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Chapter 988: Lecture on Health Preservation

Chapter 988 Health Lecture

"Yes, yes, I have had two miscarriages... Dr. Ye, can I still have a baby?" The young woman was surprised at first, and then asked excitedly.

She had heard various rumors about Ye Haoxuan and knew that he was a man who was good at creating miracles, so she had full expectations for Ye Haoxuan.

"Of course you can, but the time is limited. After the meeting, you can go to the Chinese medicine clinic. Any old Chinese medicine doctor can help you give birth to your child safely." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Thank you, Doctor Ye." The young woman said excitedly. She wiped away the tears of excitement from the corners of her eyes and listened to Ye Haoxuan continue to diagnose the disease.

"You have a dual personality. In your husband's eyes, sometimes you are gentle and lovely, and sometimes you are unreasonable, right?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"Yes..." The young woman's face flushed slightly and she lowered her head involuntarily.

"That's because your mother was probably pregnant with twins, but your sister died unexpectedly when she was born, so you inherited her character. You are the gentle and sweet side, and your sister is the unreasonable one." Ye Haoxuan said.


"Ah..." The young woman covered her mouth in surprise. Her mother was indeed twins when she was pregnant, but they died just after birth. She also heard her mother talk about this matter, but few people knew about it.

Even her husband didn't know, how did Ye Haoxuan know? Is it really possible to know about her relatives through pulse diagnosis, as he said?

"Your father passed away three years ago from myocardial infarction." Ye Haoxuan said again.

"You have a younger brother. If his pulse is correct, he has been weak and sick since he was a child. He cannot live without medicine. He gradually got better after he was sixteen years old."

"Yes, Dr. Ye, everything you said is right, how did you know?" the young woman asked excitedly.

"A person's pulse can inherit a person's past and future, past and present lives. This is what Taoist Feng Shui metaphysics says. Although these things are not as magical as the legends say, they are definitely not groundless." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile, and he motioned to the young woman that she could

Went down.

"With all due respect, dear Dr. Ye, I don't believe that your medical skills are so miraculous. She couldn't be a bastard you hired from outside," said a foreign reporter holding a microphone.

This reporter is tall and thin, and is a reporter from the famous Columbia Broadcasting Association. His questions expressed the aspirations of most people. Although there was nothing wrong with Ye Haoxuan’s diagnosis, he was still powerless. What if the woman had found him in advance?

Where's the good care?

"If you don't believe it, you can come up and try it." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

He was not angry at the foreigner's behavior, because foreigners just liked to be more serious. He had no ill intentions and was just explaining his doubts. In fact, Ye Haoxuan also knew that most people did not believe what had happened just now.

"Okay, I'll go up and try." The foreigner excitedly handed the microphone to his companion, then ran to the stage and stretched out his hands to Ye Haoxuan.

"Before taking your pulse, let me tell you about your face. Haha, I know a little bit about physiognomy. Although I'm not very proficient in it, I can still tell you about it." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm very happy." The foreigner shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent?

"This may involve your privacy, are you sure?" Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"Of course, if what you said is right, I don't mind apologizing to you. You can tell me everything you see, and I will publish it to the CBS Association word for word." said the foreigner.

"That's good." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly, pointed at the foreigner's face and said: "Your eyelids are downward, there are beads on your lips, the outline of the flywheel, and the bridge of your nose is knotted."

"Why? What do you mean?" The foreigner was confused.

"Let me explain the meaning of downward eyelids first." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: "In physiognomy, most men with downward eyelids will match old wives and are afraid of their wives. If you are right, your wife is at least older than you.

At ten years old, I think you often kneel down at the keyboard because you are late coming home."

Ye Haoxuan's words silenced the scene for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Everyone stared at the foreigner, watching how he answered.

"Am I right? Your Lord is watching from heaven. You can't lie." Ye Haoxuan sealed the foreigner's denial path with one sentence. The guy wore a cross around his neck, and Ye Haoxuan concluded that he was a fanatical believer.

Sure enough, the foreigner felt as if he had eaten a fly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, you are right. It fits my life very well, but maybe it was an accident."

"Let's talk about the second point. You have beads on your lips and there is flesh at the tip of your upper lip. This shows that you are very eloquent. If I am right, you are a well-known clever talker on your radio station." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"That's right, I am indeed very eloquent." The foreigner's expression softened a little and he said somewhat smugly.

"Here, your ear cartilage protrudes, which shows that you are outgoing. You must have extraordinary connections." Ye Haoxuan said again.

