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Chapter 1461 Sensoji Temple

Chapter 1461 Sensoji Temple

After Xiaoli's introduction, Ye Haoxuan first came to Sensoji Temple in Dongjing.

Sensoji Temple is located in Taito District, Tokyo. It is the oldest temple in Tokyo. According to legend, in the thirty-sixth year of Emperor Suiko's reign, two fishermen fished in the Miyato River and picked up a golden statue of Guanyin, and nearby people raised funds to build it.

There is a temple to enshrine this Buddha statue, and this is Sensoji Temple.

"Dr. Ye, this is the gate of Sensoji Temple. It is called Thunder Gate. It is said that it is the face of the Japanese Kingdom and the symbol of Asakusa. It is said that it was built in 942 AD to pray for peace in the world and a good harvest." Xiaoli.

Like a treasure, she introduced the customs and customs here to Ye Haoxuan. She had been to Dongjing before and was familiar with the place. Ye Haoxuan took her and could be used directly as a tour guide.

I saw two generals, the God of Thunder and the God of Wind, on both sides of the tall main entrance of the Thunder Gate. Several huge lanterns were hung in front of the door. From a distance, you can see the word "Thunder Gate" with a white background and a black background.

When I walked into the Kaminarimon Gate, I saw a paved shrine of about 100 meters leading to the main hall where Guanyin is enshrined. Along the way, there were many people kneeling down and walking forward.

However, Ye Haoxuan did not worship. He felt that worshiping gods in the Japanese country was unworthy of integrity. It was impossible for him to bend the knee in this country.

The architectural style here is somewhat similar to the style of Chinese temples, but it is less solemn than the Chinese temples. Their advantage is that the buildings are larger and slightly brighter, which has something to do with the environment of Dongjing.

Walking into the main hall, I saw a golden statue of Guanyin inside. The incense in this place is relatively prosperous, because Buddhism quickly emerged here after it was introduced to the Japanese country from the Tang Dynasty. The Japanese people also found their faith.

"Dr. Ye, don't you pay homage?" Xiaoli said with a smile.

"No, it's better not to bend your knees in this place. This is integrity." Ye Haoxuan smiled and walked out of the hall, and Xiaoli quickly followed.

"Xiao Li, you have been to Dongjing several times before. Why do I feel that you are very familiar with this place?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"I've only been here twice before, but I have a habit. No matter where I go, I will have a comprehensive understanding of the nearby attractions and customs, and then record them, so you will think that I am very familiar with this place.

." Xiaoli smiled and said.

"It's amazing, this is a good habit. No matter where I go, if I walk in front, I will forget this place later." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"It's just a professional habit." Xiaoli said, pulling Ye Haoxuan and walking towards other places in Sensoji Temple. When she walked to the right side of Sensoji Temple, she saw a huge fountain.

"This is the hand-washing pool, and the water here is drinkable." Xiaoli pointed to the fountain and said, "I heard that the water here can cure all kinds of diseases, and many people will try it when they come here."

"Just ordinary water, how can it cure all diseases." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "It's just the belief in people's hearts."

"Yes, praying to gods and Buddhas is just for peace of mind. People all worship ghosts and gods and find it difficult to make decisions," Xiaoli said.

Looking at the crowds of people worshiping around him, Ye Haoxuan felt speechless. It seemed that not only the Chinese people were superstitious, but the Japanese people were sometimes much more superstitious than the Chinese people because of their paranoid personalities.

Just when Ye Haoxuan was about to leave this place and go to have a look in front of the high tower over there, the worshipers nearby suddenly let out a cheer. They seemed to see some big shot. It felt like they saw their idol coming.


Ye Haoxuan turned around in surprise and saw a monk walking out of the main hall. This monk was at least eighty years old. He was dressed in white monk robes and walked out of the main hall with the support of two monks.

"This is a powerful monk from Sensoji Temple. His Buddhist name is Yayoi. I heard that he is a person with supernatural powers and is favored by God. He has been here for decades. He comes out to perform morning chants every day. I heard that people can listen to it.

I don’t know whether it’s true or not about preventing Alzheimer’s disease,” Xiaoli said.

"Of course it's true. I'm also Chinese. This is my dad. My dad has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five or six years. But listening to the scriptures here every day, his condition is getting better and better. Now his mind is clear."

On one side, a man in his thirties turned around and interjected. The old man next to him must be his father. He was kneeling on the ground respectfully, showing a very pious look.

While he was talking, Monk Yayoi sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands, and began to chant scriptures. Although he was using Japanese language, Ye Haoxuan could understand the scriptures he chanted. The scriptures he chanted were actually "King Kong".

