's it, Director Liu. The patient in Ward 18 is very seriously ill and needs surgery immediately." Ye Haoxuan said.

"I understand, you go over first, I'm discussing the situation with the patient now." Director Liu waved his hand impatiently.

"Director Liu, the patient's condition is very serious. You should go over now. The operation must be performed immediately." Ye Haoxuan glanced at Director Liu, meaning that I have seen what happened just now. If you don't treat the patient, you will be better.

Director Liu's face turned completely gloomy. He understood what Ye Haoxuan meant. Ye Haoxuan simply said that since he had accepted other people's money, he would now do the surgery for others, otherwise he would not be able to finish the meal and walk around.

That morning, Director Liu rushed to perform an operation on the patient, and applied for medical subsidies for the patient, which exempted all expenses. However, Ye Haoxuan knew that he had completely offended Director Liu this time.

Just after going to work in the afternoon, an intern said to Ye Haoxuan: "Ye Haoxuan, Director Liu is looking for you."

Ye Haoxuan's heart moved, and he knew that Director Liu was going to cause trouble for him, so he responded and walked to the office.

"Xiaoye, you are doing well and your academic performance is good. There is really nothing to teach you here. You can go to other wards to help for a few days."

Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "Okay, I will follow Director Liu's arrangements."

"You can go to the outpatient infusion hall for a few days."

"Infusion hall?" Although Ye Haoxuan was mentally prepared, he was still surprised. He said, "What can I help you with in the infusion hall?"

"It's like this. There are so many outpatients these days that the nurses in the infusion hall are overwhelmed. You go and help for a few days and you'll be back soon. Your performance is good, and I will make a note of it on your file."

Director Liu said unhurriedly. Although he spoke politely, his expression was a sneer.

Ye Haoxuan clenched his fists. Director Liu was going to punish him to death, but he couldn't refute it now. Once he refuted it, Director Liu would say that he contradicted the leader. When the internship period ends, it will also be included in the internship file.

With such a bad record, it will be difficult to find a job after graduation.

This chapter has been completed!
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