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Chapter 2532 emotions

Chapter 2532 Emotions

"Yes, I have always known." Liang Peishan nodded: "I also asked a well-known domestic detective to investigate this matter, but the detective gave up after investigating for a few days. In his words, the other party was not easy to mess with.

, if he continued to investigate here, he would probably be killed, so he gave up."

"Okay, this is really a sad story." Ye Haoxuan said helplessly: "What kind of person did you provoke?"

"Are you scared?" Liang Peishan glanced at Ye Haoxuan and said.

"Don't be afraid, and it's useless to be afraid. I've already provoked them." Ye Haoxuan smiled bitterly and said, "When are you leaving? Where are you going?"

"One week later, I will arrange my work during this period. I don't know exactly where I will go yet. We will decide before we set off." Liang Peishan said.

"You have a very strong sense of crisis." Ye Haoxuan looked at Liang Peishan and said, "What makes you feel so insecure?"

"Because there are really too many people targeting me now." Liang Peishan smiled, and she said helplessly: "So my sense of crisis must be strong. If it is not strong, I may be betrayed.


"Okay, it's not easy for you." Ye Haoxuan suddenly felt an indescribable sympathy for this woman. He felt that although Liang Peishan had hundreds of millions of assets, she really had nothing to envy, because she had to deal with the unknown at any time.

Dangerous, Ye Haoxuan felt that compared to her, he was really too happy and comfortable.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go and have some rest and accompany me to meet a client tomorrow morning." Liang Peishan said calmly.

"Oh, what customer?" Ye Haoxuan said: "Male?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? You will know when you go. Go to the company tomorrow and do what you should do to help. Don't make me feel that I hired a security manager and he is nowhere to be seen every day." Liang Peishan rolled her eyes at Ye Haoxuan.

, and then turned around and went back to his room.

Ye Haoxuan was speechless. He was nowhere to be seen every day. Please, today is his first day in office, okay? Moreover, he successfully rescued her best friend on his first day in office. She actually thought she didn't do anything. Women, that's how it is sometimes.


But there was nothing he could do. He was his boss now. When he took money from others, he had to do good things for them. This was natural. Ye Haoxuan turned around helplessly and went back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, Ye Haoxuan got up out of habit. He first ran around the villa community, and then went to the advertising office of the community to practice a set of health-preserving exercises.

This is Ye Haoxuan's habit. No matter where he goes, his biological clock will wake up on time. After waking up, he washes his face and then exercises. Ye Haoxuan is wearing a vest.

Although his muscles are not bulging like those of a bodybuilder who deliberately exercises, after all, the muscles on his body are very well-proportioned, and they look very toned, with very graceful lines.

Most of the people living in this community are wealthy people who usually pay attention to maintenance, so most people will get up in the morning to take a walk, do a set of radio exercises or something, no matter whether it is useful or not, after all, they will get up and run for a while.

Moreover, there were also some young women in boudoir among the people here. When they saw Ye Haoxuan's figure, they all showed surprised expressions, and then their expressions became a little fanatical.

"Young handsome boy, you have a good figure. How do you maintain it? You might as well teach me. I am also very interested in your figure." A young woman came over and looked at Ye Haoxuan's picture with some envy.


"This... is natural." Ye Haoxuan smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, I don't know how to key body."

"You're lying, I don't believe that someone is born with such a good figure." The young woman obviously didn't believe Ye Haoxuan's words, she curled her lips and said: "Handsome guy, I think you are not very honest."

"It's true." Ye Haoxuan vowed: "My figure was born like this."

"Really? Alas, why are the gaps between people so big? Although my family is young, they are born with beer bellies and are fat. Unlike you, geez, you must be very tall with your figure.

Be strong." The young woman said and boldly reached out and touched Ye Haoxuan's arm.

Ye Haoxuan blushed. He didn't expect that the women here would be so bold. He quickly said: "Sister, you take a walk first, I'll go exercise."

"Gee, you coquettish guy, you see this handsome guy is a little embarrassed, don't do anything, be careful if your guy comes back and finds out about this, he will get jealous."

"Is he jealous? How dare he, he was out having fun, and I haven't even settled the accounts with him yet. He dares to interfere with me, believe it or not, I will make him kneel on the floor in a minute." The young woman said disdainfully.

"Haha, is it true? I think he knelt down on the bed." Someone laughed.

"Hey, handsome boy, wait a minute. This is my business card. My name is Liu Shuying. Come back to my place and sit down. My sister will treat you to tea." The young woman seemed to be interested in Ye Haoxuan, so she handed over her business card.

"Well...well, my name is Ye Wuchang." Ye Haoxuan doesn't think that his romantic encounter has come. The women here are all smart. Even though he is handsome, he doesn't think that he is handsome enough to make these women like him instantly.


"Hey, are you asking someone to have tea or go to bed?" Liu Shuying's companion joked.

"I think it's probably going to be sex. Hey, little brother, you have to be careful. This woman is a semen-sucking temptress. Be careful as she sucks you into a man."

A group of women burst into laughter, adding a bit of spring to the morning. Ye Haoxuan smiled bitterly. There were three women in a show, and a group of married young women made so many dirty jokes that he was stunned.

"Sister Liu, go back and get some salvia oral liquid to drink. Your complexion is not very good and your face is a little haggard. This is related to your recent insomnia. Take Changji's. It can replenish qi and blood, and it can also beautify your face. By the way.

"You have so many dreams, it's because you have a weak spleen now. Drink that oral liquid to treat both the symptoms and the symptoms." Ye Haoxuan said.

The women's laughter suddenly stopped. Liu Shuying looked at Ye Haoxuan in surprise and said, "Oh my god, how did you know that I have been suffering from insomnia and dreaminess recently? Ah, you are simply my prince charming."

"Yes, yes, how did you know? This little coquettish girl complained to me a few days ago. She said that she hasn't been able to eat well or sleep well recently." Another woman also said.

"I'm a doctor, I know some medical skills." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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