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Chapter 2299 what's the matter

Chapter 2299 What’s going on

"Save it, don't look at your own situation." Ye Haoxuan said speechlessly. He took off An Xilu's pistol and supported her against the wall.

Lin Yuyu's condition was not much better. She took a deep breath, climbed up hard, and leaned against the other corner.

"What on earth...is going on?" Lin Yuyu took a breath and then asked.

"You are so lucky." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: "A great event that only happens once in a century actually happened to you."

"What on earth happened? I was addicted to smoke. Why is there smoke here?" Lin Yuyu was obviously still a little bit worried about what happened to her. She was an ancestor of thieves.

She was a helpless person, but she actually stumbled here, which made her feel very unhappy.

"It is indeed the Thief Ancestor. To be honest, you said you would make this thing disappear early this morning, and it did come tonight." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "But this time, I'm afraid you are going to miss it."

"Ye Haoxuan, why are you talking so much nonsense to her? Arrest her." An Xilu tried his best to sit up straight and said.

"Sister, now we are trapped here, okay? You have to be lucky that you met me, otherwise you would have fallen to the ground covered in blood blisters by now." Ye Haoxuan said slightly speechlessly, this woman is so dedicated.

Lin Yuyu's condition is better now, but she was just hit by the smoke and has no strength, but she can barely stand up.

"Stop, don't go." An Xilu raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at Lin Yuyu.

"Even if I want to leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out." Lin Yuyu was very sober, and she knew something was wrong here.

"Put down the gun first. We are trapped now. All our colleagues are probably poisoned and fell to the ground." Ye Haoxuan put down the pistol in An Xilu's hand.

"What's going on?" An Xilu asked a little frightened.

"Silver Fox is here." Ye Haoxuan said: "I knew that this grandson would not be so easy to deal with. Sure enough, the news that he was coming at five o'clock was completely released to confuse us. He didn't come until midnight, just taking advantage of the opportunity.

The timing fascinates us."

"How are the others?" An Xilu asked.

"I'm afraid it's not very good, because the guy put the smoke into the air-conditioning duct. The smoke followed the air-conditioning duct and directly filled the entire mall. Moreover, the smoke carried secondary pathogens. However, because of the smoke, the secondary pathogen

The number of pathogens is not very large, so the onset is relatively slow."

"Then what should we do now?" An Xilu sat up straight and glared at Lin Yuyu. She was a policeman and Lin Yuyu was a thief. She had no good impressions of thieves.

"Let's take a look first. I'll try to contact other people and see if I can get in touch." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Don't you have anyone arranged for you?" Lin Yuyu asked. She pulled up her loose hair and looked more energetic now. Only then did Ye Haoxuan realize that this girl was also quite beautiful.

"We have arranged people, but there are not many of them. I'm afraid they have all been knocked down now. Silver Fox is not an ordinary person." Ye Haoxuan sighed.

"Then what should I do?" Lin Yuyu said somewhat speechlessly: "I didn't read the almanac when I went out today. If I had known this, I wouldn't have done anything."

"That's what you deserve." An Xilu snorted coldly.

"Officer An Da, you seem to have a lot of objections to me." Lin Yuyu looked at An Xilu and said with a smile: "I am not what you think. I have always killed the rich and helped the poor."

"A thief is a thief, there is nothing to say." An Xi said.

"How do you kill the rich and help the poor?" Ye Haoxuan was somewhat interested in this.

"I have a name, Lin Jimin. Do you know this name?" Lin Yuyu asked.

"Lin Jimin? That mysterious philanthropist? The man who donated hundreds of millions of assets to charities every year ten years ago to the present?" Ye Haoxuan said with a slight start.

"Yes, that's me." Lin Yuyu nodded and said: "I have donated most of the stolen property, and I don't have much left in my hands. This is why I have been so crazy about stealing over the years, and you police

If you can’t check my account, that’s because I don’t have much money in my account.”

"No wonder it's like this." An Xilu murmured, "I was responsible for the theft three years ago."

"Oh, no wonder you are so anxious to catch me. Haha, it turns out you want to quickly avenge the revenge of the past." Lin Yuyu chuckled and said, "But I'm sorry to disappoint you, fortune teller.

People have said that once I become famous, I will be like a dragon swimming in the sea. If you want to catch me, there is no way."

"I will catch you." An Xilu said through gritted teeth.

"I said to Police Officer An Da, we are at a dangerous juncture now. There is really no need to tear it apart like this. Moreover, I feel that a person's good and evil cannot be limited to her profession. If you arrest her, she will not ask for help.

If you donate money to a charity, wouldn't you be doing something evil?"

"This..." An Xilu was slightly startled. What Lin Yu said was not unreasonable, but she was born with a jealous character, so she let Lin Yuyu go without caring about what she had done before. She asked herself whether

It can't be done.

"Okay, let's take a rest first. During the previous flu, you were infected with the flu. Although you had no symptoms, you carried the carriers of the virus in your body. You must be lucky to have met me, otherwise your current situation would be the same.

The situation at the pig factory is almost the same." Ye Haoxuan said.

"What about the others?" Lin Yuyu asked anxiously: "They have also experienced the flu."

"Then don't worry. The troops transferred this time are not from the Guangdong Military Region, but from other military regions, so there shouldn't be many people affected." Ye Haoxuan said.

"That's good." An Xilu breathed a sigh of relief, and then she looked at Ye Haoxuan in surprise and said, "How could you think of transferring people from other places? Did you know this would happen a long time ago?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Ye Haoxuan glanced at An Xilu and said: "We already knew in advance that this guy was going to release the second-level pathogen, and people in the Guangdong military have experienced influenza before. Silver Fox released the first wave of influenza.

The reason is to implant virus vectors into everyone."

"In this case, it would be very dangerous to dispatch local military personnel, so we had to mobilize armed police and troops from other places to participate in this operation. Although this virus is powerful, it has a fatal flaw

, that is, if it were not for the first wave of carriers, it would not be able to survive in the human body." Ye Haoxuan said.

This chapter has been completed!
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