The Prajnaparamita Sutra is actually the Diamond Sutra. He chants the sutras at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow, making people gradually feel a kind of peace of mind.

Ye Haoxuan closed his eyes and felt the meaning of the scripture. After listening for a moment, he felt that the Haoran energy in his body was being mobilized involuntarily. His mood was particularly relaxed, as if he had arrived on an endless prairie.

Ye Hao

What I can't figure out.

But he was relieved immediately. Some monks only knew Buddhism and not Kung Fu. However, because they devoted themselves to Buddha, they had some invisible abilities that were difficult for ordinary people to understand. This was also normal.

Ye Haoxuan looked around and saw all the faithful men and women sitting cross-legged on the ground. Their faces could not help but reveal a quiet smile. The scriptures chanted by the old monk made them unknowingly achieve the goal.

A realm of tranquility.

This is cultivating the mind, just like the Taoist nuns in Sanxian Mountain. They live a pure and inactive life without fighting against the world, so their life span is extremely long. The scriptures that the old monk recited are like

The Taoist principle of cultivating the mind and nature is the same. When the mind is calm, it will naturally become pure.

Moreover, it is winter now, and the old monk only wears a thin monk's robe, but he is not afraid of the cold at all. This is also because he has reached the state of mind, so he will not feel the cold at all.

"Why don't you sit down and listen to the master reciting scriptures?" On one side of Ye Haoxuan, a girl in her twenties looked at Ye Haoxuan with curious eyes. She spoke Japanese.

"Sorry, I don't understand you." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"Oh, are you Chinese?" the girl asked in less than fluent Chinese.

"Yes, I am Chinese." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"You should sit down. Master Yayoi is an eminent monk. It is very pleasant to listen to him chanting sutras. He can lead you and make you feel relaxed like never before." The girl smiled sweetly.

, she was very beautiful, and her speaking voice was soft and soft. Ye Haoxuan could feel that this girl's mind was as pure as a piece of white paper. Maybe she lived a life without fighting against the world.

"I have always been very relaxed." Ye Haoxuan said.

"You are lying." The girl shook her head and said, "I can sense that you are very anxious. Maybe you have some wishes that have not been achieved, and your mood is not peaceful at all."

Ye Hao

After buying something, he didn't have to worry about what impact it would have in the future, but he was still a little anxious.

Because Chinese medicine still has a long way to go, the mastermind behind this incident has not yet fully surfaced, and secretly Muramasa Sasuke is staring at him like a poisonous snake.

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter, I can adjust my mood." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"I hope what you said is true." The girl smiled slightly, then closed her eyes slightly, clasped her hands together, and listened to Yayoi's scriptures.

Yayoi's sutras were not rushed or slow, and within a short time, more than half of the Diamond Sutra had been chanted. At this moment, Yayoi's voice suddenly paused slightly while he was chanting the sutras, and there was a momentary pause.

No one noticed this tiny detail, but Ye Haoxuan did. He felt something was wrong. He raised his head and saw a flush on Yayoi's face, and then his head tilted to one side.

, and then tilted heavily to the ground.

"Master Yayoi...Master Yayoi's condition is serious. Quick, go get the medicine...quickly."

The two young novices who had been standing on both sides of Yayoi began to panic. One of them supported Yayoi, and the other quickly ran into the main hall.

"Master Yayoi..." The girl kneeling beside Ye Haoxuan shouted. She stood up and ran quickly to the front of the hall.

The crowd seemed slightly panicked. The old monk named Yayoi obviously had a very loud voice here. As soon as he fell unconscious, the people around him immediately panicked. Some of them hurriedly dialed the phone to call an ambulance and knew some first aid.

Knowledgeable people ran over to rescue him, and some even took out medicine because they were excited.

In short, the scene became a mess, and the abbot and others from Sensoji Temple also hurried over, because Yayoi is the oldest monk here, and he is the only one who is familiar with Mahayana Buddhism. If something happens to him, it will not be a good thing for Sensoji Temple.

What a good thing.

At that moment, several doctors rushed over in a hurry, because a medical team voluntarily organized by the Japanese people happened to be here to examine the elderly monk.

The chief physician among them was a girl in her mid-twenties. She picked up the stethoscope and listened to Yayoi for a moment, and then said a few words in Japanese seriously. Immediately, several doctors carried a stretcher and wanted to take care of Yayoi.

The old monk was sent to the hospital.

"What did the female doctor say just now?" Ye Haoxuan couldn't understand the Japanese language, so he asked Xiaoli on the side.

This chapter has been completed!
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