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Chapter 1178 I Don't Believe

Chapter 1178 I don’t believe it

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Liang Hongyu shook her head and said, "You'd better give me a convincing explanation, otherwise I will still arrest you."

"Then tell me, what are the results of the biochemical preparations that I forced out of the patient's body when I first came here?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"The specific function is unknown. With our current scientific and technological means, it is not yet possible to identify it. The preparation has now been sent to the capital, and the results will be available soon," Liang Hongyu said.

"That preparation is the culprit. This incident was man-made. Those people were drained of their vitality, so they fell into a coma. Simply put, this is a modern corpse-raising technique." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Why raise corpses? I don't understand." Liang Hongyu was a little confused.

"The purpose is to absorb people's vitality, because when a person is half-human and half-corpse, the vitality in the body will dissipate, and the caster can take the opportunity to collect the vitality of the human body. After using the secret method to refine the medicine, it can make people rejuvenate." Ye Haoxuan.


"Then what." Liang Hongyu said.

"No, if I'm right, the chief planner of all this is Liang Jingnian. He belongs to a mysterious organization. The technology of this mysterious organization is very advanced. This preparation must have been made by them." Ye Haoxuan said.

"This is impossible. My second grandfather is a philanthropist and there is absolutely no way he would do such a thing." Liang Hongyu shook her head.

"Believe it or not, the person just now has become a walking zombie because his anger was too severe. It is unconscious, but the caster can control it. I was hesitant at first, whether you and Liang Jingnian are the same person, but

When I saw this zombie ambushing you, I realized that you were kept in the dark." Ye Haoxuan said.

"No, this is absolutely impossible. You are making excuses for your crimes." Liang Hongyu couldn't accept this fact. She shook her head and her expression was shocked.

"My words have already been explained. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. But I want to remind you, be careful about Liang Jingnian in the future." Ye Haoxuan said: "If you don't believe it, you can wait for a while and see your second grandfather.

Will you suddenly become younger?"

"It is impossible for a person to suddenly rejuvenate. If he really becomes younger, it means... what you said is true." Liang Hongyu murmured.

"Yes, you are still reasonable, but your second grandfather is not as kind as he appears, so you have to be careful in the future. Today is the beginning of the month. I know that the spell must be performed on the night of the full moon in the middle of the month, so after the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, you go and see

Let’s look at your second grandfather.” Ye Haoxuan said.

"To be honest, I don't know if I should believe you." Liang Hongyu shook her head.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you want to ignore the overall situation and let these zombies increase in number because of family ties, you can choose not to believe me. But I will not go back to the police station with you, because

I still need to check some things."

Ye Haoxuan dropped these words and turned to leave.

Liang Hongyu looked at his back in a daze. She really didn't know whether she should believe Ye Haoxuan. But she had a feeling that this man was worthy of her trust.

When Ye Haoxuan returned to the deep water area, the sky was already bright. As soon as Luo Yan opened the door, she happened to see Ye Haoxuan walking to the door.

"Where did you go last night? Why didn't you come back all night?" Liang Hongyu asked in surprise.

"I have some things to do, so I'll come back and take a look. I'll go to the clinic later." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "How is the decoration going?"

"It's not bad, it's going very smoothly. I have to go to sell goods with my aunt today. I may not be able to go to the clinic, so Yu Bo has to hire someone." Luo Yan said with a slight smile.

"I know, it's okay. You and Aunt Luo go and do your work. I'll come back and take a look." Ye Haoxuan nodded. He looked at the time, then turned and walked out. The clinic should be opening soon now.

After spending the whole night without rest, Ye Haoxuanye said that it was nothing at all. It was just that the Haoran Qi in his body had not yet been completely restored. It was only 60 to 70% of what it was at its peak. He needed to take good care of his body here in the next period of time.

He had an intuition that there would be a big battle waiting for him here.

The face of Yongsheng finally gradually surfaced. This organization is very mysterious, but Ye Haoxuan believes that one day, he will completely surface.

When he arrived at the clinic, Yu Bo had already opened the door. As Ye Haoxuan's reputation became more and more popular, more and more people came here. The small clinic could no longer accommodate the increasing number of patients.


So Yu Bo simply rented out the vacant storefronts nearby. It was already a small hospital.

As for the Chinese medicine clinic, another Western hospital in this area immediately lost business. The director of the hospital there complained a lot, but there was nothing he could do, because the doctors here had high medical skills, used less medicine, and had quick results.

And the most important thing is that the price is much cheaper than here. Who would go to Western medicine to suffer when they have nothing to do?

