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Chapter 2286 Beast

Chapter 2286 Beast

A ferocious beast grabbed her chest violently in the darkness. The feeling of bloody flesh made Liang Qian feel as if she was falling into an abyss at that moment. She woke up suddenly, screamed, and hugged Ye Haoxuan tightly. For a moment

Cold sweat poured down her body like rain.

"What's wrong, are you having a nightmare?" Ye Haoxuan was slightly startled. He looked at Liang Qian with some concern and said, a black gas flashed from Liang Qian's body.

This aura was very light and light. Even Ye Haoxuan, whose consciousness was different from ordinary people, could only barely see it, but Ye Haoxuan still saw this aura on Liang Qian's body.

"Yes." Liang Qian nodded. She was still frightened by the dream just now. It was not the first time that she had such a dream. Although she didn't have it every day, every time she woke up, she was in a state of confusion.

I was sweating profusely and my clothes were almost soaked through.

Soon, Liang Qian was embarrassed to find that her white shirt suit, after it was wet with sweat, was no different from wearing nothing, and Ye Haoxuan, who was not a gentleman to begin with, was scanning her body intentionally or unintentionally.

When his gaze swept across, Liang Qian felt her body tremble slightly. She quickly sat up and covered certain places with her hands.

The atmosphere became a little awkward for a while. Ye Haoxuan smiled sheepishly and said, "You should put on this coat first."

He took off a coat and put it on Liang Qian, covering her body. Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing. Ye Haoxuan felt that he was not a gentleman in the first place. If he didn't cover it up, he couldn't guarantee that he would be a good person.

Do something worse than an animal.

Liang Qian did not refuse. She felt better after putting on Ye Haoxuan's coat. At least, the look Ye Haoxuan looked at her was no longer so hot.

"Do you often have nightmares?" Ye Haoxuan looked at Liang Qian and asked.

"Well, yes, I do it often." Liang Qian nodded slightly. Although her dreams did not happen every day, the recurring dreams still made her a little scared, and every time she woke up from the dream, she would wake up.

I was dripping with sweat, and I didn't have any strength for a long time. I felt like I was exhausted and uncomfortable.

"Do dreams repeat?" Ye Haoxuan asked again.

"Repeat, just three dreams over and over again. I dream them at different times. Each dream is very scary." Liang Qian nodded, thinking about the dream, she was still a little frightened. Although she had had the same dream countless times, she still felt a little scared.

I still find these dreams a bit scary.

"A sign of physical weakness." Ye Haoxuan said: "It's time to take care of your body. If I'm right, this is the root cause of your illness when you gave birth. Did you not sit properly during confinement?"

"At that time, we just happened to encounter a very important scientific research project, and I was the main force in that project, so I hurried to work before I was out of confinement. Maybe the root cause of the disease was discovered at that time." Liang Qian said.

"Don't try too hard, your body is your own." Ye Haoxuan shook his head helplessly and said, "You are also Chinese, don't you know the importance of confinement to a woman?"

Yes, the root causes of diseases caused during confinement are lifelong things, so the Chinese tradition is that after a woman gives birth to a child, she must undergo confinement. This month is very important.

"At that time... I felt young." Liang Qian sighed and said, "If I had to do it again, I would never do that again. It was too hard. I don't think it is necessary to work so hard."

"Yes, there is no need to work so hard. After all, the body is your own." Ye Haoxuan nodded with deep sympathy and said, "This dream has been with you for a few years."

"Yes, for many years, I have been repeating three dreams over and over again." Liang Qian nodded and said, "Although I know what these dreams will be like from the beginning, I still sweat profusely every time I dream.

, I don’t know what’s going on. Every time I dream, I wake up with a fright, and then I don’t have any strength in my body.”

"Are you superstitious?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: "Ghosts, gods and monsters, do you believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it, but I don't believe it completely." Liang Qian looked at Ye Haoxuan in surprise and said, "Why did you ask about this all of a sudden?"

"Because of your dream, besides not being able to adjust well during the confinement period, there is another reason." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"What's the reason?" Liang Qian blurted out and asked. She suddenly thought of the theory of ghosts and gods that Ye Haoxuan had just asked. She seemed to understand something for a moment. She said with a pale face: "Could it be that... I encountered something?"

"Yes." Ye Haoxuan nodded seriously.

For a moment, Liang Qian's face turned green. She had just had a nightmare, and the two of them were in such a dark environment. Ye Haoxuan's words made her feel a little creepy, and her face almost turned white.

"But don't think too much. If you believe in these things, there will be them. If you don't believe them, they will not exist. Moreover, there are many things in heaven and earth. In fact, they are all afraid of people." Ye Haoxuan said quickly.

"Did I encounter something?" Liang Qian asked after being silent for a moment.

"That kind of thing is called nightmare." Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand and touched her Yintang slightly, and saw a ball of black energy appearing in her Yintang. This black energy rose up and condensed into a small human shape in an instant.

Ye Haoxuan moved his right hand, and the human-shaped black energy struggled and roared, making a sound that ordinary people could not hear. It was fighting against Ye Haoxuan, and it seemed unwilling to leave the human body where it resided.

"Come out, you've been in someone else's body for so long, it's time for you to find someone else to cause trouble." The energy in Ye Haoxuan's right hand suddenly intensified, and the little figure was even more painful. In the silent roar, it turned into a human being.

Amid the black energy, Ye Haoxuan retracted his right hand and put it in his own hand.

Although she couldn't hear the scream of the nightmare in her Yintang, Liang Qian felt a little creepy. Some invisible noises kept roaring in her consciousness, and a trace of fear surged in her heart.

She looked at Ye Haoxuan's clenched fist in confusion, and then asked in surprise: "What is that in your hand?"

"Nightmare, you can't see it." Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand, only to see a group of invisible breath floating in his palm, "This kind of thing uses the human body as a host, it is a similar

It's like an elf, it's harmless to the human body, but it will affect your mood."

"It is mainly based on the human body. Once it leaves the human body, it will appear sluggish." Ye Haoxuan said.

Sure enough, the ball of gas in Ye Haoxuan's palm now didn't look as fierce as before at all. It shrank in Ye Haoxuan's hand with some fear, like a good baby.

This chapter has been completed!
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