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Chapter 2753 Taoism

Chapter 2753 Taoism

But even if she thinks about it, she won't say it out loud, but now Khadid can actually know what she is thinking, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Actually, I like to sit still, which is similar to your Chinese Buddhist's 'Zen' and Taoist's meditation." Khadid smiled slightly and said: "It's just that I feel the changes in the heaven, earth and universe with my heart.

The way of the universe.”

"As for you Taoists, you use the yin and yang and the five elements to comprehend the world. We are essentially the same. The yin and yang and the five elements of your Taoism are actually the universe." Khadid said.

"Do you know Taoist things?" Ye Haoxuan looked at Khadid in surprise.

"Yes, I like Chinese culture, especially Taoism. I also know that Taoism is closely related to medicine, fortune, fortune telling, and divination. The medical sage's medical skills and abilities all come from Taoism."

"You can say yes." Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "What do you think of Taoism?"

"Taoism is a closed practice in the prosperous times. In troubled times, people use Taoist scriptures to heal people. I have a very good impression of Taoism." Khadid said.

Indeed, Taoism generally practices in prosperous times. The more peaceful and prosperous the times, the more the real Taoist masters like to stay in isolation. You see, the degree of prosperity of China now is unprecedented in any dynasty in history.

Nowadays, monks in various monasteries are making a lot of money by relying on the faith of the world. However, most of the Taoists hide in the mountains and do not care about worldly affairs. This is the difference.

"What you said is very pertinent." Ye Haoxuan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "So you like Taoist culture?"

"Of course I do." Khadid said seriously: "I can recite the Tao Te Ching backwards, do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Ye Haoxuan gave him a thumbs up. He didn't think Khadid was joking.

After resting for half an hour, the team set off. This place was already deep in the prairie, and it had just rained here, so walking was a little difficult.

Fortunately, because of the special terrain here, most of the cars here are high-chassis cars. If a car drives here, haha, then just wait and make sure you push it.

Finally, just as the sun was about to set, the convoy arrived at a location. This was a larger village. It was said to be big, but there were only a few hundred people in it.

And the scene in front of you can't help but surprise people, because there are patients everywhere on both sides of the road here, and some people have even died. Their bodies will be thrown to the side of the road, and they have rotted because no one cares about them.

This is outside the village. These black people are looking at the approaching convoy indifferently. These people outside the village were kicked out by the people in the village because they were too sick. They have no doctor or medicine. The only witch

Not only could the doctors not cure their illnesses, he himself was lying outside the village waiting to die.

There was someone in the peacekeeping force who knew all the languages ​​here. He walked up to the witch doctor who was almost dying and asked a few words. Then he ran back and saluted Yun Xiaoyi: "Captain, I've asked clearly."

"What's going on?" Yunxiao asked.

"The village was infected with the plague before, and it has become more and more severe. Now anyone infected with the disease cannot stay in the village and can only wait to die here." The team member replied.

"I understand, tell them we will help them." Yun Xiao nodded, then turned around and said: "The medical team is ready, I will leave this to you."

"No problem, but we have to find out first what diseases they have." Yun Xiao said.

"No need to ask, this is a disease caused by heat cold." Ye Haoxuan said: "The symptoms include general weakness, red mouth and eyes, and then high fever. If the high fever subsides, the person can still survive, but he cannot.

, that’s a dead end.”

"And they don't know how to protect themselves. They don't take care of people who die on the roadside, which makes the heat cold virus spread more seriously. Now some people go to disinfect, not only here, but the entire village must be disinfected, and all the nearby rivers are filled with drugs.

If there is a well, you should put it in."

"In addition, some people should deal with the corpses here, especially the highly decomposed ones, and burn them all together. Let's take action. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison, and they divided their work one after another.

Wang Yang and Li Qian took photos everywhere with their cameras, while Ye Haoxuan walked deeper into the village.

"Hey, Ye Haoxuan, wait for me." Li Qian hugged Xiang Yang and caught up with Ye Haoxuan.

"What?" Ye Haoxuan turned around and looked at Li Qian with some confusion: "There are so many things here that require you to take pictures and report them. Are you going to do what you reporters should do? Why are you following me?"

"It's enough to have Wang Yang here. He is more experienced than me. I want to follow you and look around." Li Qian ran to Ye Haoxuan and said.

"It's up to you." Ye Haoxuan shrugged. Although this eldest lady's temperament has changed a bit, she is a little bold at best. It may be difficult for her to do things seriously.

This place is more than two thousand meters away from the village. Along the way, there are all sick patients. Ye Haoxuan checked the pulse of a black man, then took out the golden needle and signaled that he would treat him.

The black man seemed to have experienced acupuncture. He nodded to Ye Haoxuan and lay on the ground to cooperate with Ye Haoxuan's treatment.

"Can you cure him? Just using needles?" Li Qian asked.

"Actually, this plague is not a serious disease." Ye Haoxuan said calmly: "It's just that there is a lack of medical resources here, no doctors, and no medicine, so their best way to deal with such a minor disease is to wait for death."

"How pitiful." Li Qian sighed. She picked up the camera and took a few close-ups of Ye Haoxuan. She looked at the photos, then nodded with satisfaction and said: "When I get back, I will publish an article specifically for you. Well, the title

Just ask the medical sage to go to Feizhou and show the power of golden needles..."

"Do you think this is interesting?" Ye Haoxuan said speechlessly: "The reason why I don't like being in the news is that the current media is completely irresponsible. For a small matter, they can fire you to the sky."

"This is also to attract attention." Li Qian pouted and said: "Hey, it's useless to tell you, you don't understand journalism."

While he was talking, Ye Haoxuan had already finished the acupuncture. He stood up and continued to walk forward. At this moment, he couldn't help but be startled and saw a woman lying in front of him. This woman must have died not long ago.

But beside her, there was a skinny child, about one and a half years old. This child seemed not to realize that his mother had passed away. He was right next to his mother, looking at Ye Haoxuan and Li Qian with his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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