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Chapter 622 Okay, I Believe in You

Chapter 622 Okay, I believe you

"Okay, let me try." Annie's eyes lit up and she stretched out her little hand.

Ye Haoxuan gently touched her wrist. After a moment, he frowned slightly, and then let go of Annie's wrist.

"How's it going? Do you know what disease I have now?" Annie asked impatiently.

"Oh, your physical condition is not good. You often have fever, but sometimes your body temperature is lower than normal, and you often have red spots on your body, right? I also got a message from your body that you have a sister.

, and you have a younger brother, right? Your younger brother is two years younger than you and is very naughty."

As soon as Ye Haoxuan finished speaking, Annie's mouth almost became an O-shape and she couldn't close it anymore. She said in surprise: "How did you know? How did you know that I have a younger brother?"

"My medical skills come from ancient Chinese medical skills. This is the magic of it. The place I just put on your wrist is what we call 'pulse.' And our Chinese doctors believe that a person's pulse can represent a person."

Information about your past and present life, you and your family can all be seen through these." Ye Haoxuan explained with a smile.

"Oh my god, it's amazing. Can you cure my disease?" Annie's pale face turned red with excitement, and she had more hope for Ye Haoxuan.

"Of course it can be cured. I can not only cure you, but also make you grow up healthy and happy like other people. It won't take long before you can go back and see your brother, that lovely little prince." Ye Haoxuan said calmly.

’s smile.

"Really, then I'd like to thank you first. When can you treat me?" Annie said happily.

"Quickly, I'll go make some preparations. You take a rest first. I'll be ready when you wake up." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you and rest." Annie said happily.

Ye Haoxuan gently touched her neck, and Annie fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

"So, are you really sure that you can cure my sister's disease?" Angela asked eagerly.

"Of course, I am sure to cure her disease." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"So, when can we start?"

"You can do it at any time. However, Your Royal Highness, my plan is a bit special. It is different from your Ruidian treatment method. Can you really accept it?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"I can accept it, as long as you can cure my sister's disease." Angela nodded and said, "I just want to know what disease she has."

"Leukemia." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Leukemia? No, Nelson and his colleagues clearly diagnosed sepsis." Angela was surprised.

"It's very simple, they misdiagnosed." Ye Haoxuan said calmly.

"Misdiagnosis, you said I would misdiagnose?"

Ten minutes later, Nelson's roar came from the ward. He stared at his blue eyes and almost wanted to swallow Ye Haoxuan in one gulp.

This is such a bully. This bastard is such a bully. Who is Nelson? He is the chief medical adviser to the Ruidian royal family. He once won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He is also the leading figure in Ruidian, a country where medicine is very advanced.


But this bastard actually said that he would misdiagnose. Could he misdiagnose? Is he someone who could misdiagnose?

"I'm just speaking with facts." Ye Haoxuan shrugged.

He had anticipated the foreigner's extremely frustrated expression, because for a medical authority like Nelson to be called a misdiagnosis, that would be even more serious than greeting his mother in person.

"You bring out evidence. As long as you bring out evidence that the little princess has leukemia, I will apologize to you immediately. Oh, no, I will kneel down and apologize to you. This is the highest etiquette of your Chinese apology." Nelson shouted.


Ye Haoxuan, Gui Lao and others were dumbfounded when they heard this. Is it the highest etiquette to kneel down and apologize? This guy is really funny.

"This report shows that your little princess's hematopoietic stem cells have become malignant and formed a primitive cell clone that has replaced the normal bone marrow. The normal hematopoietic function has failed, and leukemia cells have infiltrated the joints and periosteum. If I guess correctly, the little princess is here a few days ago.

I have had pain in my bones and joints all day long, which is a sign of bone marrow necrosis."

As Ye Haoxuan spoke, he pulled out a report from among the many reports, threw it in front of him and said calmly.

Nelson's heart skipped a beat. He grabbed the report and took a quick look at it. His expression changed dramatically. This report was exactly what he had checked out on the way to China. At that time, the little princess did say that

Joint pain.

But as an alcoholic, Nelson couldn't help but drink some wine that day, so he glanced at it vaguely, remembered it in his mind, turned around and fell asleep, but when he woke up, he

I forgot about this report.

Ye Haoxuan had known that he would ask such a question, so he had read all the reports in detail, and sure enough, he found his omissions.

