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Chapter 677 Harvest

Chapter 677 Harvest

Ye Haoxuan wanted to carry the basket by himself, but the little girl refused to say anything. There were more than ten kilograms of wild fruits and other things in the basket that was a full head taller than her. If an ordinary little girl really couldn't carry it.

But this little girl was walking in front with a basket on her back without even frowning. The children of the poor had already taken charge, which made Ye Haoxuan look at this little girl with admiration.

When they arrived at the camp where the tent was set up, they saw that everyone had just put their bowls on the table and were ready to eat. Well, they were also here to investigate the results, but they were treated so well with Ye Haoxuan. It was really annoying to compare them to each other.

Ye Haoxuan and his wife were given a meal of game, and there were green and healthy fruit snacks after the meal. This kind of treatment was really far behind.

"Xiaoye, let's have something together." Jiang Lili stood up and said with a smile.

"No, I've already eaten. Sister Jiang, Mr. Wang, the humidity in the mountains is too heavy. I'll go to the mountains over there to collect some medicine and make it for everyone to drink instead of tea. After drinking it, you won't feel so sleepy when you wake up."

Yes, the humidity in the mountains is too high and it is easy to get sick." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"That's good, Xiaoye, don't tell me, I've been feeling soreness in my waist and back since I came here. My old bones can't stand the torment, so the health of our group is up to you." Wang Xueyi said with a smile.

"It's okay, these are fruit snacks sent by the villagers. I'll bring some for everyone to try." Ye Haoxuan took the big basket behind Niu Niu and said.

"Hey, okay, thank you Dr. Ye." A foodie on the side lit up and quickly took the bamboo basket from Ye Haoxuan's hand and distributed it to everyone.

"Okay, let's have a meal, and I'll go for a walk in the mountains." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Xiaoye, do you know the road? Don't find the way back." Jiang Lili said doubtfully.

Although this mountain is not big, because Wuyuan Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and some places have strange mountains and dangerous cliffs, people who don't know the way really can't walk around here.

"It's okay, there's a little guide here." Ye Haoxuan pointed to Niu Niu.

"Well, go ahead and do your work. You will be responsible for our health." Jiang Lili said with a smile.

Ye Haoxuan nodded, and then followed Niu Niu towards the south hillside.

Although the village is not big, the area surrounded by mountains is quite large, especially the mountain in the south, with its strange peaks, and the towering ancient trees on the mountain form a small forest, where there is a lot of game. Usually the people of Wuyuan Village

When I have nothing to do, I go here to hunt.

Although Niu Niu is not that big, she walks very smoothly as she grew up in the mountains. She holds a sickle in her hand and opens a path in front of her while walking, cutting down the weeds, thorns and other things on the roadside.


Ye Haoxuan and Tang Bing followed behind. Although Niu Niu was not very old, children in the mountains generally became parents early. This was Tang Bing's first time in such a deep mountain place and he was very curious about everything around him.

"Niuniu, can you eat this wild fruit?" Tang Bing asked, pointing to the fruit on an unknown tree.

The unknown wild fruits on this tree are bright red and crystal clear, which is really endearing.

"No, that fruit is called Ma Tao here. It is inedible. People will have big tongues after eating it. Well, this one is edible." Niu Niu smiled and pointed at the fruit on the other side that looked extremely green.

refer to.

"This... you can tell at a glance that it must be very sour." Tang Bing shook his head quickly.

"Haha, this is very sour, but the sour taste stimulates body fluids and quenches thirst when eaten. I usually pick a few pigweeds and eat them when I feel thirsty. Once I eat them, I am no longer thirsty." Niu Niu said with a smile.

"Like this? Let me try." Tang Bing stepped forward, picked off a few fruits, wiped them, and then gently bit them with the tips of his teeth.

A sour taste surged up from the tips of her teeth and spread all over her tongue in an instant. As Niu Niu said, the sour taste stimulated body fluids, and Tang Bing felt as if her mouth was full of sour water.

"Ah... it's too sour." Tang Bing vomited it out quickly, took a bottle of mineral water and opened it to rinse his mouth.

"Don't you women like to eat sour food?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"You are the only one who likes to eat sour food. You are a pregnant woman, okay? You are a doctor and you don't understand this bit of common sense." Tang Bing rolled her eyes at him and said.

"Then it seems we haven't taken any measures." Ye Haoxuan whispered into her ear, and then traced her abdomen intentionally or unintentionally.

"I'm counting the days." Tang Bing's face turned slightly red and he pinched Ye Haoxuan's arm involuntarily.

"Ahem, when will you give birth?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"Wait a minute, it seems that the royal empress has not been snatched away yet. Are you thinking about getting the prince?" Tang Bing said angrily.

Hearing the resentment in her words, Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly and quickly changed the topic.

