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Chapter 1595 Walking

Chapter 1595 Walking

"Remember your old self?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, in the past, she and I seemed to have no one to rely on, and could only hang out with a few goblins in the dormitory. At that time, I thought we were biological sisters. But it wasn't until I experienced those things that I discovered that it turned out that

Not all your friends are worthy of being treated as sisters by you." Xiao Haimei said.

"Go back, you've been traveling all day, and now it's time to have a good rest." Ye Haoxuan said and was about to stop a taxi.

"No... I want to take a walk. You can walk back with me." Xiao Haimei smiled.

"Okay." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

After all the trouble just now, it is already very late. Jiangsu and Zhejiang belong to the middle region of Jiangnan, which is a rare blessed land. Since ancient times, Jiangnan has been rich in beauties. This sentence is true.

"Have you noticed that there are so many beauties here?" Xiao Haimei saw the way Ye Haoxuan's eyes were darting around and pinched him involuntarily.

"There are indeed many." Ye Haoxuan nodded solemnly: "But I only admire them, and I truly love the woman next to me."

"I hate it." Xiao Haimei's face turned red for a rare moment. She held Ye Haoxuan's hand in a somewhat coquettish way, and the two of them walked forward in this bustling place.

Since arriving in the capital, Ye Haoxuan felt that he had not lived such a comfortable life for a long time. He suddenly missed the life in Qingyuan. At that time, he could do whatever he wanted. It was not like now, when he had to work hard.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Haimei looked at Ye Haoxuan and asked.

"Me? I was thinking about when I would have a child with you." Ye Haoxuan looked at a couple leading a pair of twins walking past.

Although the couple is dressed in ordinary clothes, their two daughters who look like pink makeup and jade are very cute, dressed like little princesses. The two daughters act like a baby in front of their parents, chasing each other on the sidewalk. What a shame.

Passers-by looked sideways.

Ye Haoxuan actually felt a trace of envy in his heart. He now yearned for the life of an ordinary person, and he suddenly had the urge to have a child right away.

"Are you serious?" Xiao Haimei asked seriously.

"Yes, I want it very much." Ye Haoxuan nodded seriously.

"You have to know that if you have a child, you will take on more responsibilities. You are not only a man to a lot of women, but you are also the father of a child." Xiao Haimei said.

"I know." Ye Haoxuan nodded. He held Xiao Haimei's hand and said, "Do you think I am an irresponsible man?"

"No, you are a responsible man." Xiao Haimei nodded and said, "I also really want to have a child now, but I can't because I think now is not the best time."

"In your opinion, when is the best time?" Ye Haoxuan said with a bitter smile.

"Wait until...you have taken care of all the things, and wait until you are tired one day and want to take us all to live in seclusion, then this will be the best time." Xiao Haimei said.

"I don't know how long I have to wait for that day." Ye Haoxuan said with a bitter smile.

"As long as you are here, I am willing to wait." Xiao Haimei said seriously.

"Didn't you want to be a mother a long time ago?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, but now is really not the best time. We are still young, aren't we?" Xiao Haimei smiled, held Ye Haoxuan's hand and comforted: "It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. If you have children, you will probably

Distracted, I don’t want to distract you, so I’m willing to wait.”

Ye Haoxuan put his arms around Xiao Haimei's shoulders and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Indeed, Ye Haoxuan cannot be distracted now because there are many things waiting to be dealt with.

Ye Haoxuan had to find everything she needed within three years of the female slave's three-year agreement. If she couldn't find it, God knows what earth-shattering things that crazy woman would do.

Ye Haoxuan discovered that he was not strong enough. Although he now had the strength of the heavenly realm and was a rare existence in this world, there were still many unknown strong men hidden in this world.

The Pope of Ruidian, Erikson who possesses powerful prophecy, District 51 of the Magnesium Kingdom, the transformed werewolf warrior, and the brain that unknowingly attacked him twice in the dark.

Developers are powerful enemies.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's okay. I can wait, really." Xiao Haimei said with a slight smile.

"Thank you, I promise I won't keep you waiting too long." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

The two of them were still walking forward. In front of them, the two couples with a pair of twins were walking hand in hand and talking like a young couple in love for the first time. Their pair of daughters were walking forward happily on the sidewalk. A family

Although the family of four is very ordinary, it can be seen that they are very happy.