"Yes, David has the best connections in our radio station." In the audience, the foreigner's companions rushed to answer.

"What else?" the foreigner stared at Ye Haoxuan and asked.

"Also, you have a knot in the bridge of your nose. People with this kind of face will have troubles in their marriage. You got married early, but your face is not suitable for early marriage. You have been divorced, and there is a faint green light between your eyebrows.

The reason for your divorce is that your wife cheated on you, right?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"You..." The foreigner's expression was extremely ugly.

"Jesus is watching from heaven." Ye Haoxuan pointed upward and made a sign of the cross, which instantly blocked the foreigner's mouth and made the foreigner run away.

"I haven't checked your pulse yet." Ye Haoxuan shouted at the foreigner's back.

"Cake seller, I don't want you to take your pulse. You are the devil. You must be the devil." The foreigner ran to his original position as if he had seen a ghost and did not dare to show his head again.

A burst of warm applause instantly erupted from the crowd. This foreigner could not be a bastard. He was one of the top ten TV reporters in the world. There was no way he could be Ye Haoxuan's bastard, so he was very convinced by Ye Haoxuan's words.

"A little ditty, just like things like fortune telling just now, if you believe it, it exists, if you don't believe it, it doesn't exist. If it has existed, it has the value of its existence, just like the decline of traditional Chinese medicine." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Dr. Ye, why did traditional Chinese medicine decline?" a reporter asked.

"For various reasons, as we all know, Chinese medicine has always been passed down from family to family. In ancient times, Chinese medicine was passed down from master to disciple. However, Chinese people like to hide their secrets for fear that the disciple will learn it and starve the master to death. This is how our Chinese medicine works from generation to generation.

Didn’t fall down.”

Ye Hao

, and will be implemented nationwide.”

Some people in the audience raised their hands.

Ye Haoxuan pointed forward and said: "Sixth row, tenth audience member, please ask a question."

The person who was also called was a woman with a child. She stood up and said, "Dr. Ye, I have a question. Do you need to learn Qigong to carry out Chinese medicine courses?"

"Yes, this kind of qigong will be used when performing acupuncture in the future. Ancient Chinese medicine uses qi to control acupuncture, and the effect is very good." Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"But I have some doubts. Is the so-called qigong real? Aren't these things made up?"

"Of course it's true." Ye Haoxuan gestured to the people in the audience, "Turn off the loudspeaker."

The staff in the audience stepped forward and turned off the loudspeaker. Ye Haoxuan's actions made everyone present a little confused. There were more than a thousand people in the venue. Even if they were in good order, they would remain silent, but they would make sounds whenever they moved.

,Besides, how loud is his voice alone? How far can he shout without a loudspeaker?

"What I use now is qigong to make my voice spread far away. Of course, there is still a long way to go before I can reach my level."

While everyone was wondering, Ye Haoxuan's voice clearly reached the ears of everyone in the venue, which surprised everyone. What kind of qigong is this? Is it a lion's roar?

The woman nodded and said, "But I'm worried that this kind of qigong is difficult to learn. My child is about to enter the first grade. I'm worried that he won't be able to learn it at such a young age, and will he become obsessed with it?"

"Your worries are unnecessary. Ancient Chinese medicine doctors generally used Qi to control needles. They started from elementary school, which made ancient Chinese medicine in China very popular. As for being possessed by evil spirits, this is even more nonsense.


Ye Hao

Master Zuo will explain it to you. Next, I invite Master Zuo Hongtian, the vice president of the Beijing Qigong Association."

An old man dressed as a Kung Fu practitioner walked onto the stage. Although this old man was old, he was in excellent spirits. There were almost no wrinkles on his forehead, giving him the image of a tall man with long hair and a childish face.

Moreover, when he walked to the front of the stage, he did not take the steps. Instead, he jumped lightly from the front of the stage, and his body floated gently and landed steadily on the conference stage.

Everyone at the scene opened their mouths in surprise. The conference stage was built at least two meters high. Even young people couldn't jump up easily. But this old man looked so old, but he was so young.

He jumped up easily, a master, an absolute master.

It has to be said that Zuo Hongtian's move instantly shocked everyone present. Coupled with his childlike appearance, his image of a master instantly took root in everyone's hearts.

Those who responded quickly immediately took out their mobile phones and searched for the old man's name. After a while, the identity of the old man was revealed in the encyclopedia. He was a descendant of a certain Qigong family and the vice president of the Beijing Qigong Association. This series of

The name is enough to dazzle everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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