After a while, several people arrived halfway up the mountain. Niu Niu suddenly ran behind a big tree, bent down, and picked up a fat hare from the ground.

The hare's head hung to one side, and a thin steel wire was tied around its neck. Apparently, this wire was what made it fatal.

"Why are there rabbits here?" Tang Bing asked in surprise.

"This is the set I set yesterday, and then it hit the top and was caught. I originally came to close the set this morning, but I got up late."

Niu Niu said and took out the thin steel wire from the hare's neck. Only then did Ye Haoxuan and Tang Bing see clearly. It turned out that there was a small wooden stake nailed to the ground. The wooden stake was stretched with steel wire to form a simple


At night, the hare passed by the snare, and its neck was wrapped in it. Although this kind of snare was simple, the snare tightened the more it pulled on it, and finally it was strangled to death here.

The people in the mountains are simple and honest. There are actually many villagers coming and going on this road, and there are also people who found this rabbit. However, this trap was not set by yourself, and no one touched it. So even if Niu Niu comes in the afternoon, no one will steal her prey.


Niuniu threw the hare into the bamboo basket behind her, then rolled up the harness and pulled out the wooden stake.

"Aren't you going to stay here as a wooden pile?" Ye Haoxuan asked curiously.

"No, this thing is a thief. As long as one of the traps is caught, the others will never move from this position. They will have to wait until it gets dark to find another place to set the traps." Niu Niu explained.

"So that's it, this thing is really smart." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

Niu Niu took two people and continued walking up the mountain. There were quite a lot of medicinal materials on the mountain. You could see several kinds at a glance, but most of them were ordinary medicinal materials. What Ye Haoxuan was looking for was 'Acanthopanax bark'.

' and 'clematis' are two herbs.

This kind of herbal medicine is one of the two common ones in the mountains. Within a short while, Ye Haoxuan collected enough herbs and put them in the big bamboo basket behind Niu Niu.

Along the way, Niu Niu used a sickle to hit pigweed. Now the bamboo basket behind her was filled with more than half of the pigweed, which seemed to be quite heavy.

Ye Hao

Although he had collected enough herbs, Ye Haoxuan had no plans to go back. He wanted to take this opportunity to wander around the mountains, maybe he could find some good things.

Before they knew it, several people had reached the top of the mountain. In front of them was the small forest. Niu Niu said that there were wild boars in the forest and sometimes ferocious animals would appear, so Ye Haoxuan had no intention of going in.

There was an open space in front of the forest, covered with shrubs. Ye Haoxuan glanced to the left, and his eyes lit up involuntarily. In his perception, there was a subtle fluctuation of spiritual energy in the six o'clock direction in front of him.

They must be some precious herbs, because only those relatively precious herbs, such as Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng, can have such fluctuations in spiritual power.

In fact, strictly speaking, these things are spiritual things. If they are not discovered and allowed to grow for thousands of years, they can become spirits. However, only a few can become spirits. Except for the records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, no one has really seen it.


Because their medicinal value is extremely high, someone discovered and picked them before they could mature.

Ye Haoxuan stepped forward and carefully opened the bushes, only to see a plant with four leaves among them.

"Wow, it's such a big Panax notoginseng. Judging from the year, it should be quite big." Tang Bing asked in surprise.

"It's been at least ten years, haha, what a good thing." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile. When he came to the mountain, he borrowed a shovel from a villager's house, and he carefully dug out the Panax notoginseng plant.

The rhizome of Panax notoginseng can be used as medicine. It tastes sweet, slightly bitter, warm in nature, and has many functions. It is best used for dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Ye Haoxuan dug up the Panax notoginseng and put it in the bamboo basket behind Niu Niu. Niu Niu only packed half of the basket with pigweed in order for Ye Haoxuan to put in herbs and other things.

After digging out the Panax notoginseng, Ye Haoxuan was sweeping it to the other side. His eyes lit up and he saw another wave of spiritual energy. Ye Haoxuan stepped forward and pulled out the weeds and saw that it was a Rehmannia glutinosa plant.

Although the open space in front of the forest is not big, there are many herbs, many of which are relatively rare. It is really a treasure house. Ye Haoxuan has the guts to find someone to dig through the entire mountain again.


However, considering that this mountain is still in its original ecology and has not undergone any artificial transformation, Ye Haoxuan gave up the idea. People nowadays are only interested in profit. Mountains with original natural scenery like this are really rare.

He couldn't bear to destroy the nature here, and he was also unwilling to destroy the innocence in the hearts of the villagers here.

Look at the many herbs that have been collected. Although these herbs can be cultivated artificially, their efficacy will be greatly reduced, so wild ones are better. Just when Ye Haoxuan was about to go home, he caught a glimpse of the cliff on one side.

The last wave of strong spiritual energy came.

This chapter has been completed!
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