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Chapter 360 I'll Testify

Chapter 360 I will bear witness

The conference room was as quiet as death, and no one thought that Ye Haoxuan was related to this matter.

Speaking of Ye Haoxuan, he was a positive figure in Qingyuan, his medical skills in bringing the dead back to life, and his ability to seek justice for a girl and fight against evildoers were widely circulated some time ago.

There is no need to question his medical ethics.

"Dr. Ye, are you the famous doctor Mr. Xu mentioned?" a reporter asked.

"I don't dare to be a famous doctor, but I was the one who told Mr. Xu that there was something wrong with this medicine." Ye Haoxuan said solemnly.

There was an uproar in the entire conference room. No one thought that these words would come from Ye Haoxuan.

"Dr. Ye, do you have any evidence?"

"My medical skills are proof. I know the pharmacology of this medicine better than anyone else. This is a typical killing of eight thousand enemies and a thousand losses to oneself. I can conclude that as long as you take this medicine for a long time, you will be able to recover in less than half a year."

, there will definitely be some complications, and even if everyone regrets it by then, it will be too late." Ye Haoxuan said solemnly.

"Fart, Ye Haoxuan, I thought you were a famous doctor, but I didn't expect that you are also a person seeking fame. You and Xu Guowei are colluding. What benefits did he give you to ruin such a good medicine?"

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd, a man in his thirties yelled angrily.

"Yes, they are colluding."

"What kind of miracle doctors are bullshit? They are just profit-seeking people who are unjust."

The group of patients who had just poured in made a fuss and cursed, and they all uttered all kinds of unpleasant and obscene words.

"You don't have to believe me, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's you who will die, not me." Ye Haoxuan said calmly, ignoring the other person.

"Mr. Xu, is there surveillance here?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, all-round surveillance without blind spots." Xu Guowei nodded.

"Well, you will give me a copy of the surveillance later. Since these people don't believe me or my medical skills, they will be included in my blacklist in Xuanhuju after they go back. Even if they die in front of my door in the future,

I won’t diagnose any of them either.”

Ever since the scalper incident happened, Ye Haoxuan has formulated a blacklist system. Those who dare to sell their accounts privately will be classified as criminals, and those who seek to make trouble will be classified as criminals...

Today I added another one. Anyone who doesn't believe in his medical skills is in trouble.

"Ye Haoxuan, your medical skills are bullshit. I don't believe there is no other doctor in Qingyuan except you." The man cursed.

"Of course you can choose another doctor. Are you a liver disease patient? Are you really not afraid that what I say is true?" Ye Haoxuan asked, staring at the man.

"I don't believe what you said is true. Even if it is true, I won't go to you for medical treatment." The man stared at Ye Haoxuan with disdain and snorted.

"Even if you come to see me, I won't help you. You have been blacklisted. My medical skills are only for those who believe in me. You are not qualified." Ye Haoxuan sneered.

"Ye Haoxuan, stop pretending here. You think you are a miracle doctor. You are just a liar who was touted by the media. You and Xu Guowei colluded." The man said angrily.

"Let me tell you about your physical condition first. You have been suffering from calcium deficiency recently, and your eyelids have become swollen in the morning, your limbs have become swollen, your blood pressure has increased, you have fatigue and anemia, and you also have nausea and vomiting. Purpura is prone to appear on your body, right?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"So what if it's right, so what if it's wrong, take back your trick of deceiving people, and don't use it to scare me away."

The man was startled. What Ye Haoxuan said was most likely similar to his recent situation, but he was unwilling to admit that what he said was true.

"If I guess correctly, you have been taking this medicine for nearly four months. You have been taking this medicine since it came on the market, and you have had hydronephrosis before. This medicine mainly damages kidney function, so you are better than others.

Symptoms should appear earlier." Ye Haoxuan said seriously.

"You, how did you know that I had hydronephrosis before?" The man began to panic, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"I am a doctor," Ye Haoxuan said solemnly: "I advise you to go to the hospital to check whether the three creatinine levels of kidney function are normal. If they are not normal, congratulations, you can make a living on dialysis in the future.


"You, are you telling the truth?" The man began to panic.

"If you don't want to go to the hospital, we can provide it for free, and I will immediately call my private medical team to do a test for you." Xu Guowei said.

"Okay... I'll let you check it out." The man gritted his teeth, his expression a little uncertain.

"If you don't trust my medical team, you can find some knowledgeable people to take a look and see if I cheated." Xu Guowei called his medical team and asked them to bring relevant equipment.

Many people from the medical field were present today. Soon, several foreign doctors were selected and examined this person with the help of Xu Guowei's instruments.

