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Chapter 1137

Chapter 1137 Official Affairs

After finishing shopping, when he was about to go back with her carrying large and small bags, Ye Haoxuan's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Most people don't know Ye Haoxuan's mobile phone. The caller is probably an acquaintance. He answered the phone and said: "Hello, who is this?"

"Medical Saint, it's me, Wanru." Wanru's voice came from the microphone.

"Master Wan, it's so late, is there anything you can do?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"I'm not sure about something, so I want to ask the medical sage to help me come over and take a look." Wan Ru said.

"Of course, no problem. Where are you now?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"In Chengguan County, there is a small hill here. Not long ago, the archaeological team detected an ancient curtain inside." Wan Ru said.

"So...the group of bricklayers who pretended to be archeologists but were actually robbing the tomb dug out the tomb, and then encountered something unusual?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, the situation is like this. There is a farmer on this mountain who raises hundreds of cows. His cows usually graze on the mountain, but since the ancient tomb was excavated, the cows were frightened and ran away.

They were all over the ground. After they were retrieved, more than a dozen cows were drained of their blood for no apparent reason," Wan Ru said.

"Didn't you find out what it was?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Not yet. The ancient tomb has been opened. The problem now is more serious. Several people fainted after entering... There was even an old expert who died directly. The detector found that there were no toxic gases in the room. And I gave them

The talisman did not spontaneously ignite, which is very strange." Wan Ru said.

"I'm going over now." Ye Haoxuan said calmly. This thing was weird. He had to go to the scene to see what was going on.

"I'll ask people from the Public Security Bureau to send a car to pick you up," Wan Ru said.

"What's wrong?" Lan Linlin asked.

"I have official business to do." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Official business? You don't seem to be a national fan, right?" Lan Linlin asked strangely.

"Well, one level of status is that I am a national breadwinner, but I am the kind of person who only works but does not get paid." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Go ahead, I'll just drive back by myself." Lan Linlin said, getting into the car, waving to Ye Haoxuan, and then drove away.

After a while, a police car drove over, and a policeman came out and said: "Mr. Ye, Master Wan asked us to take you to Chengguan County."

"Let's go." Ye Haoxuan nodded, turned around and got into the car.

Chengguan County is also a small county near Qingyuan. It takes an hour or two to drive normally on the expressway. This little policeman pulled his siren and drove wildly. In an hour and a half, he got off the expressway and went around to the scene of the incident.

Chengguan County is the site of ancient ruins. The ruins of an old city were excavated decades ago. However, it is still impossible to determine which dynasty and generation the ruins belong to. Relevant experts have searched through the information and have not been able to find out the ancient ruins.

About this generation of the old city.

Moreover, the excavated ruins are very strange and do not belong to the buildings of any ancient dynasty.

In a small hill in the southwest of Chengguan County, there are villagers doing breeding on the mountain. There is usually nothing unusual about it, but this time something like this happened after the ancient tomb was excavated. If you say it has nothing to do with the ancient tomb, you would not believe it.

Several archaeological experts are still unconscious, and the villagers here are still asking the person in charge to explain, saying that people here excavated the ancient tomb and unearthed dirty things. The person in charge is struggling to explain to these villagers.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we arrived here. Searchlights were set up all around the place, making it as bright as day. There was an excavated cave on the east side of the hill, with tents and other things set up around it.


However, it was surrounded and no one was allowed to get close. The Qingyuan government attached great importance to this matter, and a company of troops from the military region had already stationed themselves here with guns and live ammunition.

Now the relevant leaders of the county are communicating with the villagers here, urging them to move away temporarily, because this incident has alarmed the Yixue Association, which is definitely not a good thing. No one knows what will happen if they stay here.

It's just that the villagers here are too stubborn and won't leave no matter what. The key is the things they raise here. What will happen to the cattle and sheep after they leave?

"Doctor Ye, are you here?" Seeing Ye Haoxuan coming over, Wan Ru came to greet him. Behind him were several members of the Yi Xue Association. However, with Ye Haoxuan's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that these people were scattered by the Secret Service.

Squad members across the country.

"Master Wan, how is the situation now? Where are the injured people?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"They were all sent to the hospital, but they haven't woken up yet. One professor collapsed as soon as he entered and didn't get up. The body hasn't been sent away yet." Wan Ru pointed to a tent.

"I'll go take a look." Ye Haoxuan walked to the tent.

I saw a bed covered with white cloth. When the white cloth was lifted, a professor in his sixties was lying there with a pale face, but he was not breathing at all.