"I'm going to do a bone marrow examination on the little princess right away, so hurry up." Nelson was dripping with cold sweat. He had basically determined that the little princess did have acute leukemia. If his negligence really led to irreversible consequences,

He is the sinner.

An hour later, the bone marrow examination finally came out. Looking at the detailed reports on those A4 papers, Nelson almost fainted on the ground.

"Nilsson, is that true?" Angela said coldly.

Nelson was startled. He knew the reputation of Princess Angela and all the legends about the princess. His shirt was involuntarily wet with cold sweat.

"Princess, it's my fault. The little princess does have leukemia. I'm sorry, because of my negligence, the little princess has suffered so much. I will apologize to her after I cure her."

"No need, I have decided that Ye will be Annie's primary care physician, and you will be responsible for helping Dr. Ye." Angela said calmly.

"Oh, dear princess, no, you can't do this. Even for the sake of the little princess, you can't let him be the attending physician." Nelson shouted.

"Why? His medical skills are far superior to yours. He can clearly understand Annie's illness without even doing any examination. Can you tell me the reason?" Angela said coldly.

"That's because their traditional Chinese medicine is just a trick to deceive people. I admit that I am not as good as him in some aspects, but the little princess's disease is not an ordinary disease. Can he cure it?" Nelson said angrily.

"That's enough, execute the order..." Angela suddenly turned cold.

"Princess, I can't listen to you on this matter. I can only cure the little princess first and then apologize to you." Nelson said stubbornly.

"Nilsson, why are you doing this?" Angela sighed, because she knew this guy's temper and what he was determined to do, even ten cows couldn't pull him back, but this was related to the safety of her sister, and she absolutely couldn't.

Let him do whatever he wants.

"Dear Princess, as the emperor's chief medical advisor, I am responsible for the health of everyone in the royal family," Nelson said.

"In fact, you have not fulfilled your responsibilities. Because of your misdiagnosis, my sister suffered from the disease. Nelson, if you do not agree, I will revoke your qualifications as chief medical advisor now. Report to Swedish Medicine

The world has announced that you, Nelson, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, will misdiagnose. When the time comes, I don’t need to say more, you should understand what will happen." Angela said calmly.

"Oh, God, no, dear Princess, you can't do this." Nelson was taken aback and finally lost his composure.

If Angela really does that, then he will hardly be able to gain a foothold in the medical world in the future. Listen, Nelson, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, actually misdiagnosed, what about his hard work over the years and the results of the award?

The honor brought to him will no longer exist.

Moreover, he will be rejected by Ruidianhu's medical school. At that time, it would be easier to kill him with a knife.

"If you don't want to be like this, then just do as I say." Angela said calmly.

"Okay, I listen to you..." After weighing for a long time, Nelson finally lowered his head in despair. There is nothing more painful than being unable to practice medicine. This princess is so cruel.

"Dear Ye, you will be solely responsible for my sister's affairs from now on. I hope you can give me a healthy sister as soon as possible." Angela said sincerely.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Princess, I promise that within a week, I will be able to give you a healthy sister." Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"One week, Ye, when you say one week, is it a course of treatment?" Angela asked in surprise.

"No, I said a week is a complete cure." Ye Haoxuan said seriously.

"Fart, he's talking nonsense, he's talking nonsense." Anison couldn't remain calm anymore.

"A week? Are you kidding me? Can you find a matching bone marrow in a week? Can you do a bone marrow transplant in a week? Are you going to have chemotherapy? Oh my God, sweet little princess, how can you

Can you bear to let her suffer like this?"

Anison became more and more excited as he spoke: "You don't know how to cure leukemia at all, you liar. Anyone with a little bit of medical knowledge knows that it is impossible to cure leukemia within a week. Let's not talk about the success rate of bone marrow transplantation. After transplantation,

How many years are left in the assimilation period, and what’s the recurrence rate?”

"I'm sorry, I haven't said that I want a bone marrow transplant." Ye Haoxuan looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"You, you, what did you say?"

While talking about you three times, Anison was completely frightened by Ye Haoxuan. Is this guy a lunatic?

Currently, bone marrow transplantation is the best treatment for people suffering from leukemia. Does he not want to transplant bone marrow? What does he want to do? Could it be that he has mastered the technology of bone marrow repair? This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

"You are a liar. Apart from bone marrow transplantation, can you tell me what other methods can cure this disease?"

This chapter has been completed!
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