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Chapter 2157

Chapter 2157: Killing

The leader of the ghost-faced monkey didn't even realize what Li Yan was holding. There was a trace of sneer on its face, as if it was a mocking expression. It didn't take the murder weapon in Li Yan's hand seriously at all.

"It's laughing at you, how can you bear it?" Ye Haoxuan glanced at Li Yan and said.

Li Yan was silent, and she suddenly pulled the trigger with her right hand...

She had just adjusted the sound wave of the pulse gun to the maximum. This shot contained infinite lethality. There was a loud bang, the pulse gun shook violently, and let out a roar, followed by a sound wave visible to the naked eye.

Endless lethality was blasted towards this group of desperate guys.

Bang... The place where the pulse gun hit was almost a vacuum zone with a radius of more than ten feet, and a deep pit five to six meters wide and two meters deep appeared underground.

The group of ghost-faced monkeys that had lined up in front and blocked the road just now were covered in blood and flesh. In the rain of blood, dozens of ghost-faced monkeys were bombarded into dregs. Where the pulse gun sound wave directly hit, that

Several monkeys vaporized directly, leaving no residue behind.

A burst of screams came from all directions, and these screams were louder and faster. These were the ghost-faced monkeys who were watching from the side before. They had captured several soldiers from the Magnesium Kingdom, and these soldiers barely resisted in their hands.

strength, so they appear a little arrogant.

The purpose of those guys standing on the road just now was to warn Ye Haoxuan that they had better just surrender, but they never expected that the opponent was so powerful, and just a casual move turned their elite into scum.

The gray-faced monkeys in front of me rushed forward. They lined up to attack. They looked like an orderly attack and defense. Moreover, their bodies were nimble and compact, making it difficult for people to defend themselves when they launched an attack.

These guys seemed to have been trained, and their formation was very orderly. However, what they did not expect was that the more orderly the formation, the more like a living target they would be to Ye Haoxuan and the others.

Ye Haoxuan punched out, and the air in front of his fist seemed vaguely bright. With a buzzing sound, more than ten ghost-faced monkeys were smashed into pieces by him. The Leng Yue in Li Yanxin's hand was even more unceremonious. The Leng Yue in her hand

Swinging forward like the wind, she was invincible wherever she went. No one knows how many ghost-faced monkeys died under her sword.

What scares these guys the most is the pulse gun in Li Yan's hand, because they have seen with their own eyes that this gadget can completely smash their strongest and most elite road-blocking brigade into rubbish. Now Li Yan is holding the pulse gun.

There are always a few monkeys to be killed when the gun goes down.

Reagan's mental control was not very good at standing close, so he had no choice but to stand behind and watch the monkeys vigilantly, trying hard not to let them get close to him.

Alice's teleportation is even more of a nightmare for these guys. They can't even see the trajectory of Alice's body clearly. And every time Alice returns as a figure, a few monkeys are always shot by the dagger in her hand.


The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and the corpses of the ghost-faced monkeys had fallen to the ground. This race is very intelligent in the jungle. It seems that they have never suffered such a big loss, but today, these people in front of them seem to be adults.

It gave them nightmares, and they suffered heavy casualties in one round.

Not long after, the number of ghost-faced monkeys in front of them dropped sharply. One of the monkeys, who looked like a leader, took a horn and blew it in a humane manner. This was a signal to retreat. Once this signal was sounded, there was already some fighting.

The frightened monkeys retreated one after another.

"Follow them and find their old nest. They will definitely not be willing to suffer such a big loss. If we don't uproot them today, our future will be very difficult, because these guys are very clever and they will set up traps for us along the way.

Traps can even poison the water." Ye Haoxuan said.

The group of people followed the retreating monkeys and moved forward. Because they were afraid of being discovered by them, they kept a certain distance from them when following them, so as not to let them discover them or lose them.

After walking zigzag for an unknown amount of time, we finally arrived at their lair.

This is a relatively clean place with many large trees growing around it. Ye Haoxuan's mental power noticed from a distance that he found at least seven or eight ghost-faced monkeys hidden on the branches of these trees.

The ones hiding in the trees were most likely monkey sentries. Ye Haoxuan whispered: "There are four monkeys on each of the two big trees on both sides. Yan Xin, you take care of the ones on the left, and I'll take care of the ones on the right."

Li Yanxin nodded to indicate that she understood, and she and Ye Haoxuan quietly walked forward.

There were weeds as tall as one person on the road ahead, and the two of them were good at hiding their bodies, so they walked a long way forward, and the ghost-faced monkey on the tree found no trace of the two of them.

Standing about five meters away from the big tree, Ye Haoxuan glanced at Li Yanxin. Li Yanxin made an OK gesture to Ye Haoxuan. Ye Haoxuan nodded slightly, and then the two of them took a deep breath and rushed forward almost at the same time.

Jump out.

Ye Haoxuan flicked his right hand, making several whizzing sounds, and several silver needles burst forward. There were four monkeys on the tree next to Ye Haoxuan. They acted as sentinels, but as soon as Ye Haoxuan fired the silver needles, these guys didn't even hum.

After snorting, he was hit by Ye Haoxuan's silver needle. With several plops, all four monkeys fell to the ground.

Ye Haoxuan stood still, and the few on Li Yanxin's side were also dealt with. Ye Haoxuan extended a gesture, and everyone moved forward together.

The lair of these guys is a cave, and they seem to be very confident about their sentries. After solving the hidden sentries, the group of people had an unimpeded journey until they reached the cave.

"Alice, go see if there are any other exits from this cave." Ye Haoxuan turned around and said.

"Okay." Alice nodded. She instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of everyone. After a while, she came back and said: "There is only one exit. I walked around this place and found no other exits."


"These guys look smart, but they are too arrogant." Ye Haoxuan said as he took out a thumb-sized pill from his backpack.

"As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three holes. It's a bit incredible that these things are so smart and don't leave any backdoor for themselves." Li Yanxin said with some confusion.

"Because they are smart, they are arrogant. Because they are arrogant, they feel that they can cope with any situation. This is why they are destroyed today."

This chapter has been completed!
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