"I feel they are very happy." Ye Haoxuan looked at the family of four in front of him and said with some envy.

"Ordinary people have ordinary people's worries, and we also have our own worries. Some things are destined since a person is born." Xiao Haimei smiled slightly and said: "One day, you will be like them."

"I hope so." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly.

At this moment, an emergency brake sound suddenly sounded. The driver of the car seemed to be drunk. The valuable BMW suddenly broke through the green belt and hit the sidewalk directly. The roar of the car was very loud.

With an ear-piercing ear, the car hit the two twins at extremely high speeds.

It happened so fast and suddenly that no one expected it. The parents of the child were several meters away from the child. The twins stood there blankly, and the dazzling car lights made it difficult for them to open their eyes.

A car accident was about to happen, and it happened so suddenly that the parents of the child were frightened on the spot, and the young mother even screamed.

The car rushed up with a roar and hit the two children directly. At this juncture, a man suddenly appeared. He picked up the two children present, stepped forward, and drove his right foot at high speed.

Taking advantage of the force on the front of the car, the whole person jumped up high, then somersaulted in mid-air and landed on the ground in a handsome posture.

Bang... the car hit a big tree directly, and the front of the car was crushed in, and then there was no movement.

The rescuer was of course Ye Haoxuan. It wasn't until he landed on the ground and put the twins on the ground to confirm that they were okay that the parents of the children realized that they ran over like crazy.

The young mother cried bitterly while holding her two daughters. The scene just now really frightened her.

When the child was okay, the twins' father grabbed Ye Haoxuan's hand and couldn't help but thank him.

People on the road gathered around him involuntarily. It almost caused a car accident. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the child was okay.

"In the future, walk closer to the child." Ye Haoxuan said to the child's father: "And it's so late, don't take the child out, it's not safe."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it... It's my two children's birthdays today. I just came out to celebrate their birthdays and am planning to go home." The child's father said with lingering fear.

"It's okay. The baby is not afraid. It's okay." The young mother was shocked. She hugged her two daughters tightly and never let go.

"Thank you, uncle." Although the two twins are less than five years old, they are very sensible.

"You're welcome, little girl." Ye Haoxuan smiled, this was just a piece of cake for him.

"You just saved a family." Xiao Haimei came up and said, "If you were an ordinary person, you couldn't do this and could only watch the car accident happen."

"Yes, in this world, everyone has a reason for his or her existence." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"So you don't need to deliberately envy ordinary people." Xiao Haimei smiled slightly and said: "In my eyes, you are a hero."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, took Xiao Haimei's hand and was about to leave.

At this moment, the door of the BMW that hit the tree opened, and a man in a black windbreaker took off his seat belt and walked out of the car.

As soon as this guy walked out, the smell of alcohol emanated from his body. He was obviously driving drunk, and judging from the way he walked, he probably drank a lot.

"Damn you, don't you have eyes when you walk? Why didn't I just hit you two to death?" The man, smelling of alcohol, walked up to the family and cursed loudly.

"Why are you like this? We were walking on the sidewalk, but you bumped into me. Why are you driving so violently after drinking?" the child's father was angry.

"What? I drove drunk, why did you bite me? I'm rich and powerful, so what if I drove drunk? If you get hit and killed, I'll just pay you." The man extended his middle finger arrogantly, and he shook his head toward

The two little girls yelled: "If you can't drive, don't come out. Otherwise, you deserve to be hit and killed on the road."

The two little girls were frightened by the drunken appearance of the man, and they threw themselves into their mother's arms with some fear.

"Hey, why are you like this? You are so rich and so awesome." The onlookers couldn't stand it anymore. Damn, this guy is too arrogant.

"That's right, if you can't drive, you shouldn't be out. What the hell is your logic?"

"Call the police, he caused an accident while driving drunk."

The onlookers were talking a lot, and some people with a strong sense of justice were already taking out their mobile phones to call the police.

In fact, the control over drunk driving is very strict now. Even if you have a background, no one can protect you as long as you drive drunk. You will still have to peel off your skin if you don't die. After all, doesn't this guy just drive a BMW? Now he has money.

Who would drive a BMW? You're kidding me.

As soon as the man heard that someone called the police, he immediately ran to the back compartment, took out a crossbow from the compartment, and shouted at the passerby who called the police: "Call the police, call the police, call the police...

Let’s see if I can’t kill you.”

This chapter has been completed!
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