Ye Haoxuan put his hand on his hand and already knew it. He let go and said: "Send him to the hospital first and fake his death. This is caused by his loss of soul."

"Lost soul? It doesn't look like that. There is no breath." Wan Ru was surprised.

"He is not in good health. There may be something in the tomb that caused him to lose his soul, so he appears in a state of suspended animation. But it doesn't matter. I will help him treat him later." Ye Haoxuan squeezed his right hand and said

The secret was immediately formed. He pointed his right hand at the person on the bed, and then let go of his hand.

Wan Ru was surprised to find that the professor who had just been sentenced to death was breathing again, but his breathing was extremely weak.

"Quickly, take Professor Liu to the hospital." Wan Ru quickly ordered the people on the side.

Immediately, several doctors came in carrying a stretcher, hurriedly carried Professor Liu onto the stretcher, and then put him in the ambulance and left.

For fear of an emergency, doctors from the county hospital are stationed here to prevent someone from fainting and provide timely rescue.

"Dr. Ye, what do you think is inside?" a member of the Secret Service asked.

"It's hard to say, I have to go in and take a look. What's going on inside?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"We just reached the end of the passage. There is a stone gate that has not been opened yet. Everyone can only reach the stone gate and cannot take a step forward." Wan Ru replied.

"Okay, I'll go in and take a look." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"Go in? Dr. Ye, let's consider this matter in the long run. I have gone in before, and I felt uneasy when I was halfway there. There is probably a rare big guy inside." Wan Ru replied.

"It's okay. I won't be sure what's inside without going in and taking a look." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"Then, I'll go with you. I can't let you go in and take risks alone." Wan Ru hesitated and said.

"It's okay. I have the ability to protect myself. Even if there is any emergency, I will have a way out." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Haha, Dr. Ye, we are all members of the Secret Service. We have an unshirkable responsibility when encountering such a thing. Let's go with you so that we can take care of you no matter what happens." One member said.

"Yes, let's do it together." The remaining team members agreed.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look together, but we need to leave two people outside to take care of us so that we can notify our superiors if there is an emergency." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

Half an hour later, everyone was ready. Under the leadership of Ye Haoxuan, Wan Ru and two other members of the Secret Service walked toward the entrance of the cave. Two other members stayed at the entrance of the cave, and everyone maintained radio contact at all times.

As soon as I walked into the cave entrance, I was greeted by a gloomy feeling.

The Yin Qi inside made everyone feel trembling. The two members were weaker, and they had a cold war uncontrollably. At the same time, they felt a little scared in their hearts.

The yin energy in this place is too strong. Although we have just entered the cave now, everyone speculates that the thing inside may be an extremely dangerous thing, so we need to be 100% careful.

This place had been excavated by an archaeological team before. It was surrounded by incandescent lamps and the entire cave was as bright as day. The cave was not small and could accommodate two cars walking side by side.

The further you walked inside, the wider the cave became. After walking for about ten minutes, the straight entrance of the cave turned to the right, and the situation inside changed.

I saw dense murals carved on the stone walls on both sides. In some places, some people or things were depicted with simple strokes, as if they were recording something. However, this kind of writing is different from the big seal script. Even Ye Haoxuan has inherited ancient thoughts.

, don’t know the word either.

"What word is this?" Ye Haoxuan looked at the font the size of a teen's head in surprise.

"It's not clear yet. Professor Liu used to record these fonts on video. He wanted to summon people from relevant departments to study it when he went back, but he didn't come out and that's what happened." Wan Ru shook his head and said.

"It's like an ancient tadpole poem." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Tadpole script? Is it the kind of writing that is earlier than oracle bone script?" Wan Ru was slightly surprised.

"It's almost ten." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"That writing is only in rumors. According to legend, it was created by a certain great power in ancient times when the world first opened. However, this writing was lost after the Battle of Zhuolu. If this is the tadpole writing, then this ancient tomb

It has existed for thousands of years." Wan Ru exclaimed.

"Then...could there be a terrible evil thing inside?" One member worried.

"It's hard to say." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said: "Logically speaking, everything in the world has its destiny. It is impossible for there to be so many dangerous things to disrupt normal people's lives. However, there are exceptions to everything. Everyone must be extremely careful.


Everyone nodded and walked inside with Ye Haoxuan. After walking for another ten minutes, suddenly a faint whistling sound came from the front.

This whistling sound did not come from the ears, but resounded in the hearts of everyone. With this inexplicable whistling sound, everyone felt uneasy, even a little agitated.

This chapter has been completed!
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