The instruments brought by Xu Guowei's private medical team are portable and imported from abroad. They are not only small and lightweight, but also more accurate.

These doctors were extremely efficient. In less than ten minutes, this person's examination results came out.

The results showed that if the creatinine was higher than 707, it was undisputed uremia.

"No, it's impossible, it's not true." The man's face turned ashen. He snatched the examination form from the doctor's hand and read it over and over again.

As a result, the data was indeed higher than the normal data, indicating that it was indeed uremia.

"If you don't believe it, go to a big hospital for a checkup yourself. Your own body will understand. I don't have to make a dying person believe my words." Ye Haoxuan said solemnly.

"Dr. Ye, I was wrong. I beg you to help me. I don't want to do dialysis for the rest of my life. I don't want it. My mortgage has not been paid off yet. I have old people and children at home. Please help me..."

The man collapsed instantly. He almost knelt down in front of Ye Haoxuan. The domineering look he had just now no longer existed.

"I said that you have been blacklisted by me. Do you think what I said is nonsense?" Ye Haoxuan was angry. He looked down on this kind of people the most. "Besides, you also said that there are so many doctors in Qingyuan.

You don’t necessarily have to come to me to see a doctor.”

"No, I'm a bastard. Everything I said is bullshit. Dr. Ye, you can't ignore death. You can't do this. You are a doctor."

The man cried and shouted, the fear in his heart overwhelming everything.

"I also said that my medical skills are for treating people who believe in me, not for self-righteous people like you."

Ye Haoxuan waved his hand, and two security guards immediately came over and pulled the man out.

"Anyone else, if you don't believe it, you can check your body," Ye Haoxuan glanced at Zhou coldly.

The 100 people who came to make trouble just now were silent. Everyone's heart felt extremely cold and their legs were trembling.

Almost all of them have taken this medicine. Today, they heard that someone was slandering this medicine, and they were upset, so they wanted to help. But they didn't expect that this was not slander, but that it was actually true.

"I...let's try it." A man bravely walked out.

Since one person came out, the second person and the third person came next. As a result, less than half of the number 100 people were checked.

It was already a few hours after the examination, and the results had come out. It turned out that most of these people's creatinine levels were in the renal failure stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and a few of them had been diagnosed just like the first man who did the examination.

for uremia.

There is no doubt about the result. As Ye Haoxuan said, this drug does have serious side effects. It can cause great damage to the kidneys. Generally, if it is taken for more than three months, varying degrees of damage will occur.

If there were two people from one person, maybe it was a coincidence, but if less than half of the dozens of people at the scene all had kidney problems, then the problem would be serious.

There is no need to doubt the facts. The people who called Ye Haoxuan on the 10th and called him a member of Gu Mingyu were dumbfounded. What Ye Haoxuan said has always been true. If he said he was blacklisting them, he would never give it to them.

As a doctor, in his words, my medical skills are not that cheap.

The press conference was over, and the reporters hurriedly left the conference room. They had to rush to publish this article before their colleagues. This was definitely big news, and they had even thought of an eye-catching title.

"Dr. Ye, thank you. If you hadn't come out in time, I'm afraid things wouldn't have been so successful today." Xu Guowei said gratefully.

"You didn't leak the medicine. If you can still stand up, why can't I?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"But you have already caused trouble today. Fu's Pharmaceutical has a gang background and a very well-backed background. I'm afraid they will cause trouble for you." Xu Guowei said with some worry.

"Trouble me? I'm afraid they are not qualified enough." Ye Haoxuan sneered, the underworld? To be honest, he really didn't take it seriously.

He has killed several of the killers of the Heavenly Slaughter Organization with his own hands, not to mention that the Fu family is just a group of gangsters.

The next day, an explosive news appeared on the headlines of major media, which directly pointed out the extremely serious side effects of Jinfang Liver Protector King, and it has been confirmed that this drug can extremely damage the kidneys to a certain extent and has extremely harmful effects.

It may cause uremia.

At the same time, Maotou pointed to the official drug inspection department. This drug was almost given the green light from approval to launch. From approval to launch, it took almost only more than 20 days.

This is almost impossible in China where there are so many departments, and the relevant departments have not made detailed pharmacological identification, which is why this accident occurred. According to official statistics, the number of people who have taken this drug across the country is already a scary number.


This incident alarmed the Ministry of Health, and the top leaders of the Ministry of Health strictly investigated those responsible. As a result, a large number of people were kicked off, and even the mayor who was in charge of medicine almost lost his position.

This chapter has been completed!
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