Ye Haoxuan's medical skills have been unanimously recognized by the veteran Chinese doctors here. Sometimes Ye Haoxuan will use examples of difficult and complicated diseases of some patients to explain them to them.

After sitting here for a period of time, the level of these old Chinese doctors has improved significantly. Even if Ye Haoxuan leaves now, these old Chinese doctors will probably be able to work alone.

"Xiao Ye, you came so early today." As soon as Yu Bo opened the door, he saw Ye Haoxuan waiting here.

"Haha, I got up early today." Ye Haoxuan smiled and walked in.

The door here opens at eight o'clock, and the period from eight o'clock to eleven o'clock is often the busiest time in the clinic. Ye Haoxuan only has ten patients every day, and he will not see any more.

This method is the same as certain rice's hunger marketing. In addition, Ye Haoxuan's reputation is becoming more and more popular outside, so his account has been queued up for almost a month. Despite this, people continue to come every day to inquire whether Ye Haoxuan's account is still available.

Is there any more?

After reading today's patient reports, Ye Haoxuan walked around the clinic and then planned to leave.

At this moment, a Ferrari drove over and blocked the door of the clinic. At the same time, a middle-aged man got out of the car. He walked straight into the clinic and shouted: "Whose surname is Ye?"

There are many people in the clinic, but everyone is in good order and speaks in a low voice. Unlike this middle-aged man, whose voice is like thunder.

After asking several questions in succession, everyone in the clinic just frowned and no one paid him any attention.

"Let me ask you, is there a doctor named Ye here? What, are you deaf?" The middle-aged man frowned when he saw that no one was paying attention to him.

"My surname is Ye. If you are looking for a doctor named Ye at this time, it would be me." Ye Haoxuan walked to the door and said.

"Are you the recently rumored doctor with incredible skills? You're so young, so you can't just tell them about it." The middle-aged man frowned and said.

"Whether it was blown out, you will know if you try it." Ye Haoxuan said lightly.

"No need to try, come with me for a consultation. My old man is very ill now." The middle-aged man casually took out a few big bills and said: "If you are cured, you will get a share of the consultation fee."

"Only ten people are diagnosed every day, and now my number has been queued up for a month. Go there, sign up, and then wait for when you will be here, and when will you come. Also, I don't go out to see you. If you are sick,

If so, let him do it himself."

"You're breaking the rules so much. You think the money is too little, right? One hundred thousand, come with me immediately." The middle-aged man frowned and said.

"Money is not everything, and rules cannot be broken." Ye Haoxuan said lightly.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. To put it bluntly, when you open a clinic, you are doing business to make money. If you don't make money, why would you open a clinic?" The middle-aged man sneered.

"The consultation fee you gave is too low." Ye Haoxuan said calmly, but he was telling the truth. He has never been used to this kind of people. They just yell after taking money, always thinking that they are as good as they are.

.You are rich, right? Then you can pay a little more for medical treatment, one hundred thousand? You really want to hire a medical saint to help you with a mere one hundred thousand. You think too highly of yourself, right?

"One hundred thousand is still low? This money can already hire domestic first-line experts. Don't be ignorant." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Then you can use this money to hire an expert. I can't cure your illness." Ye Haoxuan said and turned around and returned to the clinic.

"I asked you why you can't get along with money. My own money can be worth ten poor people to you. Don't be ignorant." The middle-aged man was furious.

"Your life is more valuable than the poor?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Of course, my life is more valuable than the poor. Why, you are not convinced."

"I'm just not convinced. Either you let me register and wait in peace, or you hire someone else. Besides, you look down on the poor, right? I'm here for a free clinic today, but I won't treat you." Ye Haoxuan sneered.

"You...you..." The middle-aged man was speechless for a moment.

"Dr. Ye is so good. These people think it's great to have a few dirty dollars. Haha, let's kill their prestige." One patient laughed.

"Yes, it's hard to buy life even if you have money. Everyone's life is the same. There is nothing precious or not. Dr. Ye, we support you."

Ye Haoxuan's words resonated with everyone in the ward, and they all applauded. In fact, the gap between the rich and the poor here is relatively large, especially the deep water area is the poorest place. This guy comes here to show off his wealth, and he is not happy with himself.

Ye Haoxuan simply moved the consultation table into the hall, and then started a free clinic here for one day. As soon as Ye Haoxuan's table was set up, a lot of people behind him immediately came up and cheered.

The self-righteous middle-aged man's face turned red. Finally, he glanced at Ye Haoxuan unwillingly and left angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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