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Chapter 2078 This is useless to me

Chapter 2078 This is of no use to me

"Mr. Liang, I really had the patience to negotiate with you today." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: "But I feel that your sincerity is not very high."

"Actually, I'm very sincere." Liang Ying smiled. He picked up the knife and fork, cut off a large piece of beef, put it in his mouth and started to bite it. This guy looked ugly when he ate, and he was so fat.

His pouty face trembled as his teeth twitched.

Just now, he had a gentle look. Although he was a little fat, we can't discriminate against fat people, right? But in the blink of an eye, his gentle look completely disappeared. He seemed to have changed. He

The expression on his face when he eats makes people feel incredible.

Moreover, his appetite was astonishing. After a while, he swallowed a large piece of meat from the roasted whole beef. He opened the beef and saw that there was a sheep inside. Liang Ying picked up the fork in her hand and started eating again.

He devoured the roasted lamb.

While eating, he squinted at Ye Haoxuan and said, "I am actually very reasonable sometimes, but if you don't reason with me, I won't reason with you either."

"Haha, are you being reasonable? I don't see how you are being reasonable." Ye Haoxuan smiled: "Do you dare to be more shameless?"

"You have affected my making money." Liang Ying said while devouring the meat: "My family was poor when I was a child, so I was afraid of poverty. You have affected my making money, so I will kill you at all costs.

If you have any sense now, get out of Magnesium Country right away, I promise I won’t cause you any trouble.”

"But if you are still so ignorant, then don't blame me for being cruel. Haha, I have something to warn you. I'm saying it once, this is the country of Magnesia, and don't ignore my existence. If you mess with me,

If you offend me, I guarantee that your women will not have a bad time."

"You have threatened me more than once." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "Don't you see that I have been putting up with you? I feel that my temper is really good. If I change my previous temper, I will

Minutes will let you know what regret is.”

Poof, Liang Ying stood up, he put the knife in his hand heavily on the table, he looked at Ye Haoxuan with a evil smile and said: "Actually, I think the medical saint is nothing more than that."

"Haha, those guys in District 51 have always emphasized to me how powerful the Medical Saint is, but I found that it's quite easy for you to get started, hahaha."

"Are you connected with the people in District 51?" Ye Haoxuan looked at Liang Ying in surprise and said, "I can't tell. I always thought you were just a drug dealer, but now it seems that your identity is not what I imagined.

It’s so simple.”

"Actually, to be honest, how much money can you make from Western medicine?" Liang Ying smiled: "Smuggle weapons, sell human organs and tubes, arrest a few people as experimental subjects, and give away the biochemical preparations developed in the 51st District.

That’s the big one.”

"Oh, then there is actually no conflict between my traditional Chinese medicine and your way of getting rich, right?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, to be honest, your Chinese medicine does not conflict with mine." Liang Ying nodded and said, "I am targeting you like this just to negotiate with you today, so that I can make my move easier."

"In other words, the reason why you let people hack me is not to stop the progress of traditional Chinese medicine, but to hack me?" Ye Haoxuan understood.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Liang Ying nodded and said, "My purpose is not to stop the progress of traditional Chinese medicine, but to lure you here and make you misunderstand that I am just a Western medicine businessman, so that I can do something.

It's that simple."

"Not bad, step by step." Ye Haoxuan nodded and said: "If there is no accident, you must have tampered with my food just now. The stuff of those people in District 51 must not be good stuff."

"Yes, I just did some tricks in the food you ate, and you are also familiar with these things. It once had a name, called Eternal Water." Liang Ying said with a smile.

"It's Eternal Water again." Ye Haoxuan frowned and said, "I have had a lot of dealings with this thing. From China to Japan, to the Magnesium Country, there has never been a trace of Eternal Water.

But to be honest, I don’t think this thing is very lethal to me. When we were in Hong Kong, Muramasa Sasuke also used these things on me, but after using them, I’m not fine now?”

"You are mistaken. This is somewhat different from the previous eternal water." Liang Ying said with a smile: "The previous eternal water will put your body functions into dormancy and make a person become a vegetative state without any warning.

, but this time is different, this time the eternal water, similar to your Chinese zombie powder, will make your body disappear completely."

"Really? When you said this, I became a little interested." Ye Haoxuan looked at his hand. He only felt that this hand had become a little numb.

"Do you feel that your right hand is a little numb?" Liang Ying said proudly: "Yes, the medicine has taken effect from now on. In half an hour, your right hand will be completely healed. After an hour,

Your body begins to slowly disintegrate, until finally, not even a bone is left in your body."

"It's really a necessary medicine for killing people and stealing goods." Ye Haoxuan smiled. He looked at his right hand over and over, and saw pits appearing under the muscles of his right hand. Sure enough, as Liang Ying said, he was in

Slowly disappear.

"The people in District 51 are really not ordinary people." Liang Ying said with a smile: "They can actually make a person completely disappear from this world and erase all traces of him in this world."

"And he can make a person extremely rich. More importantly, they are currently implementing a plan that can make people live forever."

"It's eternal life again." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: "To be honest, I have seen a lot of legends about eternal life. From a domestic woman named Mrs. Yipin, when she met Muramasa Zuosuke who wanted to destroy the world,

I’ve seen District 51 until now.”

"What, you don't believe they can do it?" Liang Ying stared at Ye Haoxuan and said, "I believe it."

"What you believe is your business. Anyway, I don't believe that they can make a person truly immortal." Ye Haoxuan sat down, poured himself a glass of red wine and said: "The law of heaven is cause and effect, and there will be no end in life. I try to challenge the law of heaven.

The final outcome will be tragic."

He took a sip of red wine, then took a knife and fork, cut off the mutton from the belly of the cow, and tasted it carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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